Flooding and Water Damage

If a water leak occurs:

  1. Remain calm.
  2. Call the Gaddis Physical Plant service desk, Mon- Fri 7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at 978-3444 immediately to report the exact location and severity of the leak. After business hours and on weekends call the University Police Department (UPD) at 978-3450 or 911 (Campus telephone).
  3. Use extreme caution. Do not use any electrical appliances or outlets near the leak. Evacuate the area.
  4. urn the water source off if you are confident of your ability to stop it - i.e., unclog the drain; turn off the water, etc.
  5. Protect objects that are in jeopardy. Take essential steps to avoid or reduce immediate water damage, such as covering objects with plastic sheeting or moving small or light objects out of danger.