Kylie Johnson, OneStop associate director, assists a student with applying to Wichita State.

There are a large amount of dates incoming college students need to know in order to be prepared for scholarships, financial aid, and housing. We have a handy list of the most important deadlines to be aware of before freshman year hits.

Applying to Wichita State.

Fall is the time for back-to-school, high school football and, more importantly, deadlines for college. These tools can help keep track of important scholarship details.

Wichita State graduates.

Earning a degree is a huge investment and one that should not be taken lightly. It begs the question - is it worth the return?

Adult student at Wichita State.

Did you know there are scholarships and financial aid options available as an adult learner? This guide breaks down paths to funding your degree.

Students during the first day of classes.

From a Shocker grad, here are the best tips for navigating the first day of classes at Wichita State. From making sure you know where to park, to meeting new people, this guide is here to help new students find comfort on campus.

Elsie Hernandez, diversity recruiter, talks with students during an event.

College Fairs are a great opportunity to meet representatives from several institutions all in one place. Is there a fair being hosted near you? Here are a few helpful tips to make it a productive and fun experience!

First-generation college students at Wichita State.

First-generation college students make up a large portion of Wichita State's population. As such, it is important to share some valuable tips and suggestions for students to find success.

Adult student at Wichita State.

Wichita State is recognized as one of the top institutions in the nation for returning adult education. Here are a few ways adult students can get started and thrive as a Shocker.

First Day of School #WichitaState

It is easy to get information overload while beginning the college search process. Here are a few key tips for when you and your student begin the journey.

New Student Orientation

From a current student to new incoming Shockers, here are some important things to note for Orientation, including some favorite parts.Summer Orientation is an important first step in your college journey.