RN to BSN Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I don't live in Kansas or Wichita, can I still apply?
Q: How do I apply?
Q: When can I apply?

Q: Is program acceptance easy?
Q: Will you evaluate my transcript before I apply to see what credits will transfer?

Q: How many credits are accepted from other colleges?
Q: What options are available if I am unable to complete all my prerequisites?
Q: What do I need to graduate?
Q: Are all of the courses online?

Q: Is there a clinical requirement for this degree?
Q: How long will it take to complete the program?

Q: Will I be able to drop out a semester or two and still be able to complete my degree?
Q: What is the cost per credit hour?

Q: What can I expect from my RN to BSN advisor?
Q: Is online learning right for me?
Q: What technology do I need for this program?
Q: What are the advantages of earning my BSN?
Q: Does WSU offer a program for Certified Nurse Assistants (CNA) or Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN)?
Q: How can I get additional information about the RN to BSN program?

» Have a question about the program that's not in the list above? Let us know.

Q: I don't live in Kansas or Wichita. Can I still apply?

WSU is accepting applications from anyone living in the state of Kansas. Although not all states are able to be considered at this moment, WSU is authorized to admit students from the following states:

  • California
  • Colorado
  • Illinois
  • Kansas
  • Missouri
  • Nebraska
  • Oklahoma
  • Texas
  • Wisconsin

The number of states WSU is authorized to admit is rapidly increasing. Check with WSU's Office of Online and Adult Learning, call (316) 978-7332 or email RNtoBSN@wichita.edu to see if your state is included in the list.

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Q: How do I apply?

First, students need to be admitted to the university. The application for admission to WSU is available online.

Once admitted to WSU, students can apply for admission to the RN to BSN program. The RN to BSN application is available online.

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Q: When can I apply?

Applications for the fall semester are due Aug. 1. Applications for the spring semester are due Jan. 1.

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Q: Is program acceptance easy?

Yes. Those meeting the qualifications will be accepted. To be considered admissible, applicants must have:

  • 2.50 GPA
  • 2.00 GPA/C average on all required prerequisite courses
  • Work experience: applicants who are five or more years out from RN graduation must show proof of 1,000 work hours in the last three years.

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Q: Will you evaluate my transcript before I apply to see what credits will transfer?

Transcript evaluation will begin once a student is accepted to WSU and transcripts have been mailed to the university as part of your admissions application file. Transcript evaluation can take several months to complete. Students can still enroll in courses while transcripts are being evaluated.

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Q: How many credits are accepted from other colleges?

You must provide transcripts from any college or university you have attended, regardless of how long ago you attended. Credits will be evaluated for transfer to WSU.

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Q: What options are available if I am unable to complete all my prerequisites?

If you have not completed all prerequisites for the program, contact your RN to BSN advisor to explore your options.

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Q: What do I need to graduate?

To graduate with a BSN degree from WSU, you must:

  • Complete 124 hours to graduate, 60 of those credit hours must be from a four-year university
  • Complete the last 24 of 30 credit hours at WSU
  • Have an associate's degree in nursing from an accredited program or be a diploma nurse

Students meeting the above criteria are eligible to receive nursing credit up to 25 hours (retroactive credits) of ADN coursework upon successful completion of the degree requirements. These credits count toward the required 60 credit hours from a four-year university. Students wanting to receive this credit will need to pay a $50 administrative fee during their final semester in the program.

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Q: Are all of the courses online?

Yes. The program in completely online.

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Q: Is there a clinical requirement for this degree?

There is one clinical requirement in the program. Nursing Leadership Practicum for the Practicing RN is two credit hours. It is last course in the program and is taken the semester you graduate. Clinical practicum will be arranged in an agency in your home state.

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Q: How long will it take to complete the program?

Degree completion times vary from student to student. Standard time to complete the program is 18 months. Students can take up to six years to complete this program. The amount of time it will take you depends on three factors:

  1. The number of credit hours that transfer to WSU.
  2. The amount of time you wish to spend on your program each semester.
  3. Your self-motivation and determination.

Many students proceed through the program at a rapid pace, don't assume doing so is easy. WSU programs are quite rigorous. A successful student will invest 12 to 18 hours per week, per class. Your pace is yours to determine. Your advisor can assist you in developing a personalized estimate of your time to completion.

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Q: Will I be able to drop out a semester or two and still complete my degree?

A student can "stop out" for one or more semesters and re-enter to complete the courses in the program. Keep in mind that all coursework needs to be completed within six years of your start date.

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Q: What is the cost per credit hour?

$291.65 per credit hour. Additional fees may apply. Fees subject to change.

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Q: What can I expect from my RN to BSN advisor?

A dedicated advisor will:

  • Respond to questions about the admissions process and degree requirements
  • Make referrals to appropriate faculty for questions related to specific courses
  • Review transcripts and work with you on transfer credits
  • Assist you in developing a plan of study and registering for classes

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Q: Is online learning right for me?

To determine if online learning is the right fit for you, view our Learning Style Comparison Chart.

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Q: What technology do I need for this program?

Learn more about computer skills and preparation needed for online courses at WSU.

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Q: What are the advantages of earning my BSN?

In their report, "The Future of Nursing," The Institute of Medicine has recommended increasing the proportion of nurses with a baccalaureate degree to 80 percent by 2020. Many hospitals are also recommending their nurses be baccalaureate prepared.

This value-added program builds on the skills learned in a registered nurse's previous nursing educational program. The BSN expands an RN's knowledge base to provide a means for continued advancement in the profession, and to meet necessary requirements for pursuing a graduate degree in nursing.

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Q: Does WSU offer a program for Certified Nurse Assistants (CNA) or Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN)?

The School of Nursing does not offer any programs for CNA or LPN candidates. Those who possess active CNA or LPN licensure are considered undergraduate students pursuing a degree in either the traditional or accelerated BSN program tracks.

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Q: How can I get additional information about the RN to BSN program?

All prospective candidates may contact our RN to BSN advisor with any questions or concerns.
Phone: (316) 978-7332
Toll-free: (844) 827-3828
Email: RNtoBSN@wichita.edu

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