Limit: 300 Words (No more than 1 page)

Title: The title should be brief (limited to 15 words) and typed in ALL CAPS

Participant(s): Full name(s) of participant(s)

Affiliation: Department and College

Text: The abstract should be single spaced and contain the following information. Abstracts are limited to 300 words or less.

For poster presentations:
1) statement of research question(s)
2) statement of the study's methods
3) findings and interpretations
4) summary and/or conclusion

Abstracts must be submitted electronically via the on-line submission form. Hard copies of abstracts will not be accepted.

Deadline: URCAF abstracts should be submitted by Friday, March 29, 2024. Please keep in mind that the abstracts can describe research in progress, not necessarily research that is completed at the time of abstract submission.

*Undergraduates are encouraged to work with their mentors to develop a well-written abstract.

The text of the abstract should range from 150 - 300 words. The abstract should include a brief introduction to the study or project, a discussion of the methods used in the study, and a summary of the results or conclusions. If the work is still in progress and a summary of results or conclusions would be premature, the abstract should address the types of analyses that will be performed and how they are anticipated to address the research problem.

Submit your abstract here.