Senate Meeting Minutes
Wichita State University
Classified Senate Meeting Minutes
January - May, 1997
Senators Present: Joyce Barnes, Gary Bequette, Donald Brooks, Judy Dillard, Kathy Farney, Jan Fogg, Jama Henrie, Ellen Horn, Shelly Kellogg, Lois Nicholas, Pat Nickle, Sandy Oswald, JoAnn Pappas, Ruth Ann Priester,Tim Shrank, Donna Spader, Edna Bates-Tosses, John WIlson, Kathy Wolff
Guests: Carol Bibler, Sue Cook, Laurie Davis, Grady Landrum, Marlise McCammon, Lynette Murphy, David Strange, Mike Turner, Betty Twitty
Absent - Excused: Ronald Brooks, Carolyn Cox, Beverly Klag
Unexcused: Betty Alford, Donald Blake, Warren Carter, Robert Fullerton, Denise Lees, Janet Myers, Tom Retz, Tony Sieverin
I. Open Meeting, Welcome and Introductions - Kathy Farney
Kathy opened the meeting and welcomed senators and guests. She introduced our speakers,
Roger Lowe WSU vice president for administration and finance, and Mary Herrin, WSU
associate vice president and director of budgets.
II. Program - Roger Lowe and Mary Herrin
Roger expressed his appreciation for the opportunity to meet with the group to address
questions and concerns about the budget and the budget process. He turned the floor
over to Mary who went through the FY 1998 Budget and explained it line by line. She
also covered Governor Graves' budget recommendations, as well as the possible impact
on our budget because of our smaller enrollment numbers. We discussed how each of
us can do our part to make our campus a friendly, attractive place for students (to
help with recruitment and retention). Next, Mary discussed HB 2211, Replacement of
Persons Retiring Under the Kansas Public Employees Retirement System, and pointed
out how its interpretation for implementation differed from what the lawmakers intended
when it was passed and made into law. They will be working with lawmakers to clarify
this policy. Mary then went through the budget-related questions that senators had
submitted at the last senate meeting.
Roger added comments intermittently. Roger then answered the questions on other issues. In answering the questions, they explained some issues, clarified some misunderstandings and put an end to some rumors. Roger and Mary again expressed their appreciation for the opportunity to meet with the group and ended their presentation by encouraging all present to feel free to call them with budget questions. If they are unavailable when the calls come in, they will return them as soon as they can.
III. Treasurer's Report - Shelly Kellogg
Shelly submitted a written report which was distributed at the meeting. There were
no disbursements this month; the balance as of 12/31/96 was $587.78
IV. Adjourn
Kathy adjourned the meeting at 4:50 p.m., after reminding the senators to read through
the information in the packets of information (treasurer's report and various committee
reports) that were distributed at the meeting.
Present: Members - Betty Alford, Joyce Barnes, Donald Brooks, Warren Carter, Carolyn Cox, Judy Dillard, Kathy Farney, Jan Fogg, Jama Henrie, Ellen Horn, Shelly Kellogg, Beverly Klag, Denise Lees, Janet Myers, Pat Nickle, JoAnn Pappas, Ruth Ann Priester, Tom Retz, Tim Shrank, Tony Sieverin, Donna Spader, Edna Bates-Tosses, John Wilson, Kathy Wolff
Guests - Sue Cook, Laurie Davis, Julie Rausch, Dr. James Rhatigan, David Strange, Betty Twitty
Absent: Excused - Gary Bequette, Donald Blake, Lois Nicholas, Sandy Oswald
Unexcused - Ronald Brooks, Robert Fullerton
I. Open Meeting and Welcome - Kathy Farney
Kathy opened the meeting and welcomed senators and guests.
II. Secretary's Report - Ellen Horn
Ellen asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes of the January
22 meeting. There were none. Ellen announced that all senators who were absent at
the January 22 meeting will be excused since the meeting was scheduled during a registration
period. In the same vein, the April 16 meeting has been re-scheduled to April 9 to
avoid a similar conflict.
III. Treasurer's Report - Shelly Kellogg
Shelly distributed a written statement and reported that $53.20 was spent on copying
the newsletter and $.64 was spent on postage. The current balance is $533.94. Shelly
added that the mailings for an election typically cost approximately $300. Since we
had elections in the fall and will have them again this spring, this year approximately
$600 will be spent on elections.
IV. Review of NCAA Report - Dr. James Rhatigan
Kathy introduced Dr. James Rhatigan, vice president for student affairs and dean
of students. Dr. Rhatigan led us through the NCAA report, after reminding us that
the NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) is the governing board for intercollegiate
athletics. Dr. Rhatigan led this first-time self-study and is disseminating the report
to campus groups. He asked that we listen to his comments, review the report to the
extent we are interested, and then send him a letter stating whether we think the
report correctly reflects how the ICAA (Intercollegiate Athletic Association, Inc.)
operates at WSU. Dr. Rhatigan added that an NCAA peer review team will visit our campus
in March. He answered questions from the group, then concluded by asking that we return
the reports to him at Campus Box 8 - if/when we are through with them. Senators may
keep the report if they wish.
V. New Performance Evaluation - David Strange
David announced that a new performance evaluation will be used beginning this spring.
The state went to the new system two years ago, which was about the time WSU was finalizing
their new (current) performance review form. The state is now insisting that we use
their system. David reported that it is a good system that parallels what we have
now. Based on Kansas Quality Management principles, there will be goals and performance
factors. The focus will be on outcomes,
teamwork, customer service, a nd training and education. It is a narrative approach
that encourages quarterly meetings and continuous feedback between the supervisor
and employee. There are no weights and no points. Human Resources will hold a general
meeting within the next month to describe the new system to supervisors; the use of
the new form will begin at that time. Throughout the year there will be monthly meetings
for supervisors who have evaluations due that month.
VI. Discussion of Survey Concerning Holiday Closedown
Kathy relayed President Hughes' request for timely input from employees on the feasibility
of keeping the University open to serve students and potential students during what
is normally holiday closedown. Shelly distributed a survey which a committee has drafted.
The survey will be sent to the entire University community, asking for their input.
It was suggested that the survey should be addressed specifically to "Faculty, Unclassified,
and Classified Staff" so there would be no question as to who was being asked for
input. The use of the word "volunteer" was questioned. Several senators indicated
that this word implies "giving" and "free." Kathy emphasized that the President was
not asking for people to give their time or work without being compensated, but that
he wanted people to have the choice of whether or not they would work. The term "free
choice" was suggested as an alternative. Shelly will incorporate the suggested changes
and will distribute the survey to committee members on February 6. After getting their
approval, Kathy will take the survey to President Hughes for his review before it
is distributed.
VII. Adjourn
Kathy adjourned the meeting at 4:55 p.m.
Present: Members - Betty Alford, Joyce Barnes, Gary Bequette, Donald Blake, Donald Brooks, Warren Carter, Carolyn Cox, Judy Dillard, Kathy Farney, Jan Fogg, Jama Henrie, Ellen Horn, Shelly Kellogg, Beverly Klag, Denise Lees, Janet Myers, Pat Nickle, JoAnn Pappas, Ruth Ann Priester, Tony Sieverin, Donna Spader, Edna Bates-Tosses, John Wilson, Kathy Wolff
Guests - Lori Evans, Dana Haddon, Marti Hammond, Marlise McCammon, Dr. Bobby Patton, Kathy Rager, Julie Rausch, Cat Weber
Absent: Excused - Lois Nicholas, Sandy Oswald, Tim Shrank Unexcused-Ronald Brooks, Robert Fullerton, Tom Retz
I. Open Meeting and Welcome - Kathy Farney
Kathy opened the meeting and welcomed senators and guests.
II. Announcement of Class - Kathy Rager
Kathy Rager, director of the Downtown Center and of Contract Training, distributed
a flyer announcing a one -credit-hour class designed especially for WSU classified
and unclassified staff. The sessions, co-sponsored by the Downtown Center, the Hugo
Wall School, and Employee Relations, will be on Friday afternoons, April 4-May 2,in
Neff Hall. Tuition assistance is available.
III. Follow-up from Roger Lowe - Kathy Farney
Kathy brought to everyone's attention the memo from Roger Lowe clarifying the issue
of payment of student fees and right of student privileges for classified employees
who are also students. Since it is felt that the problem is primarily a communication
problem, the memo was quite specific.
IV. Secretary's Report - Ellen Horn
Ellen asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes of the February
5 meeting. There were none. The minutes were approved as written.
V. Introductions - Kathy Farney
Kathy asked that we go around the room and introduce ourselves.
VI. Treasurer's Report - Shelly Kellogg
Shelly distributed a written statement and reported that the current balance is $533.94.
Shelly added that the cost for the Shocker Pride Picnic letter and nomination form
($132.00) has not yet been deducted.
Report from President Hughes' February 24 Meeting - Bobby Patton
Dr. Patton joined the meeting and reported on the February 24 meeting which the President
had with faculty leaders. There will be a budget shortfall of approximately $400,000
due to lagging student enrollments. The President told the academic leaders that when
we look at the number of students per number of faculty, we see that the faculty is
costing too much money. The President has outlined ways to bring us in line. He is
recommending more money from the city and county mil levy to go to scholarships for
local citizens. He also has allocated cuts to all the colleges based on their
enrollments. Dr. Patton explained that some money will be reallocated and is not
lost. He acknowledged that we have some economic problems (less than 1% of the University
budget), but stressed that the problem is not great. He read from a memo from President
Hughes to the academic deans which clarified the process to resolve our financial
challenge. He stressed that this is not a crisis. He explained that hiring and upgrades
are in "cold storage" temporarily, which means that eachposition will be examined
rather than automatically being filled. Dr. Patton took questions and was asked to
provide a memo regarding the faculty overload caps to Research Administration and
Human Resource payroll persons.
VII. Committee reports
Service Council - Donna Spader
Donna reported that the Service Council is looking at several areas, including food
service, enrollment, and housing. The group will meet next week.
University Cabinet - Ellen Horn
Ellen's minutes from the February 27 University Cabinet meeting were distributed.
Ellen pointed out that she asked at that meeting what the Classified Senate and the
classified employees could do to help the University through the current financial
situation. The President asked that we think about how the University can better utilize
the resources, particularly the employees that we have. Ellen charged the group to
give that issue serious consideration and get ideas to Kathy Farney to pass along
to the President.
NCA Self-Study - Ellen Horn
Ellen reported that the North Central Association will be on campus April 14-17,
and that there will be a time scheduled for classified and unclassified employees
to meet with the visitors (without administrators present). The exact visit schedule
will be announced soon.
Strategic Planning - Ellen Horn
Ellen reported that the Strategic Planning Committee is still meeting weekly and
is focusing on WSU as a metropolitan university. Meetings are open and are held on
Monday afternoons, 3:30-5:30, at the Woodman Alumni Center.
Election Committee - John Wilson John reported that the Election Committee will meet Wednesday, March 12, to plan the election process for new senators. Committee members are Dana Haddon, Lorena Moses, Cat Weber, and the Senate Executive Council: Donald Brooks, Ellen Horn, Sandy Oswald, Tony Sieverin, and John Wilson. Ellen and John are co-chairs.
Constitution Committee - John Wilson
John asked for questions regarding the proposed changes to the constitution; there
were none. Marlise McCammon said she, at Kathy Farney's request, had read the constitution
and agreed that all classified employees - not just the Senate - must vote on constitution
changes. Marlise suggested that while we are looking at the constitution, we consider
whether the auxiliary units should be included. It was pointed out that those employees
are not state classified employees. It was also mentioned that in the eyes of our
legislators, we are "classified civil servants." John and the committee (Shelly Kellogg
and Kim Hamilton) will study the constitution and bring proposed changes to the Senate
at the next meeting, April 9th.
Council of Deans and Directors of Academic Affairs - Betty Alford
Betty attended the March 5 meeting and reported the following: Commencement this
May will be one big, all-inclusive ceremony on May 17. WSU will host a state meeting
on diversity/multicultural issues; Dr. Tilford was involved before his death. There
are apartments available in WheatShocker Apartments for University use. The Honors
Convocation speaker will be available to speak to campus groups March 14-18. The Honors
Convocation will be March 16. Dean of Education candidates will be on campus soon
for interviews. There are several new degree proposals going to the Board of
Regents. Dr. Shawver will head a committee to take a look at General Education. There
is a new process for faculty evaluation.
Legislative Information Day - Kathy Farney
Kathy Farney referred everyone to written reports by herself, Donald Brooks, and
Lois Nicholas and spoke briefly about the trip to Topeka in January. Kathy encouraged
all of us to call or write our legislators. She said we must help those who can help
Information from Human Resources - Shelly Kellogg for Mike Turner
Shelly reported in Mike Turner's absence about the position freeze which Dr. Patton
had already referred to. She also announced that the legislature has hired a consultant
to conduct a pay study. A random sample of employees will be contacted. Some 330 employees
will participate in focus groups; three from WSU have been invited. Others (3,000)
will be asked to complete a survey. Phase I will be completed by the end of June.
Gary Stotts is in charge of the study and welcomes calls and questions, (913) 291-3123.
New Legislative Issues - Judy Dillard
Judy distributed a written report about a meeting she and Kathy Farney had with Gwen
Welsheimer on March 1st. On the back of the report is a list of 21 representatives
who could be considered swing votes. Judy encouraged everyone to write a letter to
each of these legislators. She emphasized the following points: do not send anonymous
letters or form letters; keep the letter short, personal, and informational; do not
use University stationery for the letters; attach a stamp-do not send the letter to
be metered; tell them how low salaries (or other issues) affect you. Judy said there
is a movement to
be generous with money this year, but they want to give it to the taxpayers.
Web Site - Gary Bequette
Gary reminded everyone to keep an eye on the Senate's web site. He said access to
our site had been inadvertently deleted from the University's home page-but it was
promptly put back. He asked that we give things to him on e -mail so he doesn't have
to re-type them.
Holiday Closedown Survey - Kathy Farney
Kathy reported that 541 of the holiday closedown surveys were returned. Shelly Kellogg
entered all the responses, and Ellen Horn is reorganizing the responses and reformatting
the report. Kathy and Linda Black (president of Unclassified Senate) will present
the final report to President Hughes as soon as it is ready.
CAC Board - Kathy Wolff
Kathy submitted a written report and only mentioned that the CAC is operating in
the red right now.
Shocker Pride Picnic - Mardi Hammond
Mardi announced that her committee had received a good response to the request for
nominations for employees to receive President's Awards. They selected three classified
employees and have forwarded those names to President Hughes. The picnic is April
15. Mardi encouraged everyone to attend and to promote participation from our constituents
and co-workers. There will be door prizes at the picnic; you must be present to win.
VIII. Announcement of next meeting and adjournment.
Kathy announced that the next Senate meeting will be April 9 in the CAC Great Plains
Room. She adjourned the meeting at 5:03 p.m. with enthusiastic encouragement for classified
employees to "Keep shining!"
Present: Members -Joyce Barnes, Gary Bequette, Donald Brooks, Ronald Brooks, Warren Carter, Carolyn Cox, Judy Dillard, Kathy Farney, Jan Fogg, Jama Henrie, Ellen Horn, Shelly Kellogg, Beverly Klag, Denise Lees, Lois Nicholas, Scott Norton, Ruth Ann Priester, Tom Retz, Tim Shrank, Tony Sieverin, Donna Spader, Edna Bates-Tosses, John Wilson, Kathy Wolff
Guests - Marlise McCammon, Dr. Marty Shawver, Mike Turner, Margaret Ford, Pat Kieffer, Willa Shelton
Absent: Excused - Betty Alford, Janet Myers, Pat Nickle, Sandy Oswald, JoAnn Pappas
Unexcused - Donald Blake
I. Open Meeting and Welcome - Kathy Farney
Kathy opened the meeting and welcomed senators and guests. She introduced Scott Norton,
new EEO 7 senator, and had everyone introduce themselves.
II. Secretary's Report - Ellen Horn
Ellen asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes of the March
5 meeting. There were none. The minutes were approved as written.
III. Treasurer's Report - Shelly Kellogg
Shelly distributed a written statement and reported that this month we spent $340.80
at the Copy Center and $5.35 for postage, leaving a balance of $187.79.
IV. Pay Study - Lois Nicholas
Lois reported on her attendance at the Pay Study meeting in Topeka. Of the 300 state
employees invited to focus groups, only 160 attended. The next phase is a survey which
will be sent to 3,000 state employees. They are trying to get a representative from
the Kansas Regents universities on the committee. If they succeed, the person who
will be recommended is Mike Auchard, a stonemason from KU.
Mike Turner stated that he didn't know any more than Lois reported. He added that Phase I of the study is to be concluded in May.
A report from Pat Kieffer, one of the three WSU employees invited to the focus groups, was distributed.
V. Legislative Issues - Judy Dillard Judy Dillard distributed a report and reminded the group about the "Ask Your Legislator" program at 3 p.m. on Sundays on Channel 8. She said we need to watch the legislators because they are always trying to sneak in a raise for themselves. Judy is checking on a tracking system and will get the information to Mike Turner.
VI. Report Regarding Retention Committee and Service Council
Kathy introduced Dr. Martha Shawver, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs,
who reported some information she has gathered when trying to find out why students
stay at WSU or leave WSU. Dr. Shawver noted that we have a fluid student body, that
is, students come for a semester, and then may have to sit out a semester or two before
they come back. They are in and out and in again which makes measuring retention like
the Kansas Board of Regents typically measures it very difficult.
Dr. Shawver looked at degree-bound students and wanted to see how we can keep those students happier and serve them better. The Service Council is looking at some of these issues and if we have ideas on this subject, we need to get them to Donna Spader so she can take them to the Service Council. Kathy Farney can also take ideas to the regular President's Cabinet meetings.
Dr. Shawver reported that the Retention Committee and Service Council wanted to find
out how students perceive our service, so last spring they conducted a pilot survey
of 300 students, and this fall they surveyed a larger group. They got 1,033 responses.
There were many positive comments, such as 84.1% were very satisfied with their overall
experience at WSU, 93% said the campus was beautiful, and 88% reported feeling safe
on the campus. Parking was the most frequently mentioned problem. Food service, particularly
in the residence halls was also mentioned as a problem. More than 30% of the students
were not aware of offices/services such as the Learning Resource Center, Child Development
Center, Dental Hygiene Clinic, Counseling and Testing Center, and Disability Services.
Less that 25% of the students had ever attended an extra-curricular activity (like
a fine arts performance) on the campus. Dr. Shawver concluded by saying while we need
to work on getting students more involved and we need to do a better job of marketing
some of our services, for the
most part, our students are satisfied and we need to get that message out.
Dr. Shawver mentioned some of the ways the University is addressing some of these problems. There are customer service training and advising workshops in place and they have implemented a student success course to help the students get connected with the University.
Dr. Shawver also briefly mentioned the administrator review process that is now in place. Each University administrator is evaluated annually and every three years is reviewed by a campus -wide group. She distributed the forms that are used for this review.
Mike Turner spoke a little about the customer service training that is already in place. There are three videos and three sessions. People from different offices attend the sessions and perhaps the most important outcome is that they learn about the other offices. The sessions usually have groups of 15-20 employees from various campus offices.
Marlise McCammon reported that 36 employees are taking the for-credit customer service training class. At the first session, they shared the results of Dr. Shawver's survey and some of the employees present were not aware of some of the offices and services that exist on our campus.
VII. Committee reports
Strategic Planning - Ellen Horn
Ellen reported that the Strategic Planning Committee is finalizing a draft of the
strategic plan which will be given to President Hughes. The President is scheduled
to attend the April 14 meeting of the group.
Election Committee - Ellen Horn
Ellen reported on the progress of the election of new senators. The ballots will
go out Friday, April 11. She reported that ten people have been nominated for one
EEO 3 seat, two people for one EEO 5 seat, and ten for three EEO 7 seats. In EEO 4,
129 people were nominated. Most of those have been contacted and there will be 58
names on the ballot. Six EEO 4 senators will be elected.
Constitution Committee - John Wilson
John reported that the changes to the Senate Constitution to establish a vice president
position will be mailed with the election ballots. Kathy Farney showed the April calendar
of activities she needs to be involved with as Senate President to emphasize that
having a vice president to share the load would be helpful.
Benders of Twigs - Jan Fogg
Jan Fogg reported that there is a Benders of Twigs committee meeting next week.
CAC Board - Kathy Wolff
Kathy reported that the CAC Board will meet in two weeks. Kathy also reported that
we can vote on the KPERS BOT elections by calling 1-888-221-8683 by April 30. This
is a cha nce for all employees to have some input.
Other - Kathy Farney
Kathy walked us through the highlights of the reports which she distributed.
Reallocation of Resources
Kathy sent a memo to President Hughes asking for his parameters for the Reallocation
Task Force before recommending classified employees to be on the committee. President
Hughes and Unclassified Professional Senate President Linda Black will meet on Thursday
to discuss this and will get back with Kathy. Kathy anticipates a joint committee
for classified and unclassified staff.
Holiday Closedown
Kathy reported that it was evident that President Hughes did read the entire HCD
survey results. He mentioned concerns about several issues brought out in the report.
Council of Deans
In his legislative report, Bobby Patton said 98% of their work is yet to be done.
(They do 98% of the work in 2% of the time.)
Capital Improvements Committee
The softball facility enhancement will be completed by fall and the Cessna Stadium
repairs have been delayed due to a shortage of aluminum. Commencement will be held
in Levitt Arena.
University Cabinet
Preparations were discussed for the upcoming NCA site visit. The South Central Consortium
has proposed to broadcast classes from Butler County Community College during the
midnight to 4 a.m. time slot on Channel 8. This causes concern for the possible loss
of WSU credit hours and for the out-of-district tuition Sedgwick County would have
to pay.
NCA Site Visit
The NCA team will visit April 14-16. Kathy urged senators to contact their constituents
and get a strong showing at the forum for faculty and staff from 3-4 p.m. on Tuesday,
April 15, in 127 Jabara Hall.
VIII. Announcement of Next Meeting and Adjournment
Before adjourning the meeting at 4:40 p.m., Kathy announced that the next Senate
meeting will be May 21 in the CAC Great Plains Room (215-217).
Present Members: Betty Alford, Joyce Barnes, Edna Bates-Tosses, Gary Bequette, Donald Brooks, Ronald Brooks, Warren Carter, Carolyn Cox, Judy Dillard, Kathy Farney, Jama Henrie, Ellen Horn, Shelly Kellogg, Beverly Klag, Denise Lees, Pat Nickle, Scott Norton, Sandra Oswald, JoAnn Pappas, Val Peck, Ruth Ann Priester, Tom Retz, Donna Spader, John Wilson, Kathy Wolff, Willa Shelton, Tom Veltman.
Excused Absences: Jan Fogg, Janet Myers, Donald Blake, and Tim Shrank
Unexcused Absences: Lois Nicholas, Tony Sieverin
Guests: Julie Rausch, Jane Eshelman
I. Open Meeting and Welcome - Kathy Farney
Kathy explained that WSU President Hughes was very apologetic for having to miss
the meeting, and will reschedule a time with the Classified Senate.
II. Introductions-- Kathy Farney & Ellen Horn
Kathy Farney introduced Ellen Horn, the new Classified Senate President. Ellen thanked
Kathy for her tremendous work as President, stating that the Senate is more well-recognized
on campus as a result of this work. Ellen is hoping the Senate will continue the momentum
started by Kathy. Ellen introduced Gary Bequette, the new Vice President of the Classified
Ill. Recognition - John Wilson
John Wilson presented a plaque to Kathy Farney signed by members of the Senate, expressing
our appreciation for her outstanding work as president. Donna Spader was responsible
for creating the plaque.
IV. Introduction of Executive Council and Election of Secretary & Clerk - Ellen Horn
Ellen explained the Executive Council consists of senators in their second year of
their term that received the most votes for senate in their EEO category. The members
of the Executive Council are: Edna Bates-Tosses, Warren Carter, Joyce Barnes, Tony
Sieverin, and Gary Bequette.
The Executive Council nominated Jama Henrie as Secretary to the Senate, and Shelly Kellogg as Clerk to the Senate. Both nominees were elected unanimously.
V. Secretary's Report - Ellen Horn
Minutes from April meeting had no additions or corrections. Ellen complimented Shelly
Kellogg for her work on the Holiday Closedown Survey. The campus response was excellent.
The summary report was very good and indicated related problems arising from not having
a Holiday Closedown.
VI. Treasurer's Report - Shelly Kellogg
The FY 97 budget for the Senate was $1,023.00. Disbursements totaled $877.37, leaving
a balance on April 30, 1997 of $145.63. Shelly suggested we purchase more letterhead
and a box of WSU note cards that can be used as thank you notes. Ellen Horn asked
Shelly to proceed with this purchase.
VII. Old & New Business
Ellen asked for suggestions on issues that the Classified Senate should look into
this next term.
Holiday Closedown Survey - some possible issues to look into based on answers on the survey are: People having trouble taking vacation due to workload stacking up, and investigating how various departments handle compensatory time (comp time) and overtime. Jane Eshelman mentioned that employees can carry comp time for six months and Human Resources keeps track of it. Kathy Farney explained that comp time is a budget issue and it is still up to supervisor's consideration and up to the department regarding saving up comp time for Holiday Closedown. Ellen Horn thinks having these policies restated will be helpful to employees. Betty Alford noticed on the survey that faculty didn't seem to know how other groups of employees' areas function. Shelly Kellogg commented that many people didn't know if they were classified or unclassified employees.
Communication - Judy Dillard is concerned that there is no way to reach everyone - Even the WSU web site limits who can receive information. There was discussion about some emplo yees either do not have interest in the Internet or some do not have access to the Internet.
Ellen Horn suggested forming committees to examine issues that classified employees are concerned about. Discussion arose about keeping track of what the legislature is doing, particularly this summer. The Classified Senate should be aware of bills that the legislature is considering.
Six known pay surveys have been received by WSU classified staff. Kathy Farney asked other state universities how many of these surveys they have received, and apparently these campuses do not network and share this information, or WSU received more because we live in a bigger area.
Many people have received the health benefit survey that has been mailed to employees
in the Wichita/Kansas City area.
Beverly KIag questioned why unclassified employees can go to Topeka to speak with
legislatures in a state car and be paid for the day, while classified employees have
to take a vacation day and drive our own cars. Jane Eshelman explained unclassified
employees are under the Board of Regents and classified are under the governor. WSU
prefers to distance itself from us when we address legislatures. Jane volunteered
to pursue these inconsistencies, and has already corresponded with the President regarding
these issues. Mike Turner has been asked to look into this issue.
VIII. Committees Reports
Race Against Hunger - Jane Eshelman
The Race Against Hunger will take place October 3-4, beginning at noon on Friday,
ending at noon on Saturday. Good student turnout last year. In July, we will talk
more about the event.
CAC Board - Kathy Wolff
CAC requested that the board approve the purchase of an automatic scoring board for
the Rec. Center bowling lanes. The item includes installation and normally would cost
$50,000 and the CAC can get it for $15,000. This would replace the scoring cards and
hopefully draw more business to the bowling center. Total operating income for FY
97 increased $73,000 - projected revenue increased $2,246 over last year. University
Information Center's income was $22,000. Shocker Card Center's income was $34,000.
Bookstore's income increased $1,500, with average sale per customer of $41. Dining
Services was only place with a decrease, with a loss of $1,700 vs. last year's $56,000.
Net Revenue increased $10,000, 7% rise above last year. Next meeting will be in mid-June.
Kathy Farney asked Kathy Wolff to ask at the next meeting about the money left on the Shocker Cards at the end of the semester that the University keeps. When does the Shocker Card consider it the end of the semester?
New Employee Orientation - Denise Lees
The last orientation was postponed. She is assuming there will be more new employees
at the June 3 orientation.
Library Committee - Ellen Horn
There will be two open seats on this committee. Please think about signing up for
this interesting committee.
Shocker Pride Picnic - Kathy Farney
Mardi Hammond will provide a report at the next senate meeting. Warren Carter obtained
most of the wonderful prizes for this event. Hot dog stand did not open until the
end of the picnic. Maybe the Senate should consider taking responsibility for the
food offered next year.
Introduction of Senators
University Relations - Julie Rausch
Julie Rausch of University Relations said Inside WSU is not published during summer; it will resume in August. University Relations will try to update daily news bits on the WSU website. Hopefully supervisors can be encouraged to allow employees to look at the WSU website. Tom Veltman mentioned Central Services is in the process of putting their Catalog on the Web.
Kathy Farney said that the Policies and Procedures Manual will be put on the Web by the end of the summer.
Carolyn Cox stated that the Computer Lab at the Downtown Center has been upgraded and old computers were moved to the Computing Center. If a department needs a used computer, talk with Gary Ott at the Computing Center.
Web Site - Gary Bequette
Site is up and running.
Bender of Twigs - Shelly Kellogg for Jan Fogg
The name of the committee was informally changed to the Service Recognition dinner
committee. On April 28, the committee assisted with employees' and guests' name tags
and table assignments. Jan assisted the President in handing out the certificates
and retiree gifts. Committee members were Joyce Barnes, Donald Brooks, Linda Farmer,
Sandy Oswald, and Tim Shrank.
Service Council - Donna Spader
Waiting for a response from University Publications for their willingness to contribute
free excess catalogs to distribute to all new students. Three sessions for faculty
and staff and one for student workers during July will address service quality and
countering campus run-around. Physical Plant has labeled trees on campus per request
of some senior citizens. Improving signage within buildings and facilities, like the
library, is under way. Map holders are checked on a daily basis and filled.
Results and recommendations of Student Needs and Satisfaction Survey have been analyzed and were submitted to the President's Executive Council March 18, 1997. Recommendations to have tutorial information put in a brochure have been sent to the President's Executive Council. Donna is leaving the Service Council and her position must be filled.
North Central Accreditation Results - Kathy Farney
President Hughes was sent a draft of the NCA Report and will send his comments to
the team chair. In early June, the official report will be submitted to WSU and we
have the options of acceptance or appeal. If we accept, the information goes to three
readers at other sites. The final report will be made in the fall. Overall the comments
in the draft were positive. Ten years accreditation was recommended. Kathy distributed
more detailed written information to the Senators.
National Advisorv Council for the Endowment Association - Kathy Farney
This council has more than 80 WSU Alumni from all over the United States participating
in activities for the Endowment Association. They have formed five different committees
to provide funds and gifts, as well as retaining graduates in the WSU family.
Compact for Faculty Diversity - Kathy Farney
The primary goal of this is to increase the number of African Americans, Hispanic
Americans, Native Americans, and Asian Americans, who complete the education requirement
to qualify for appointment and who enter college and university teaching.
Media Resources Center - Kathy Farney
Information sheet of the Center's instructional activities was distributed. Telecourses,
added International Channel to Campus Channel 6, satellite conferences, web sites,
Telenet conferences and classes were included in these activities.
University Cabinet Meeting - Kathy Farney
Dr. Schuh did a study on funds generated for general scholarships. These funds are
not controlled by the academic units. Brad Beets explained how the money from each
Wichita State License plate with Wu-Shock will put $30 into WSU general scholarship
fund. (1-time $45 plate fee, $35 annual royalty fee) Beginning Spring 1998, Math-Physics
and Neff Hall classrooms will be closed for at least a year.
Strategic Planning - Jane Eshelman
President accepted the strategic plan, and Tony Ross will be presenting it to the
various constituencies this fall.
Other Business
East side of Cessna Stadium should be done by May 31, and later in July work on the
west side will resume.
Meeting adjourned.