The Health Systems Engineering (HSE) Laboratory provides resources and expertise for the design analysis, and improvement of healthcare systems.
In particular, the HSE lab supports teaching and research activities led by IME students and faculty involving:
- healthcare operations analysis, standardization and improvement,
- optimization of resource planning and allocation decisions,
- analytics applications to healthcare quality and risk management,
- and medical decision making.
Analytical tools employed include statistical data analysis, data mining techniques, design and analysis of experiments, digital simulation, and mathematical programming. The HSE lab also supports data collection and analysis efforts involving time studies, work sampling, and process mapping and standardization in healthcare settings.
- features Dr. Cure's article studying the impact of the placement of hand sanitizer dispensers on staff compliance.
- The July 2015 issue of the IIE Industrial Engineer Magazine features Dr. Salari's article on Combining chemotherapy with radiotherapy for the best results.