WuShock at Graduation.

Graduating Honors Student Survey

We are incredibly proud of the work that you have done and excited for the adventures that await you!

Please answer the questions below to help us increase our effectiveness. We will continue to send you surveys in the future. The information you provide will allow us measure the impact of the Dorothy & Bill Cohen Honors College. We hope to use your feedback in future grant applications for funding. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

Where will you be living next?
What is next for you?*
My College Advisor for my major:*
Would you be interested in mentoring Honors students in the future?*
Honors is guided by the mission and values stated in the College Charter. Please consider the following elements of Honors and think about how your Honors experience helped advance these aims.
I developed confidence in my ability to understand and discuss complex ideas.*
I developed confidence in my ability to understand and discuss complex texts.*
I developed confidence in my ability to engage in problem solving.*
I developed confidence in my ability to use library research tools.*
I developed confidence in my ability to engage in research design.*
I developed confidence in my ability to work effectively in groups of diverse people.*
I made connections between disciplines.*
I felt part of a community of scholars.*
I learned to apply new knowledge and skills in meaningful ways that will help me succeed in my professional and personal life in college.*