Senate Meeting Minutes
Wichita State University
Classified Senate Meeting Minutes
July 1997 - May 1998
- July 1997
- August - November (not available)
- December 1997
- January 1998
- February 1998
- March 1998
- April 1998
- May 1998
Senators Present: Betty Alford, Joyce Barnes, Gary Bequette, Donald Brooks, Ronald Brooks, Carolyn Cox, Judy Dillard, Kathy Farney, Jama Henrie, Ellen Horn, Shelly Kellogg, Beverly Klag, Pat Nickle, Scott Norton, JoAnn Pappas, Val Peck, Ruth Ann Priester, Willa Shelton, Tim Shrank, Tom Veltman, Kathy Wolff
Excused Absences: Edna Bates-Tosses, Donald Blake, Warren Carter, Denise Lees
Unexcused Absences: Lisa Cutright, Mervin Cutright, Jane Eshelman, Gerald Holland, Tom Retz, Tony Sieverin
Guests: WSU President Eugene Hughes, Julie Rausch, Margaret Haddock, Vicki Fox, Marilyn Krager, Rae Long, Nancy Parish
Open Meeting and Welcome - Ellen Horn
Ellen welcomed everyone and introduced the Senate's special guest, WSU President
Eugene Hughes.
Current Information About WSU - President Hughes
Enrollment and Academic Information: The number of students admitted for Fall Semester
is up. It is unknown if numbers will hold until actual enrollment. WSU will advertise
intensely the two weeks before regular enrollment begins because this is the most
effective time to remind people of the upcoming semester.
A continuing challenge is the competition for students created by other institutions. They are aggressively recruiting Wichitans to their outreach locations and they have an impact on WSU. Private institutions are offering credit for life experience. Students there can complete a degree by going to class one night a week for approximately 50 weeks. WSU has crediting bodies that will not allow us to do these things. These programs at private schools are accredited by a regional accrediting body - North Central Association. The specific programs in Business etc. are not accredited at the private schools. President Hughes is finding that businesses and industries do not seem to care if a degree program is accredited.
As WSU goes through our accreditation this year for Business we are going to raise the question of if accreditation really matters anymore. One of the major companies in town is spending about five times the amount of money at a private institution than it is at WSU. This is because students can take the short courses and get a credential. WSU is trying to react as best it can without giving up its accreditation. The Kansas Board of Regents has approved a WSU Associate Degree. The associate's will encourage students to continue working on the bachelor's giving them a sense of accomplishment by earning a degree after 60 hours of required courses. Students can complete that degree at the Westside Center if they wish. The WSU outreach centers continue to have high enrollment. Both Westside and Downtown Centers are basically full. Efforts for enrolling are increasing at the Southside Center where we share space with the technical college and Cowley County Community College.
WSU has invited Pittsburg State to join us either at the Southside Center or on campus
because they offer a manufacturing technology bachelor's that we don't offer. Regents
have authorized all technical programs to be at Pittsburg State and WSU needs the
degree program because of all the manufacturing done in the Wichita area. People in
Sedgwick County could earn a degree from Pittsburg by taking classes from both WSU
and Pittsburg. WSU may be reformatting courses to appeal to working adults. This means
more short term classes and courses offered on Friday
evenings, Saturdays, and maybe Sundays. The campus departments are being encouraged
to offer more courses in different formats than the typical 8 week and 16 week formats.
Renovations will begin on McKinley Hall and then Neff and Math-Physics. There will be a shortage of classroom space and some courses will have to be offered in different time formats. The University is trying to increase the number of traditional age students living in its residence halls. The WheatShocker renovation is complete. One wing is finished in Brennan Hall, and work continues on Fairmount Towers - the south tower is done, still working on north tower. When all halls are done, the housing capacity increases from 500 to nearly 1500.
President Hughes acknowledged that Classified Staff play a key role in what happens throughout the campus. These employees are responsible for the appearance of grounds and buildings, and are at the frontlines in assisting students. He continues getting comments from perspective students and others of the beauty of the campus, and WSU will continue maintaining this beauty. WSU needs to continue being a friendly campus.
Faith Metro Building Purchase: A cash gift of $3.25 million has enabled WSU to purchase
the Faith Metro Church. The building's use has not yet been determined. There is a
facility that seats 2200 with theatre type seating. A nice lobby area could host receptions
prior to something scheduled in the large facility. Another facility seats 300-400.
A little facility could be used as a very small black box theatre, for experimental
type plays with small audiences. Nurseries for children from birth to school age are
segmented by various age levels. Currently our Child Development Center has mostly
½ day
and full days openings, and this new facility possibly could be organized for a child
to be there for an hour or more while the parent is taking classes. There is a possibility
of working with Koch Industries and Pioneer Balloon about providing nursery care in
this new building. There is a gymnasium, classrooms, offices, kitchen facility, offering
many possibilities. The Endowment Association is closing on the deal July 31, and
it will become WSU's shortly thereafter. WSU is now looking at what maintenance will
be required for the new space. There is 72,000 square feet, 24 acres of land, all
built in 1993. May change 17 acres into grass and perhaps will have a soccer field.
WSU is expecting to pay additional $350,000 a year for additional personnel, maintenance
and utilities. It will make a request through the Regents to the Legislature for operating
funds. This building would today cost $6 million dollars to build (with land), we
are paying $3.25 million for it. WSU is asking for Brennan I to be taken off-line
as an auxiliary facility and have the State take responsibility for it as
well. If that happens there will be some renovation to Brennan I and state will pay
some of the cost of maintaining it. Already the President has received a number of
requests from various agencies wanting to use the Faith Metro facilities, such as
for high school commencements, and meetings for business and industry. Everything
within the Metro facility stays with it - furniture, etc. Sound system is top of the
line, whereas WSU would have to pay the lowest bidder for a system. The heating and
cooling can be turned off and set differently throughout the building.
Holiday Closedown: President Hughes and some others feel that institutions such as
ours do not ever close, and that people should be on campus to give any type of services
students may need. WSU doesn't act urban by being shut-down at Christmas. As long
as he is President he will not deal with this subject again. We will continue holiday
shutdown. He acknowledged that a number of departments are working during holiday
closedown anyway. Ellen mentioned that a classified senate committee chaired by Gary
Bequette will be examining issues that are handled differently in various
departments, such as comp time for holiday closedown, etc. We want to have people
treated equally. President Hughes commented that the holiday shutdown survey was very
good. He mentioned that the survey indicated that the departments with only one secretary
or clerk do not get the same opportunities as larger areas.
Campus Communication: President Hughes agreed that communication on campus should improve. A good example would be to notify everyone that certain buildings are closed for renovation, or parking lots are being closed. Everything cannot go the WSU website; hard copies must still be distributed. Discussion ensued about Web access. President said it is impossible for everyone to have equal access. He agreed that some departments need to encourage their employees to look at the WSU Website for info. A senator pointed out that memos going to Budget Officers of the departments are not shared with other employees who need this information. President said he didn't know how to improve this, except to encourage supervisors to share info.
More About Academic Programs: WSU will be implementing a Master of Social Work program. The administration will be looking at degree programs in relation to enrollment. WSU is developing a course to orient adults who have not been taking any university courses to understa nd learning, and the advantages of going to school at WSU in terms of the relationship we have with business and industry in the area. WSU will try and convince these adults to continue their education, and then try to convince them to get it at WSU.
WSU License Plates and Promoting WSU: License plate orders are at 100+ orders, and there must be 500 to begin production. Ellen mentioned the state is still changing the design of the plate. It was suggested that displaying the license plate in departments such as the Post Office on campus might help with sales. President agreed that is a good idea. The Alumni Association is handling the marketing for this. It was suggested that the University increase promoting the gift certificates for tuition, perhaps at the WSU booth at the State Fair. The order form is on the back cover of the Schedule of Courses. Senators suggested display the certificates at sports events.
Ellen asked President Hughes what the Senate can do to help promote the University.
Hughes said how we interact with other people makes a big difference in how people
feel about WSU. Beverly liked the Campus Runaround meetings organized by Admissions.
She would like a single phone number to call with any questions regarding campus programs,
etc. President Hughes suggested the Classified Senate follow up on this and look at
the Admissions "Campus Runaround"
Booklet and see what topics it does not cover. He said perhaps Greg Carroll could
create a booklet of answers to frequently asked questions. Beverly suggested that
if we gave Communications a list of frequently asked questions, that would give them
an idea of what a booklet should include.
International Students: WSU almost lost Malaysian students because it was not on the list of universities that the Malaysian government uses in terms of employment. WSU is now on that list. Had WSU not been put on the list, it would have resulted in a decline in international enrollment. More students from the Pacific-Rim countries are going to Australia, Great Britain, etc. It is becoming more competitive to draw international students. WSU also recruits at the community colleges and visits Kansas communities to remind people that WSU is here.
Campus Crime: One senator commented that the media does not address that crime on campus has significantly been reduced the last few years. President Hughes mentioned that actually the media has been cooperative in not describing a crime scene as a certain number of blocks from the WSU campus. Crime is really down on campus. Bicycle patrol, foot patrols, etc. are providing good results.
Cessna Stadium: The stadium will be finished in August. Cessna is contributing $200,000. Structural problems are taken care of, there is a new exterior surface, new aluminum seating, press box has been renovated, and restrooms modernized. Locker rooms a nd the field itself will not be done. If WSU could have eight or nine la nes on the track, it could host some major track meets.
Football: WSU has not received any contributions to resume a football program. There is a task force meeting to discuss Division I AA football and finding money for it, without using student money or state funds. WSU would also need money for equipment and additional sports for women.
Cessna Stadium is not big enough for soccer. Kathy Wolff asked if there is anything we can do to get students to stop taking some of their courses at Butler CCC. President Hughes replied "No" and that WSU just has to work to get the transfer students from the Community Colleges. He explained that WSU does not expand the HP programs because it's too expensive. For example we cannot pay the faculty as much as they will make in the field. It is difficult to keep faculty.
Some health profession programs have about 46 spots and 480 people applying for them.
Ellen Horn thanked President
Hughes for speaking with the Classified Senate.
Classified Senate Business - Ellen Horn
Update on Pay Study - the State is looking at how it compensates employees. We can
assume the State is not looking for ways to pay us more money. Current plan began
in 1941. A group of legislatures hired some consultants who advised the State to start
over or make some major overhauls, such as pay for performance, not for a specific
job, and merit raises to create incentive to be an excellent employee. They want supervisors
to have more control in wages. The consultants
presented their recommendations July 23. Eric Sexton attended that meeting, and someone
from the Classified Senate at KU attended. Legislature will look at it in August.
Even if this is all approved, it would not be implemented for several years. Some
representatives mentioned informing the state employees about the possible exchanges.
Our Senate will have to keep up with this. Maybe we will invite Eric to talk to us.
The proposed plan would have a plumber position be paid based on what non-state plumbers
make in this region. Mike Turner said he didn't think people would take a pay cut
with the proposed plan. He speculated that the pay of a current employee might be
frozen and when that person leaves because they won't get any raises, and then future
employees would hire in at the market rate. This is speculation!!
Judy Dillard is going to chair the Legislative Issues Position Paper. She will try to schedule a luncheon meeting on a Friday. Kathy Farney says we need to start talking to our legislative reps now about the importance of this issue. Ellen said the reps don't hear from many people and are impressed when they do.
A 1% increase will occur in July 1997 and the n classified employees will get a 2.5% step increase on their employment anniversary date of their current position.
Ellen will give the constituent lists to executive council members and they will decide how to distribute the list to senators in their EEO category. Let's keep constituents informed.
On Sept. 8 the Classified Senate will host the WSU booth at the State Fair. Volunteer for at least a 2 hour shift, and get free admission to the fair. Let Kathy Farney know if you are interested. Ask your supervisor if they will approve this fair day. We can sign up more for more than one shift. We will get paid, and will have to use our own vehicles and carpool. Please wear black and gold or something WSU. We will probably have Classified Senate buttons to wear. A lot of employees don't even know that they are classified employees! The Classified Senate needs to be visible at various University events.
Ellen distributed the Classified Senate Calendar. The All University Picnic is Sept. 9. Bring your family. A lot of the prizes are for kids. The Grand Prize is a nice trip: you must be present to win. The drawing will be at the very end of the picnic.
Tom Veltman mentioned that January is the most recent issue of the Classified Senate newsletter on the Web. He suggested taking it off since it is so outdated. Instead of a newsletter, the Senate maybe should put current news on a News Flash link on our Classified site.
Jane Eshelman will be taking volunteers for the Race Against Hunger.
The Policies and Procedures Manual is now o n the World Wide Web and states that the
Classified Senate is one of the policy initiating authorities. Ellen presumes that
if the Classified Senate has a policy that we want implemented or changed, by going
through the correct steps we have the power to initiate the consideration of the addition
or change.
Shelly Kellogg, Senate Clerk, submitted the Treasurer's Report with balance as of
July 30 of $919.45. Original budget was $1,023.00, with $103.54 spent on travel to
the Pay & Compensation Study Meeting.
Present: Members - Joyce Barnes, Donald Brooks, Warren Carter, Carolyn Cox, Judy Dillard, Kathy Farney, Ellen Horn, Shelly Kellogg, Scott Norton, JoAnn Pappas, Val Peck, Ruth Ann Priester, Tom Retz, Willa Shelton, Tom Veltman, Kathy Wolff, Sandy Oswald
Guests - Greg Carroll, Gayle Davis
Absent: Excused - Edna Bates-Tosses, Gary Bequette, Ronald Brooks, Lisa Cutright,
Jama Henrie, Beverly Klag, Pat Nickle
Absent: Unexcused - Betty Alford, Donald Blake, Jane Eshelman, Gerald Holland, Denise
Lees, Tim Shrank, Tony Sieverin
I. Open Meeting and Welcome - Ellen Horn
Ellen welcomed everyone and announced the two guest speakers for today's meeting.
II. Treasurer's Report - Shelly Kellogg
Shelly reported that the current balance is $744.26 with all deductions current.
III. Announcements - Ellen Horn
Ellen presented a new senator, Sandy Oswald, who will be filling an EEO 5 senate
seat. Ruth Ann Priester will be taking Carol Bibler's place on the University Traffic
Committee. (Carol has retired from the University.) Ruth Ann had been an "Alternate"
with the committee. The new alternate is Sarah Crane (of the Controller's Office).
Willa Shelton is the "new" Classified Senate Secretary, replacing Jama Henrie.
Information about the workshop classes entitled "Make A Difference" (sponsored by Human Resources and the Downtown Center) will be coming out shortly. The classes are geared to Classified and Unclassified employees. Human Resources' Tuition Assistance is available but a Tuition Assistance Application must be submitted.
Ted Ayres has drafted an E-Mail policy. We have until February 21st to respond with our opinions in how we believe the policy will affect our jobs, etc.
IV. Position Paper - Judy Dillard
Judy stated that this year's position paper addresses two issues:
(1) A cost of living increase for the state's retired classified employees and
(2) Classified employees' salary increases / restructured pay plan.
Eric Sexton will help in making appointments for us to talk to legislators on Legislative Information Day in Topeka on Tuesday, January 27, 1998. The next Position Paper Committee meeting will be on January 21st at Noon. It will be the last meeting before going to Topeka. We will be concentrating on the details for the trip.
V. Other Committee Reports
Rhatigan Student Center Committee - Kathy Wolff
Remodeling: Kathy told us that there is a $1,045,000 "Replacement Fund" for remodeling
of the building. Three areas on the agenda are: the Bookstore, the Student Involvement
Center, and the Student Information Center.
Hope Scholarship: Kathy also reported about the Hope Scholarship. Fees and tuition do not have to be paiduntil January 1998.
Board of Directors: The next meeting will be on February 5, 1998. Kathy has been appointed to the Budget Sub-committee.
VI. Marketing the University - Greg Carroll, Director of University Communications
Greg chairs the Marketing Review Board which was formed by President Hughes. The
Board is made up of 12 members who are from a variety of areas on campus. They work
with two different advertising agencies in Wichita: Stephan Advertising, and Associated
Greg was very informative on the marketing strategies used. Mediums used are TV, radio,
newspapers and other forms of publications, and special events held on campus. The
newest is the Web Page that they developed. Anyone on the Net can respond with their
opinions, comments, etc. about WSU. As of date, the Web Page has had 140,000 responses.
The Marketing Review Board will be developing new strategies to market to "adults."
VII. North Central Association Accreditation Final Report - Dr. Gayle Davis, Associate
VP for Academic Affairs, Associate Professor of Women's Studies, and Chair of the
NCA Self-Study
Gayle presented the NCA Report, concentrating on the areas of the report which would
be of most interest to classified employees. Noted in the report were the following:
1) our Physical Plant received great praise and was claimed to be a major asset to
the University.
2) (In reference to Classified Employees' "merit" pay) "...does not allow for distinction
between those who perform exceptionally rather than satisfactorily and is capped."
3) (In reference to Governance Structures)"...There is a lack of tradition where
the senate groups and the SGA are either consulted or communicate with each other.
It is obvious that the campus does not have strong tradition of participatory governance
and the use of the existing structures is uneven." Gayle ended with pointing out "The
Institutional Strengths and Concerns," "Suggestions for Institutional Improvement,"
and the "Team Recommendation."
VIII. As May Arise
Judy Dillard announced that Donna Spader was in a car accident last week. She is
"O.K," but is very "sore."
Val Peck announced that Purchasing has temporarily moved to Neff Hall (Rooms 102, 102A, 103, and 111) during remodeling of their office. They expect to be back in their offices around mid-January or the first of February.
Tom Retz gave an update on KAPE's issues with Kansas legislation for 1998. The two items are: Longevity and Privatization.
IX. Announcement of Next Meeting and Adjournment
Ellen announced that the next Senate meeting will be January 21. She adjourned the
meeting at 4:50 p.m.
Present: Members - Joyce Barnes, Betty Alford, Edna Bates-Tosses, Gary Bequette, Donald Brooks, Ronald Brooks, Warren Carter, Carolyn Cox, Judy Dillard, Jane Eshelman, Kathy Farney, Jama Henrie, Ellen Horn, Beverly Klag, Sandy Oswald, JoAnn Pappas, Ruth Ann Priester, Willa Shelton, Tom Veltman, Kathy Wolff, Shelly Kellogg, Julie Rausch.
Absent: Excused - Lisa Cutright, Pat Nickle, Tim Shrank
Unexcused - Donald Blake, Gerald Holland, Denise Lees, Scott Norton, Val Peck, Tom Retz, Tony Sieverin
I. Open Meeting and Welcome - Ellen Horn
Ellen opened the meeting by wishing everyone a "Happy New Year."
II. Secretary's Report - Ellen Horn
Minutes of the December 17, 1997 meeting had been distributed and there were no corrections
or additions. Minutes were approved as distributed.
III. Treasurer's Report - Shelly Kellogg
Shelly reported that there were no expenditures since the last meeting and that the
current balance remains the same ($744.26). Ellen stated that the money in our account
will be needed for up-coming election expenses.
IV. E-Mail Policy - Ellen Horn
Ted Ayres has given Ellen a copy of the draft. Ted would like feedback from the Classified
Senate. A discussion by Senators followed including questions regarding distinguishing
between E-Mail use and Web use, intermeshing "Private" use and "University Business"
use, and defining E-Mail harassment.
V. Video - Ellen Horn
Ellen played a portion of a video from an old ‘70's TV show called "Function Junction"
which explained how a bill becomes a law.
VI. Committee Reports
Position Paper - Plans for Legislation Information Day, January 27, 1998 - Ellen
There will be five or six people going to Topeka to talk with legislators next Tuesday:
Ellen Horn, Kathy Farney, Willa Shelton, Donald Brooks, Al Howland and (possibly)
Donna Spader. Also, the Kansas Council of Classified Senates is scheduled to meet
with Lt. Governor Gary Sherrer from 10:00 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. on January 27. A meeting
with the Division of Personne l Services is being arranged.
Rhatigan Student Center Committee - Kathy Wolff
Renovations/Remodeling: The Information Center is finished. The Student Involvement
Center is expected to be completed by July 1, 1998.
VII. As May Arise
Jane Eshelman announced that Ellen spoke at the Public Open Forum to our area (Sedgwick
County) State legislators on January 6. Jane reported that Ellen did an excellent
job. Ellen read the statement which she presented at that forum.
VIII. Adjournment - Ellen Horn
Present: Members - Edna Bates-Tosses, Gary Bequette, Donald Brooks, Ronald Brooks, Warren Carter, Carolyn Cox, Kathy Farney, Ellen Horn, Scott Norton, Sandy Oswald, JoAnn Pappas, Val Peck, Ruth Ann Priester, Tom Retz, Willa Shelton, Tony Sieverin, Tom Veltman, Kathy Wolff, Shelly Kellogg
Guests - Jasper Schad, Beverly White
Absent: Excused - Betty Alford, Joyce Barnes, Judy Dillard, Jane Eshelman, Jama Henrie, Beverly Klag, Pat Nickle, Tim Shrank
Unexcused - Donald Blake, Lisa Cutright, Gerald Holland, Denise Lees
I. Open Meeting and Welcome - Ellen Horn
Ellen opened the meeting by introducing Dean Jasper Schad, of the Ablah Library,
and Beverly White, Chair of this year's Library Campaign.
II. Ablah Library Video - Dean Jasper Schad and Beverly White Dean
Jasper Schad introduced the video about the Library Campaign. After Beverly White
spoke to us and handed out more information about the Library and the Campaign. She
gave each Senator a print of a drawing of Downtown Wichita during the early 1900's.
III. Minutes of January Meeting - Ellen Horn
One correction on the attendance roster: Val Peck was moved from unexcused to excused
from the January meeting. The minutes were then approved as amended.
IV. Treasurer's Report - Shelly Kellogg
Shelly reported that there was an expenditure of $1.60 for postage in January, bringing
the total of $280.34 expended to date. The current balance, now, is $742.66.
V. Discussion of Policy on University Internal Mail Distribution System - Ellen Horn
Copies of the not yet approved policy were passed out. Questions were raised and
discussed relating to what defined "internal mail" and the difference between "internal"
and regular First Class mail. Other discussion as to what "University Business" includes
and does not include.
VI. Discussion of Policy Statement/Confidentiality of Student Records
Copies of the Policy Statement were handed out. A very short discussion followed
as most were familiar with a former policy on this subject.
VII. Governance on the State of Kansas' Educational Institutions - Ellen Horn
A meeting on governance will be held (open to the public) at the Southside Center
this Saturday, February 21. A discussion of doing away with the Kansas Board of Regents
and creating a new governing committee to oversee all State educational institutions
(Technical Schools, Community Colleges, Universities ). The citizens of Kansas will
have to vote on this since the Board of Regents is in our State Constitution.
VIII. Report from Legislative Information Day - Ellen HornFive State Classified employees
attended the Legislative Information Day and visited with most of our area's State
Senators and House of Representatives. Members of the Wichita State University's Classified
Senate who went to Topeka were: Kathy Farney, Ellen Horn, Willa Shelton, and Donald
Brooks. Each reported on their visit with legislators.
IX. April's Classified Senate Meeting - Ellen Horn
The date of the next meeting is being moved up to Friday, April 3, 1998, from 3:30
p.m. until 5:00 p.m. Wendy Fritz, WSU's agency representative with the Kansas Division
of Personnel Services, will be visiting the University and has agreed to be our guest
at the next Classified Senate meeting. Please think of questions to ask her, write
them down, and submit them to Ellen Horn.
X. Committee Reports
Football - Kathy Farney
The committee has not yet come up with recommendations to take to President Hughes.
They need to have a plan of funding football before counting on profits from games.
RSC Committee - Kathy Wolff
Revenues are up 1.3% from last year. Everything is operating "in the black" now.
Traffic Report - JoAnn Pappas, Tony Sieverin, and Ruth Ann Priester are atte nding this today.
KAPE - Tom Retz
Tom reported on KAPE's activities and communications with legislators.
XI. As May Arise
XII. Adjourn - Ellen Horn
The meeting next Classified Senate meeting will be on 3-18-98. The meeting was adjourned
at 4:45 p.m.
Present: Members - Betty Alford, Joyce Barnes, Edna Bates-Tosses, Gary Bequette, Donald Brooks, Ronald Brooks, Warren Carter, Judy Dillard, Jane Eshelman, Kathy Farney, Beverly Klag, Pat Nickle, Scott Norton, JoAnn Pappas, Val Peck, Ruth Ann Priester, Tom Retz, Willa Shelton, Tim Shrank, Tony Sieverin, Tom Veltman, Kathy Wolff, Shelly Kellogg
Absent: Excused - Carolyn Cox, Jama Henrie, Ellen Horn, Sandy Oswald
Unexcused - Donald Blake, Lisa Cutright, Gerald Holland, Denise Lees
I. Open Meeting and Welcome - Gary Bequette (Classified Senate Vice President)
Gary opened the meeting by informing the Senate that Ellen Horn was unable to attend
due to having to leave town because of a family emergency.
II. Treasurer's Report - Shelly Kellogg
Shelly reported that the total expenditures to date are $343.79 leaving a current
balance of $679.21.
III. Legislative Update - Judy Dillard
Judy informed us that no bills have passed that deal with salaries or funding for
any state agency. Legislation is focusing on giving money back to tax payers. The
House wants dollars to go to a fund for food for low income families but the Senate
keeps throwing that proposal out. House Bill 2878, repealing KSA 75-6891, is still
in the Ho use Appropriations Committee. SB 674 and HB 2771 are still in the Senate
Ways & Means Committee. A bill that would do away with the Board of Regents and institute
a new system of governance over higher education will be voted on in the House this
Judy gave handouts about these different bills. She explained how to use the Web
to check on legislative activities and information.
IV. Newsletter from Kansas State Senator, Pat Ranson - Kathy Farney
Kathy gave a summary of Pat Ranson's newsletter.
V. University Cabinet Meeting Report - Willa Shelton
Willa reported on four main topics that were covered at this February 26 meeting.
1) Tony Ross will become the interim Dean of Student Affairs, replacing Vicky Triponey.
2) Apparently, there is not too much the University can do in stopping protesters
at the games as long as the protesters stay within certain perimeters. It is their
constitutional right.
3) There is a new bill coming before the Kansas Legislation that will abolish Affirmative
Action in Kansas.
4) The Kansas Legislature is considering repealing KSA 75-6891 (formerly HB 2211).
VI. Internal Issues Committee Report - Jane Eshelman
Jane reported on two issues that were discussed.
1) Some classified emplo yees at Wichita State University are not receiving their
annual raise due to their supervisor not getting the employee's annual evaluation
turned in on time to Human Resources. This is an issue that should be addressed to
Wendy Fritz (of Kansas Personnel Services Division) when she comes to WSU and speaks
to the Classified Senate next month.
2) It has been discovered that all state employees' State Life Insurance is considered
a death benefit and is taxable. This would also be referred to HB 2395 if it passes.
VII. Announcement of April 3 Classified Senate Meeting - Gary Bequette
Gary announced that Wendy Fritz (from the Kansas State Division of Personnel Services)
will be speaking at our Senate meeting on April 3. He asked for all Senate members
to encourage their Classified co-workers to attend this meeting which will be held
in room 219 in Hubbard Hall at 3:30 p.m. Wendy Fritz will be holding a question-and-answer
session after speaking to us. Gary reminded us that the April 15 Classified Senate
meeting has been canceled. A discussion on what questions to ask Wendy Fritz followed.
VIII. As May Arise
Senate elections will start next month (April).
IX. Adjournment - Gary Bequette
Gary adjourned the meeting at 4:20 p.m.
Present: Members - Joyce Barnes, Edna Bates-Tosses, Ronald Brooks, Warren Carter, Carolyn Cox, Judy Dillard, Kathy Farney, Jama Henrie, Ellen Horn, Beverly Klag, Shelly Kellogg, Pat Nickle, Scott Norton, Sandy Oswald, JoAnn Pappas, Val Peck, Ruth Ann Priester, Kathy Wolff
Guests - Frankie Brown, Glenda Campbell, Donna Cassaw, Sue Cook, Laurie Davis, Jan Fogg, Wendy Fritz, Janet Graham, Linda Lindsly, Steve McCann, Candace Molzhon, DeAnne Penning, Julie Rausch, Mary Smith, David Strange, Diane Tangeman, John Wilson
Absent: Excused - Gary Bequette, Lisa Cutright, Jane Eshelman, Willa Shelton, Tom Veltman
Unexcused - Betty Alford, Donald Blake, Donald Brooks, Gerald Holland, Denise Lees, Tom Retz, Tim Shrank, Tony Sieverin
The Classified Senate met on Friday, April 3, 1998, in Hubbard Hall. The meeting was changed to accommodate the schedule of Wendy Fritz, our guest speaker. Wendy is WSU's agency representative with the Kansas Division of Personnel Services. She agreed to stay to meet with the Classified Senate while she was in town.
Ellen Horn, president, opened the meeting at 3:30 and welcomed all senators and guests. Ellen then introduced Wendy Fritz and her assistant, Candace Molzhon, and turned the meeting over to Wendy.
Wendy said she had prepared no remarks but opened the floor for questions. The first question was why are we restricted to having reclassifications only twice a year? Wendy said this was an agency decision (i.e., a WSU decision), so David Strange of the WSU Office of Human Resources answered the question. David said reclassifications are restricted to June and December because of funding issues. Reclassifying a person to a higher level requires having more money in the budget to pay them, so those decisions have to be made when budgets are being planned. David added that supervisors first decide whether to recommend a reclassification, then they decide when the change will take effect. Wendy mentioned that once reclassification forms get to Topeka, they turn them around in two to three weeks.
Someone asked about the consistency of classifications from one state agency to another.
Wendy assured the group that a Secretary I at WSU does similar work and has similar
responsibilities to Secretary Is throughout the state system. There are approximately
800 classifications in the Kansas system, and agency human resource personnel (classification
specialists, such as David Strange at WSU) are trained to know how to classify and
reclassify positions. Topeka is trying to give agencies more responsibility, so the
agency HR professionals are trained to use standard criteria for making
classification decisions.
There was a question about a health insurance issue. PPK was the carrier; they cut off the patient's therapy. Wendy said she would have to refer that question to the Benefits Division in Topeka. The phone number to the Division of Personnel Services in Topeka is (785) 296-4278. Wendy was asked how she deals with the Kansas Legislature. She replied that there is a specific division of Personnel Services which does that. She sometimes gets involved when the legislators are requesting specific information that she (or Personnel Services in general) needs to provide. She explained that the division is now conducting a fact-finding study for the legislative committee that hired the consultants to study the state's compensation system last year. They are to have their information to the committee by the end of December, and are looking at such issues as compensation, training, benefits, and employee review.
When asked for more details about the compensation study, Wendy said that the surveys were sent to state employees in a random, scientific fashion. Members of the group suggested that survey questions could be put in the Kansan newsletter and then employees could send in their responses.
When asked about when our jobs do not match our job descriptions, Wendy replied that it is impossible to continually update the job descriptions and realistically impossible to always stay within the boundaries of the job description. She said that it is the supervisor's responsibility to keep the job description updated. Occasionally classifications do change, usually in an agency-specific position. There is a Classification and Compensation Unit in Topeka.
In reply to a question about the value of a long -time employee (and the state or agency encouraging their promotion), Wendy said that currently there is no language which specifically rewards the value for years of experience on a specific job or with a specific agency.
When questioned further about the longevity issue, Wendy stated that the Division
of Personnel Services does not "lobby" at all, including about trying to do something
for those at the top of the ir pay scale. The leaders in the division sometimes testify
for or against matters the Legislature is considering, and they provide information,
for example, what it would cost if they did make a provision for each of these employees
who have "maxed out" to get a step increase. It was pointed out that the fiscal part
(i.e., the cost) is only part of the story. There is also the issue of having to train
a new
employee versus retaining and rewarding the current employee.
When asked about the EEO categories, Wendy said Kansas follows federal guidelines regarding all EEO issues. Privatization was brought up and Wendy said she had heard no rumors about privatization affecting jobs at Regents' institutions.
Wendy reminded the group about the employee assistance hotline, Lifeline, 1 -800-Lifeline, which can be accessed 24 hours a day from anywhere in Kansas and from other states as well. The hotline can assist you with finding medical professionals when you are away from home and for any personal or family issue.
Wendy encouraged the group to take our questions first to our WSU human resource professionals.
If they do not give a satisfactory answer or if we are not comfortable asking them
our question(s), she said we may call her at (785) 296-4365.
When asked about our raises for next year, Wendy was hesitant to say what was currently
proposed because she said it could change tomorrow and could certainly change before
it was voted into law.
She reminded the group that the raises are typically among the last legislation to be resolved during the legislative session. She noted that the Topeka paper gives thorough coverage of legislative issues concerning classified employees, but we told her that locally we don't get much information.
Retirement was brought up and Wendy encouraged us to call KPERS at their toll-free number when we have questions regarding our retirement benefits. She said they can project our retirement income if asked.
She explained a little bit about our sick leave payout. It depends on our number of years of service and our number of hours of accumulated sick leave. We get a percentage based on those two numbers.
At 4:30 Wendy concluded her remarks by reminding everyone of her phone number, (785) 296-4365, and her e-mail address,
Ellen Horn took the floor again, thanked Wendy and Candace for coming, and made the
following announcements:
* elections for Classified Senators are in progress. We should know the new senators
by May 1 and the 1998-99 officers by mid-May.
* Ellie Duram will represent the Classified Senate on the search committee to replace
Karmen Allen.
* Ellen Horn served on the search committee to replace Vangie Chavez. Chris Wiens
was selected; she started in that position on March 16.
* John Wilson and JoAnn Pappas were nominated to serve on the presidential search
committee; John was selected. He told the group that the committee has met once and
will meet again very soon. When asked if he could provide a copy of the ad which advertised
the vacancy, John said he would try to get a copy.
* Kathy Farney, Classified Senate representative on the Athletic Program Enhancement
Committee (commonly called the "Football Committee"), announced that she had attended
a meeting earlier in the day where the vote was taken to determine whether or not
to recommend that the president bring football back. The vote was 14 yes and 3 no;
Kathy voted no. She passed out some material regarding the vote, and stated that she
wants football at WSU but could not vote "yes" because the committee had not found
a way to support it financially (which was part of the charge to the
The meeting was adjourned at 5 p.m.
Present: Members - Joyce Barnes, Edna Bates-Tosses, Donald Brooks, Ronald Brooks, Warren Carter, Carolyn Cox, Ellie Duram, Jane Eshelman, Kathy Farney, Sally Fiscus, Bill Gilmore, Ellen Horn, Shelly Kellogg, Merle Laham, Pat Nickle, Scott Norton, Sandy Oswald, JoAnn Pappas, Val Peck, Ruth Ann Priester, Tom Retz, Willa Shelton, Donna Spader, Tom Veltman, Joyce Ward, Kathy Wolff
Guests - Julie Rausch
Absent: Excused - Lisa Cutright, Judy Dillard, Jama Henrie, Beverly Klag, Tim Shrank
Unexcused - Betty Alford, Gary Bequette, Donald Blake, Gerald Holland, Denise Lees, Tony Sieverin
The Classified Senate met on Wednesday, May 20, 1998, in 215 Rhatigan Student Center. Ellen Horn, president, opened the meeting at 3:30 and welcomed all senators (1997-98 and 1998-99) and guests. Each person introduced herself or himself. Ellen then introduced the 1998-99 president and vice president of the Classified Senate, elected by the Senate Executive Council at their May 14 meeting.
Sally Fiscus, president, has worked at WSU 17 years. She began in nursing and worked in math and University communications before moving to her current position, academic records manager in the College of Engineering. Sally is also a WSU student; she earned her associate's degree last December and continues to pursue her bachelor's degree. Sally has served on the Senate previously and was off last year because she had served two consecutive terms.
Edna Bates-Tosses, vice-president, has worked at WSU 15 years. She began as a cashier in the Controller's Office and now is an accountant in that office. Edna is beginning her second term on the Senate. In addition to working at WSU, Edna sells real estate.
Shelly Kellogg will continue as clerk of the Senate.
The minutes of the February and March meeting were approved as distributed. The April minutes were corrected to show Jane Eshelman's absence as excused rather than unexcused.
Shelly Kellogg reported that we had expenditures of $272.62 at the Copy Center for
our election and $21.50 at Central Services for mailing labels. Our balance is $370.87.
Joyce Barnes asked if having a balance would keep us from getting our full budget
next year. Shelly stated that the Senate would lose the money left in our account
but we will receive the same amount next year as this year. JoAnn Pappas asked if
we could use our money to buy a brick for the Classified Senate in the Plaza of Heroines,
but Edna said we could not spend this money for that. Ellen said that she is going
to submit
an invoice for copies she has made in her office for Senate business.
Ellen offered condolences to Kathy Wolff whose husband passed away recently. Willa Shelton reported that Judy Dillard's sister, who was diagnosed with a brain tumor on May 15, had undergone surgery earlier this week. She survived the surgery but passed away during the recovery period. Ellen mentioned that Willa's father had recently had open-heart surgery; Willa said that he was to be released from the hospital soon.
Ellen made the following announcements:
The Kansas Board of Regents will meet in the RSC Commons beginning at 9 a.m. on Thursday,
May 21. Chairs will be set up for spectators; people may come and go as they wish.
Ellen read a web address which is a good source for verifying warnings of internet viruses. Most warnings are hoaxes which circulate and re-circulate.
Ellen made available a photocopy of an e-mail announcement correcting an error for in-person payment times listed in the Summer Schedule of Courses.
Ellen briefly recapped the 1997-98 Senate year. We began with President Hughes addressing the Senate in July. The day we worked at the WSU booth at the State Fair, coordinated by Kathy Farney, was a big success. Kathy had bright yellow WSU shirts for each of us and also she had a schedule of events at the fair that day and sent us to those events.
Therefore, we went to the people rather than waiting for them to come in our building
and by our booth. At the faculty/staff picnic the next day, we passed out button which
designate people as a "WSU Classified Employee." Jane Eshelman helped chair the Race
Against Hunger in October, and Sally Fiscus coordinated the Holiday Tree Lighting,
which the Classified Senate hosted for the entire campus, in December. Five classified
employees traveled to Topeka for Legislative Information Day on January 27. Wendy
Fritz, WSU's agency representative at the Kansas Division of Personnel Services, was
the featured speaker at our April meeting. Our Internal Issues Committee, chaired
by Jane Eshelman, began to look at inconsistencies which came to light in the Holiday
Shutdown Survey last spring.
Edna reported on the recent Senate elections. A total of 683 ballots were sent out and 214 classified employees responded, for a 31% participation rate. In EEO 3, 43 were mailed, and 25 were returned.
In EEO 4, 307 were mailed and 153 were returned. In EEO 5, 72 were mailed, 19 were returned. In EEO 6, 105 were mailed, 7 were returned, and in EEO 7, 156 were mailed and 7 were returned.
There was some discussion of the way the nomination forms and ballots were handled,
putting the responsibility on each employee to indicate if they did not wish to serve
on the Senate. Kathy Farney indicated that she thinks it is better to call each person
who is nominated to see if they want to serve, ask if they have questions about being
on the Senate, etc. Tom Retz, after hearing the EEO numbers mentioned in the election
report, raised the question about the distribution of the 30 senators among EEO categories.
Some categories have a lot of employees but not many senators. Kathy Farney
remembered that she had checked on that specific question previously; she is going
to check again and report back to the Senate.
Kathy Farney reported that she had heard a rumor that faculty and staff are going
to have to pay for campus parking privileges. When asked when this was to begin, Bill
Gilmore said he had heard that it would start July 1. There were doubts that it would
happen that fast since our current parking stickers are good through December 31.
Julie Rausch mentioned that the point is that the students feel they are bearing all
the costs of parking (through student fees) and that faculty and staff should also
contribute. The general sentiment was that we were opposed to having to pay for parking,
without the guarantee of a parking space. Sally was asked to get more information
about this issue.
Ellen turned the meeting over to Sally; she conducted the election for Senate secretary. Ellie Duram, who works in engineering records, was unanimously elected. Kathy Farney reminded Sally that the Legislative Issues/Position Paper Committee needs to be appointed ASAP so they can begin their work this summer.
Sally announced the next Senate meeting will be July 15 in the RSC Great Plains Room (215-217).
Edna presented a lucite WSU paperweight to Ellen in appreciation of her work as Senate president.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:20 p.m.