I. Goal clarification/commitment to graduate education:
1. As a result of my participation in the McNair Scholars Program, I have become more confident in my educational goals.*
2. As a result of my participation in the McNair Scholars Program, I have gained a better understanding of the application process for graduate school.*
3. As a result of my participation in the McNair Scholars Program, I have stayed focused and remained enrolled in school.*

II. Graduate skill development:
1. As a result of my participation in the McNair Scholars Program, I have improved my research skills.*
2. As a result of my participation in the McNair Scholars Program, I have improved my test-taking skills.*
3. As a result of my participation in the McNair Scholars Program, I have improved my writing skills.*
4. As a result of my participation in the McNair Scholars Program, I have improved my presentation skills.*
5. As a result of my participation in the McNair Scholars Program, I have improved my time management skills.*
6. As a result of my participation in the McNair Scholars Program, I have improved my study skills.*

III. Graduate preparation:
1. As a result of my participation in the McNair Scholars Program, I have increased awareness of values, attitudes, interests, and abilities regarding graduate school.*
2. As a result of my participation in the McNair Scholars Program, I have learned how to fund my graduate education.*
3. As a result of my participation in the McNair Scholars Program, I have created and improved campus relationships through mentoring and advising.*
4. As a result of my participation in the McNair Scholars Program, I have learned to prioritize and use my organizational skills.*

IV. Knowledge of graduate program selection/application process:
1. As a result of my participation in the McNair Scholars Program, I have increased my awareness of graduate school opportunities.*
2. As a result of my participation in the McNair Scholars Program, I have obtained information on financial aid, scholarships, and assistantships*
3. As a result of my participation in the McNair Scholars Program, I have improved my undergraduate GPA.*

V. McNair student activities:
1. Did you benefit from the Program Orientation?*
2. Did you benefit from the Program Orientation?*
3. Did you benefit from the Grad Prep Meetings?*
4. Did you benefit from the Graduate Seminars?*
5. Did you benefit from the McWrite Workshops?*
6. Did you benefit from the Faculty Mentoring?*
7. Did you benefit from Academic Counseling?*
8. Did you benefit from Academic Development Plan?*
9. Did you benefit from Academic Tutoring?*
10. Did you benefit from Graduate School Counseling?*
11. Did you benefit from the Grad School Selection Worksheet?*
12. Did you benefit from Graduate Program Information?*
13. Did you benefit from Financial Aid Counseling?*
14. Did you benefit from Goal Selection Worksheet?*
15. Did you benefit from GRE Preparation?*
16. Did you benefit from Cultural Events?*
17. Did you benefit from Individual Counseling/Weekly Meetings?*
18. Did you benefit from the Writing Tutor?*
19. Did you benefit from the Research Seminar Series?*
20. Did you benefit from the Research Assembly Meetings?*
21. Did you benefit from the Library Workshop*
22. Did you benefit from the Closing Symposium and Presentations?*
23. Did you benefit from Attendance at Research Conferences?*