These are the Snippet Guides
This is the Rich Link List Snippet, btw
You can put freeform text in here to describe your links ith the Rich Link List. Ironically,
it doesn't work very well. It has a header field that is ignored and there links that
are created don't have the right format — they need empty spans on them but the WYSIWYG
editor removes empty spans. The spans create the trailing ››
Rich Link List
Et quas natus ad.
Alcatra flank hamb Consequatur dolores quasi voluptates laudantium qui libero id id veritatis aut accusamus
et perspiciatis necessitatibus iusto id qui consequatur sunt ratione exercitationem
illum. Nobis quia non aut harum et expedita cupiditate nesciunt rerum ad repellendus
sapiente at.