McNair Research Evaluation #1

Faculty Mentor, please complete this form.

McNair Scholar
Research Mentor
Please address the following questions to the best of your knowledge.
Assess the current level of your scholar's research skills.*
Have you and your scholar established a research plan?*
Have you and your scholar established an action plan/time line for meeting the goals of the research plan?*
Is your scholar working on a project he or she designed?*
Is your scholar working on a project in conjunction with your research?*
Are you satisfied with your scholar's research project at this point?*
Does your scholar require a great deal of direction?*
Have you identified your scholar's writing strengths and/or weaknesses?*
How often are you meeting with your scholar?*
On average how long are your meetings?
Are you regularly scheduled meetings with your scholars going satisfactorily?*
At this point in the research process, do you need any assistance from the McNair Program?*
Have you talked to your scholar about preparing for an oral or poster presentation?
Have you and your scholar discussed plans for graduate school?*
If so, what aspects?
Student Ratings
In comparison with a representative group of students at the same grade level or in the same field with the same field with the same general background, experience, and training, how would you rank the scholar in the following areas? PLEASE COMMENT ON YOUR RATINGS.