
Dr. J. Ian Tennant teaches courses on reporting, history and theory, media writing and news media business models.

His research focuses on newspaper mergers, news media business models, free newspapers, transnational news, media history, international journalism practices and journalism in film. He is the author of a chapter in The Future of News: An Agenda of Perspectives and his research has appeared in journals and at conferences.

Dr. Tennant has more than 35 years of experience as a reporter, photographer, copy editor and editor with newspapers, weeklies and dailies, in Canada, Texas and England.


Ph.D. University of Texas at Austin (2014)
M.A. University of Texas at Austin (1999)
B.A. University of Alberta (1992)

Classes taught

  • COMM 301 Writing for the Mass Audience 
  • COMM 321 Introduction to Film
  • COMM 401 Reporting the News
  • COMM 500 Advanced News and Feature Writing
  • COMM 631 History and Theoretical Issues in Communication
  • COMM 662V Communication Entrepreneurship