2024 Poster Competition

As you review the posters, please keep in mind the following criteria (Content; Appearance; Continuity).

You will be invited to vote in-person at the 28th Annual McNair Closing Sympoisum. If you are unable to attend the event, we invite you to submit a vote electronically. Advance voting ends Thursday, July 27th at noon.

Review the posters and vote for the poster you feel best meets the criteria (Content, Appearance, Continuity). Votes may be submitted through the form at the bottom of this page.

  1. Undergraduate Research Poster 1
  2. Undergraduate Research Poster 2
  3. Undergraduate Research Poster 3
  4. Undergraduate Research Poster 4
  5. Undergraduate Research Poster 5
  6. Undergraduate Research Poster 6
  7. Undergraduate Research Poster 7
  8. Undergraduate Research Poster 8
  9. Undergraduate Research Poster 9
  10. Undergraduate Research Poster 10
  11. Undergraduate Research Poster 9
  12. Undergraduate Research Poster 9
  13. Undergraduate Research Poster 9