Athletics Prevention Ambassadors

Student-Athletes tend to minimize mental disorders or psychological distress because of the expectations of strength, stability and "mental toughness" inherent in the sports culture. We are here to help! 

The Athletics branch of the Prevention Ambassadors exists to promote health, wellness, and mental health awareness within WSU athletics. We aim to raise awareness about student-athlete mental health, as well as provide support and resources to help. 

According to a study conducted by NCAA Research in 2020, student-athletes mental health continues to be impacted by COVID-19. This study shows the mental health concerns of student-athletes during the pandemic. 

NCAA COVID-19 statistics regarding mental health concerns in student-athletes


Please provide your name.
Which area(s) do you feel you could contribute the most to within Athletics Prevention Ambassadors? *
The program consists of weekly seminars during the Spring and Fall 2022 semesters, all on Fridays from 11:30am to 1:00pm. Making a commitment to prompt and complete attendance to all seminars is required. Are you able to attend these meetings?*