LEVEL TWO: Lisa Simmelink
2019 Documents

 Level Two Materials Packet


Tutorials: The materials below are old but may be helpful.

(Our site may have changed a bit from the one described in the tutorials but the instruction is still on target!)

Electronic Retrieval System

Retrieval System Introduction

Finding documents related to the Electronic Retrieval System (ERS)

Properties of the ERS

Inputting Data in the ERS

Sorting and Filtering Data in the ERS

Adding and Deleting Columns in the ERS

MS Excel 2007 ERS

MS Excel 1997-2003 ERS

More Sorting and Filtering Options in the ERS

Electronic Retreival System (ERS) (Feel free to use this blank ERS with the suggested column names or revise as needed)

Retrieval Data Entry Suggestions

Analysis Tutorials: NOTE These videos are outdated but still helpful.

Song Analysis Video 1 - Basics

Song Analysis Video 2 - Stick Notation

Song Analysis Video 3 - Tone Set and Scale

Song Analysis Video 4 - Form, Meter, and Game

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