Have You Heard?

There have been a number of changes in the Graduate School over the past year! We said goodbye to our associate dean Kerry Wilks and our admissions staff members Gail Allen and Rebekah Wagenbach, and welcomed Vanna Souriya and Sally Spina as our new admissions staff members, Kaysey Richardson as our marketing and communication coordinator,  and Dr. Enrique Navarro as our new associate dean! 

We have received feedback from faculty and staff that have led us to make changes to several policies and processes - so keep your suggestions coming! We are always happy to review any policy or process to make sure it is still meeting the needs of the graduate student community. 

In other exciting news, our own Connie Owens received the President's Distinguished Service Award this past spring, and Denise Gimlin will be serving as the University Staff Senate President for the 2022-2023 academic year! 

Please expand the sections below for details on important changes that have been put into place, and updates and reminders on various items.