Current Research Projects

    In the robotics and Control Laboratory in the Mechanical Engineering Department at WSU, fundamental and applied research are conducted in articulated mechanisms, robotic systems, and controls with an application-driven thrusts on exoskeletons for rehabilitation and human-robot interactions. Specifically, we are working to advance the state of knowledge regarding: (1) the capture and representation of the effective workspace of a human limb for rehabilitation, (2) robot synthesis techniques to handle the multifaceted problems associated with complex human biological joint and alignment challenges; and (3) the human physiological information related to the human-robot interaction (HRI) during rehabilitation to inspire prescription and controlled interventions.

Advancing the impact of robot-based therapeutic Interventions in healthcare system

An integrated exoskeleton design strategy that permits the complex 3D motions of a human limb/joints independent of anatomical measures and landmarks. This is aimed to address the fitting and alignment issues which partly caused by simplifying the human biological joint and trying to mimic and align human-to-robot joints. Through the NSF grant (Award # 1915872), the team utilized human motion capture data and advanced kinematic synthesis techniques to design new task-based exoskeletons and joint-based exoskeletons. Prototypes and software simulations are utilized for the assessment . 


Integration of EMG-based learning and adaptive Control for an Exoskeleton Assist-as-Needed Support System.  We have developed an algorithm which can  help to learn the patients progress through their muscle activities and determine the level of assistance needed.

