Understanding the Impact of AI: A Beginner's Guide


Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a topic of great interest and concern due to its potential risks and implications. Here, we've consolidated various resources that discuss whether AI tools are existentially dangerous. It includes perspectives from noted experts, more accessible sources for general readers, and additional resources related to AI's impact on the job market and education.

Expert Perspectives:

  1. Nick Bostrom: In his book “Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies,” Bostrom explores the risks associated with artificial general intelligence (AGI) and emphasizes the need for careful development to avoid catastrophic outcomes. “It argues that if machine brains surpass human brains in general intelligence, then this new superintelligence could replace humans as the dominant lifeform on Earth.” -Wikipedia
  2. Stuart Russell: Co-author of "Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach," Russell raises concerns about potential misuse of AI systems and advocates aligning AI goals with human values. “Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach helps provide clear understanding of exactly what AI and machine learning comprise, and what they can and cannot achieve.” -OSU.EDU
  3. Max Tegmark: In "Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence," Tegmark discusses both promises and perils of AI while emphasizing ensuring benefits for all humanity. “I think if we succeed in building machines that are smarter than us in all ways, it’s going to be either the best thing ever to happen to humanity or the worst thing,” -Max Tegmark, Future of Life
  4. Elon Musk: Known as an entrepreneur, Musk co-founded OpenAI—an organization dedicated to developing safe and beneficial AI technologies—and has voiced concerns regarding existential risks associated with AI. "I don't think the AI is going to try to destroy all Humanity but it might put us under strict controls.” -Elon Musk, Decrpyt
  5. Sam Harris: As a neuroscientist and philosopher, Harris engages in discussions about AI safety and ethical considerations, highlighting robust safeguards against unintended consequences. Harris discusses the “limitations of Deep Learning, the surprising power of narrow AI, ChatGPT, a possible misinformation apocalypse, the problem of instantiating human values, the business model of the Internet, the meta-verse, digital provenance, using AI to control AI, the control problem, emergent goals, locking down core values, programming uncertainty about human values into AGI, the prospects of slowing or stopping AI progress, and other topics.” -SamHarris.Org
  6. Demis Hassabis: CEO of DeepMind Technologies, (now Google DeepMind)—a company focused on developing AGI—Hassabis prioritizes safety precautions to ensure responsible deployment. “I want to understand the big questions, the really big ones that you normally go into philosophy or physics if you’re interested in,” he says. “I thought building AI would be the fastest route to answer some of those questions.” -Demis Hassabis, Time Magizine

More Accessible Sources:

  1. Tim Urban's blog "Wait But Why": Urban humorously explains potential risks and implications of AI in his two-part series called "The AI Revolution." “With everyone all abuzz about AI, let's revisit a few concepts from my AI post 8 years ago. Hard to say if we're witnessing the beginning of the long-predicted "intelligence explosion" or just a sporadic burst of new advances. Either way, an S-curve seems to be picking up steam” -Tim Urban, Twitter
  2. CGP Grey's YouTube channel features educational videos covering topics like how machines learn or ethical considerations surrounding rulership dynamics ("The Rules for Rulers"). “…I do think Neural Net based large language models are intelligent in a meaningful way, and that could get dangerous quickly despite, or even because of, attempts at safety.” -CGP Grey, Twitter
  3. Lex Fridman's podcast hosts interviews with leading experts, including AI safety discussions, providing valuable insights into associated risks. “Please allow me to say a few words about the possibilities and the dangers of AI in this current moment in the history of human civilization. I believe it is a critical moment. We stand on the precipice of fundamental societal transformation where soon, nobody knows when, but many, including me, believe it's within our lifetime.” -Lex Fridman, TikTok
  4. Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell's YouTube channel produces animated videos simplifying complex topics like "The Rise of the Machines – Why Automation is Different this Time" and "Do Robots Deserve Rights? What if Machines Become Conscious?," addressing both benefits and dangers of AI.
  5. OpenAI Blog: OpenAI's accessible articles discuss various aspects of AI safety, offering insights into their research and efforts to mitigate potential risks. “We believe that powerful AI systems should be subject to rigorous safety evaluations. Regulation is needed to ensure that such practices are adopted, and we actively engage with governments on the best form such regulation could take.” -OpenAI, Our Approach to AI Safety
  6. Future of Life Institute website provides resources on AI safety, including articles, interviews, and educational materials aimed at making information understandable for everyone. Their work currently focuses on “four major risks”, Artificial Intelligence, Biotechnology, Nuclear Weapons, and Climate Change. “We believe that the way powerful technology is developed and used will be the most important factor in determining the prospects for the future of life. This is why we have made it our mission to ensure that technology continues to improve those prospects.” -Future of Life Institute

Additional Resources:

  1. Wikipedia article on "Existential risk from artificial general intelligence" offers an overview of the concept along with arguments for and against it.
  2. Scientific American opinion piece by Nir Eisikovits, “AI Is an Existential Threat—Just Not the Way You Think”, challenges common fears about AI while emphasizing its philosophical impact on human values. “Some fear that artificial intelligence will threaten humanity’s survival. But the existential risk is more philosophical than apocalyptic.” -Nir Eisikovits, Scientific American
  3. OECD.org explores the global impact posed by AGI and proposes measures to prevent or mitigate catastrophic outcomes. “There are great potential benefits, but, there are risks as well as opportunities with AI in and for education. We therefore need to proceed diligently and prudently into a new educational environment where AI is used to support learners and teachers, and where we also prepare learners for a future world in which AI plays an increasing role.” -Future of Education and Skills 2023: Conceptual Learning Framework
  4. The Guardian news article reports on concerns raised by doctors and public health experts regarding the existential threat posed by unregulated AGI.


This consolidated list should provide a comprehensive list of resources discussing whether AI tools are existentially dangerous. It includes expert perspectives from philosophers like Nick Bostrom, Stuart Russell; physicists such as Max Tegmark; entrepreneurs like Elon Musk; neuroscientist Sam Harris; and DeepMind CEO Demis Hassabis. Additionally, more accessible sources like Tim Urban's blog "Wait But Why," CGP Grey's YouTube channel, Lex Fridman's podcast offer simplified explanations suitable for general readers interested in understanding the topic better.

The additional resources related to job market implications and education in the context of AI ethics should provide perspectives might challenge, or balance previous notions about potential threats posed by AI.

Note: This list was researched with the AI, GPT-4, Bing, and Bard, and edited with suggestions by GPT-4.