Senate Meeting Minutes
Wichita State University
Classified Senate Meeting Minutes
July 1998 - May 1999
- July 1998
- September 1998
- October 1998
- November 1998
- December 1998
- February 1999
- March 1999
- April 1999
- May 1999
Present: Members - Susie Asbridge, Joyce Barnes, Ronald Brooks, Judy Dillard, Jane Eshelman,
Kathy Farney, Sally Fiscus, Bill Gilmore, Ted Hogan, Ellen Horn, Shelly Kellogg, Beverly
Klag, Merle Laham, David McCullough, Pat Nickle, Sandra Oswald, JoAnn Pappas, Willa
Shelton, Donna Spader,
Joyce Ward
Guests - Marlise McCammon, Dot Starkey, Bev Henline, Duane Fant, Julie Rausch
Absent: Excused - Edna Bates-Tosses, Donald Brooks, Carolyn Cox, Ellie Duram, Val Peck,
Tim Shrank, Tony Sieverin, Tom Veltman, Ruth Ann Priester
Unexcused - James Grayson
The Classified Senate met on Wednesday, July 15, 1998 in the Great Plains Room, 215, in the hatigan Student Center. Sally Fiscus opened the meeting at 3:30 p.m. by introducing herself as the new President of the Cassified Senate. She welcomed everyone and asked for each person to introduce themselves.
Sally Fiscus read the minutes of the last meeting which were approved as read.
Shelly Kellogg gave the Treasurer's report by stating that there had been no changes and that the balance remains the same as last meeting.
Sally Fiscus presented the Goals for Classified Senate for this year. These were:
1) Keep Classified Senate informed. 2) Help Classified Senate keep constitue nts
informed. 3) Continue to raise
awareness of Classified Senate. 4) Get more employees involved.
Judy Dillard presented a report on Legislative Issues. Judy, Donna Spader, and Kathy Farney have developed a questionnaire which will be mailed to all classified employees at WSU. It directs mostly to the question, "Do you know who your legislators are?" This is an election year and there will be a campus campaign to convince the classified employees to register to vote.
Kathy Farney gave a report on Reapportionment. This has to do with the number of Senators in the Classified Senate and the group that each Senator represents. The Senate's Constitution can be revised and the apportionments can be changed. The Classified Senate has gotten stronger and more visible in the past few years and an increase in the number of Senators is needed. A committee will be formed to work on this. Marlise McCammon gave a brief history on the Classified Senate and how it was formed.
Sally Fiscus announced that a memo went out about the 1 ½ % COLA raise. The raise took effect on June 14, 1998.
Sally Fiscus passed around some hand-outs about some changes at WSU. One of the changes
is that the University College was abolished. The other is the proposed parking fees
for all WSU employees which is to begin in January, 1999. A copy of this proposal
was also given to all attendees
at the meeting.
Sally talked about the Kansas State Fair which will be in September. She asked for volunteers to work in the WSU booth on September 15, 1998. A sign-up sheet was passed around the meeting table.
John Wilson gave a report on the status of the President Search Committee. On August
22 and 23, the final five candidates will visit the campus. John asked for the Senate
to develop some questions for the interviews with the final candidates. These questions
may be sent to Sally Fiscus.
On August 19, Roger Lowe (WSU's Vice President of Finance and Administration) and
John Gist (WSU's Director of Facilities Planning) will attend our Classified Senate
Meeting and present the new Parking Proposal. Sally Fiscus requested that a committee
be formed in order to put together a list of questions for Roger Lowe and John Gist.
Donna Spader volunteered to Chair the committee. Other volunteers for this committee
are: Jane Eshelman, Dot Starkey, Ted Hogan, Sally Fiscus, and Sandy Oswald. Anyone
who has a question should send to Donna Spader or Sally Fiscus. After discussion,
it was decided that all WSU classified employees should be invited to attend this
meeting. Shelly Kellogg will send out a notice to all WSU classified employees two
weeks prior to the August 19 meeting. It was also suggested that we reserve a larger
room for the meeting.
Sally Fiscus passed around a copy of the new policy, "First Amendment Activities by University Groups" asking for comments or suggestions from Senators.
Sally Fiscus passed out sign-up sheets for various other committees and projects.
Shelly Kellogg announced that July 24 is the deadline for applications for Fall tuition assistance to be submitted.
Sally Fiscus asked for recipes to be donated to the Council of University Women. These will be printed in cookbook and sold. All the proceeds will be used for scholarships.
Kathy Farney passed out a "booklet" about serving as a Sena tor on the Classified Senate. Kathy talked about the constituent list which is given to each Senator and how each should work at informing those constituents on various issues and how to keep communications open.
Sally Fiscus adjourned the meeting at 4:47 p.m.
Present: Members - Joyce Barnes, Ronald Brooks, Carolyn Cox, Judy Dillard, Jane Eshelman,
Kathy Farney, Sally Fiscus, Ted Hogan, Ellen Horn, Shelly Kellogg, Merle Laham, David
McCullough, Pat Nickle, Ruth Ann Priester, Willa Shelton, Tony Sieverin, Tom Veltman,
Joyce Ward
Guests - Marlise McCammon, David Strange, Jan Toth, John Wilson
Absent: Excused - Susie Asbridge, Edna Bates-Tosses, Ellie Duram, Bill Gilmore, Beverly Klag,
JoAnn Pappas, Val Peck, Donna Spader
Unexcused - Donald Brooks, James Grayson, Tim Shrank
The Classified Senate met on Wednesday, September 16, 1998, in 215 Rhatigan Student Center. Sally Fiscus, president, opened the meeting at 3:30 and welcomed all senators and guests. Each person introduced herself or himself.
Sally asked if there were additions or corrections to the minutes of the July meeting. There were none, so the minutes were approved as distributed.
Shelly Kellogg reported that we had expenditures of $11.60 at the Copy Center for notices to all classified employees about the parking meeting in August. Our balance is $1,011.40.
Sally turned the meeting over to David Strange, Classifications Manager in WSU's Human
Resources office. David explained that the state of Kansas recognizes "supervision"
by classified employees as supervision of other classified employees, not of student
assistants. Approximately eight years ago the University of Kansas requested a change
in this policy (to include the supervision of student assistants) but the state denied
their request. At a recent meeting, however, KU and K-State HR people said they do
consider the supervision of student assistants as supervision. At WSU the
supervision of student assistants is taken into account only in certain situations,
not across the board and with no formal guidelines. Our HR office is in the process
of putting together a list of all classified employees who supervise student assistants
so when information about supervisory training is distributed, those people will receive
the information. HR is particularly looking at people who supervise several student
assistants (graduate or undergraduate). That information now will be taken into consideration
more formally. David did not know the time frame in which this process would happen.
He acknowledged that supervising student assistants is difficult work, particularly
because of the turnover, training, and scheduling.
Kathy Farney suggested that Classified Senators could contact their constituents and get the names of classified employees who supervise student assistants and how many they supervise.
Shelly Kellogg added that any employee is eligible to take the supervisory training, but space is limited and first preference is given to those who are required to take the training. It is a 2-credit-hour class, and each participant must agree to do the work required by the class.
Sally asked if all Senators had received their constituent lists. Merle Laham has not; she and Ted Hogan will get together after the meeting. David McCullough also had not received his list. Sally said she distributed that EEO category so she will get him another one.
Sally passed around the committee lists and asked for more volunteers on the committees with empty spaces.
Sally also passed around a list she received at the Council of Deans and Directors meeting to show the organization of VP Bobby Patton's office and the way the responsibilities are divided among Peter Zoller, Gayle Davis, and Jim Kelley.
Sally reported that at the University Cabinet meeting last week, Roger Lowe and John Gist made the same presentation regarding the parking proposal that they made to classified employees on August 12. Some discussion regarding the parking plan followed. There was a question of whether the SGA gave approval of the plan or simply indicated which of the four plans (of student parking assessment) they preferred. Sally reported that the Faculty Senate has asked for a delay (from January 1) in charging the faculty and staff parking fees. (The proposal states that students will be charged beginning next fall.) It was reported that a draft of the letter going out to all employees regarding paying for parking is already in Payroll. It was suggested that Sally check on that. Also mentioned was a discrepancy in whether or not people will have to pay for handicapped parking privileges. It was asked if both spouses work on campus, can they get two permits based on the salary of the lower paid person. The understanding is that each person will receive only one permit and that students and staff will be charged if they have to get replacements.
Sally announced that she has talked with Lori Miller in the University Communications office, chair of the Forum Board Committee, and has secured a place on the Forum Board Committee for a classified employee. She asked for a volunteer, and John Wilson agreed to serve in that capacity.
Sally thanked Joyce Ward for chairing the classified employees day at the Kansas State Fair. Joyce reported that 12 classified employees staffed the WSU booth at the Fair on Tuesday, September 15.
Judy Dillard reported that the Position Paper Committee has met once and is busy getting
our position paper ready. The Kansas Council of Classified Senates will meet on October
2, so time is short. They meet on Thursdays at noon in the conference room in the
Counseling and Testing
Center; all classified employees are invited.
John Wilson, classified employee representative on the Presidential Search Committee, thanked the Senate for his opportunity to serve on that committee. He said he had learned a lot and enjoyed the experience. When asked, John reported that he was always treated as a full member of the committee. The Kansas Board of Regents will announce the final four candidates (three males and one female) on September 17. John said he would be pleased to have any of the four as WSU's next president. The four candidates will be on campus October 1, 2, and 3. Sally added that she and one other classified employee have been invited to meet with each candidate. Several people expressed an interest to go with her if Senate VP Edna Bates-Tosses is not interested or able to attend.
Tom Veltman told the group about the possibility of establishing a listserv for all
WSU classified employees who have access to e-mail. There is no cost involved and
it would be a way to send information to all classified employees at one time. Tom
favors an unmoderated listserv.
Kathy Farney read a letter from President Hughes to members of the "Football Committee"
saying he needs more time to review their recommendations and look for the funding
necessary to carry out their proposal.
Sally announced that, due to scheduling conflicts which make it impossible for her to attend Senate meetings, Sandy Oswald has had to withdraw from the Senate. Sally will name a replacement for the EEO 5 Senate seat.
Jane Eshelman announced that the Strategic Planning Committee has been called back together to review recommendations forwarded to President Hughes from the Faculty Senate.
Jane also announced that the Race Against Hunger, which will be from noon, September 25 to noon, September 26, still has slots for runners or walkers between 1 a.m. and 6 a.m. on the 26th. She also said they could use scoreboard volunteers.
Ellen Horn mentioned that Friday, October 9, will be Lee National Denim Day, a day set aside for Breast Cancer Awareness. Ellen said all employees will receive more information soon.
Sally reminded everyone that the next Classified Senate meeting will be at 3:30 on Wednesday, October 21, in 215 RSC. The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m.
Present: Members - Joyce Barnes, Donald Brooks, Ronald Brooks, Carolyn Cox, Judy Dillard, Ellie Duram, Jane Eshelman, Kathy Farney, Sally Fiscus, Bill Gilmore, Shelly Kellogg, Beverly Klag, Merle Laham, Pat Nickle, JoAnn Pappas, Tom Veltman, and Joyce Ward
Guests - None
Absent: Excused - Edna Bates-Tosses, Ellen Horn, and Ruth Ann Priester
Unexcused - Susie Asbridge, James Grayson, Ted Hogan, David McCullough, Val Peck,
Willa Shelton, Tim Shrank, Tony Sieverin, Donna Spader, and Susan Younger
The Classified Senate met on Wednesday, October 21, 1998 in the Great Plains Room, 215, in the Rhatigan Student Center.
President Sally Fiscus opened the meeting at 3:30 p.m. All the members present were welcomed - there were no guests. Sally asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes of the September 16, 1998 meeting. There were none, so they were approved as distributed.
Secretary Ellie Duram distributed an updated list of Classified Senators with their addresses and phone numbers.
Shelly Kellogg reported that we had no expenditures during the past month. Our balance
remains the
same at $1,011.40.
Sally reported that Sandy Oswald had asked to resign her position on the Classified Senate representing EEO5. Susan Younger in University Communications, Publications has agreed to be her replacement for the remainder of the term which will end in May, 1999.
William R. Docking, Chair of the Kansas Board of Regents, and Tom W. Bryant, Interim Executive Director of the Kansas Board of Regents, will be visiting our campus on Thursday, October 29, 1998. Representatives from the Classified Senate are scheduled to meet with them from 10:40-11:00 a.m. in the Morrison Board Room. The representatives who plan to attend this meeting will be primarily the Executive Council. The ten people are: Edna Bates-Tosses, Donald Brooks, Ellie Duram, Jane Eshelman, Kathy Farney, Ted Hogan, Ellen Horn, Shelly Kellogg, Donna Spader, and John Wilson. Sally will be unable to attend so Vice President Edna Bates-Tosses is preparing a bullet paper to present to the Board of Regents members at this meeting.
Sally announced that several Classified Sena te members have not been attending meetings regularly. If a Senator has a reason for missing a meeting, they are supposed to notify the president or secretary in advance so that it would be considered an excused absence. According to the Bylaws, any member who has two or more unexcused absences from either the Classified Senate or Executive Council meetings can be replaced.
Copies of a list of committees and our representatives serving on them were distributed. A new committee considering shared leave requests has been formed, and Sally will be our representative on this committee. Sally will also serve on the new Hearing Board. More people are needed to serve on the Internal Issues Committee.
Sally gave us an update on the parking plan. Roger Lowe appreciated our willingness to compromise on this issue. He wants to make a change to the resolution that the Classified Senate had presented to him. Rather than three representatives from each of the four Senates serving on the Parking Plan Committee, Roger thought it should be two. We all agreed to this recommendation. Sally intends to ask Donna Spader to serve on this committee along with herself. A question was raised if employees could pay for parking in cash rather than having it deducted from their paycheck.
Sally has a copy of the Vision 2020: Report on Progress distributed by the President's
Executive Council that is available for anyone to look over. In it, Peter Zoller refers
to WSU as being ". . . the step sister to the universities to the north."
Jane Eshelman announced that there was good representation from the classifed employees
at the Race Against Hunger event held on September 25, 1998. Everyone involved was
extremely pleased with the amount of food and money raised.
Judy Dillard reported that the Position Paper Committee met to complete WSU's position paper. Copies were distributed to all Senators present. Our 1999 position in regard to salaries is:
- "Provide a comprehensive pay package that reflects theincrease in cost of living over the last decade; an appreciation for the value of employee experience; and that encourages retention of quality employees. Pass a bill that provides that classified employees who have reached the top of their range will move to the next range that would provide a step increase."
- In regard to reclassification: "Reclassification studies should be instituted to insure
that pay levels are
appropriate for the work actually being done." - Some of the concerns of the classified employees on campus are: many employees having to work a second job off campus just to make ends meet, employees being required to have more advanced skills (computer work, etc.) but not being compensated financially or upgraded for it, downsizing -- when employees retire and are not being replaced, and COLA. There are 45 employees on campus who are at the top of their grade so unless COLA is given, they receive no increase in pay at all. A handout was distributed showing the number of employees at each grade for the years 1997 and 1998.
Judy Dillard, Kathy Farney, Sally Fiscus, and Randy Sessions attended the Kansas Council of Classified Senates meeting at Emporia State University on October 2, 1998. A joint position paper was completed at this meeting but so far we have not received a final copy of it from the ESU's Classified Senate.
Judy reported that she and Donna Spader are co-chairs of the Internal Issues Committee. Classified employees are encouraged to let them know about the issues that are of concern to them. The committee has decided to send a copy of the close down survey taken of classified employees to the new incoming president of WSU, Don Beggs, who will be on campus for a week in November.
Tom Veltman reported that 88 people have subscribed to the Classified Employees' listserver so far. This will be an excellent tool that can be used for discussion and in getting the word out to all classified employees quickly. There will be a notice in a forthcoming issue of "Inside WSU" promoting the listserver.
Kathy is still working with David Strange in trying to obtain a list of classified employees who supervise student assistants in their offices.
Pat Nickle reported that the state has implemented a new system for hiring new employees. The posting of new openings was shut down for two weeks. As of October 23, 1998, the system will be back up and running.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:30.
Present: Members - Joyce Barnes, Edna Bates-Tosses, Donald Brooks, Ronald Brooks, Carolyn Cox, Ellie Duram, Jane Eshelman, Kathy Farney, Sally Fiscus, Ted Hogan, Ellen Horn, Shelly Kellogg, Merle Laham, Pat Nickle, Val Peck, Willa Shelton, Tim Shrank, Donna Spader, Joyce Ward, and Susan Younger.
Absent: Excused - Susie Asbridge, Judy Dillard, Bill Gilmore, James Grayson, Beverly Klag, David McCullough, JoAnn Pappas, Ruth Ann Priester, Tony Sieverin, and Tom Veltman.
The Classified Senate met on Wednesday, November 18, 1998 in the Great Plains Room, 215, in the Rhatigan Student Center. President Sally Fiscus opened the meeting at 3:30 p.m. All members present were welcomed - there were no guests.
Sally Fiscus asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes of the
October 21, 1998 meeting. 1) David McCullough was reported in the minutes as having
an unexcused absence. He should have been reported as present. 2) It was reported
in the minutes that the Vision 2020: Report on Progress contained a quote by Peter
Zoller discussing WSU and our relationship with universities to the north. There was
most certainly NOT a quote by Peter Zoller in the Vision 2020 report. The minutes
should have indicated that the Vision 2020 report was discussed at the University
meeting and a copy is available for review. Minutes were approved as corrected.
Shelly Kellogg reported that we had a $1.60 postage expenditure this past month. Our balance is now $1,009.80. Sally Fiscus showed a sample of the Council of University Women's cookbook, "Shocking Cuisine," that are on sale now. Cookbooks can be purchased from any CUW member or from Mary Taggart in the Recreation Center of the RSC. Sally acknowledged Susan Younger's role as designer for the cookbook. The cookbooks sell for $10.00 and all profits go for scholarships.
Sally Fiscus recognized Ellen Horn for all of her time and effort in organizing the fund raiser for the Susan Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. Ellen Horn reported that we were able to raise $1,170 here at WSU and nationally over $4 million was raised.
Sally Fiscus discussed the meeting held on October 19, 1998 with the Board of Regents
members, Chair William R. Docking and Interim Executive Director Tom W. Bryant. Edna
Bates-Tosses, Donald Brooks, Ellie Duram, Jane Eshelman, Kathy Farney, Sally Fiscus,
Ted Hogan, Ellen Horn, Shelly Kellogg, Donna Spader, and John Wilson attended. The
general consensus was that they seemed very interested in what we had to say. We recommended
that a classified employee from each of the regents schools be allowed to attend Board
of Regents meetings, and the two Board of Regents
members agreed that this was a good idea. All four WSU Senates were very positive
about their meetings with them.
Edna Bates-Tosses and Sally Fiscus met with Dr. Beggs on October 29, 1998. We provided
Dr. Beggs with a list of issues that concern classified staff. The list included the
following: perceived differences between classified and unclassified staff, impact
of classification study and pay system on morale, overtime and holiday pay conflicts
for required work schedules, COLAs for classified employees who have reached the top
of their pay matrix, filling vacated positions due to retirement, reduced/free tuition
and fees for classified staff, tradition of the holiday closedown, parking plan committee
and focus, official status for classified representation at Board of Regents meetings,
and removal of classified employees from the Governor's control. Beggs wants to meet
regularly (probably monthly) with Presidents of Unclassified, Classified, and Faculty
Senates and Student Government Association. He has had previous experience with similar
classified systems and understands how difficult it can be at times to know who to
address specific questions to in order to get answers. He
believes in shared governance, and will include classified staff when appropriate.
Sally Fiscus reported on the parking plan. Two members from each of the three Senates
and Student Government Association were appointed to work with Roger Lowe to implement
the parking plan and finalize details by March 1, 1999. Roger Lowe provided committee
members with a copy of the revised parking plan which included 30 revisions. It was
agreed that the 30 revisions should be posted on the Classified Employees' listserv
and WSU's homepage for staff to access. Questions, comments, or concerns, should be
e-mailed to Sally Fiscus or Donna Spader, our two representatives
on this committee.
Notices were sent out today via campus mail regarding the Annual Holiday Tree Lighting hosted by the Classified Senate. It is planned for December 2, 1998 at 3:00 PM in the Fireplace Lounge of the RSC. Refreshments will be served, and music will be provided by the WSU Chamber Singers. Ginger Cox and Linda Farmer are co-chairing this event.
Sally Fiscus announced that the University is exploring the possibility of entering into an exclusive beverage agreement. Ted Ayres has asked for input from the Senates and will share information with us as he begins this process. If anyone has input, please contact Sally Fiscus directly.
Kathy Farney provided some background information and an update on our position paper. The Kansas Council of Classified Senates represents over 5,000 Board of Regents classified employees. Their annual meeting was held at Emporia State University on October 2, 1998 where a position paper was created. This position paper will be presented at the January, 1999 legislative meeting in Topeka. The position paper presents three main concerns: salary, retirement, and benefits.
Salary items:
1) Provide a 6-7.6% COLA to correct loss of purchasing power
2) Continue funding of step increases
3) Add steps to top of pay matrix
4) Provide funding for longevity bonuses
5) Conduct a comprehensive job rate and classification study.
Retirement items:
1) Total repeal of Article 68, KSA 75-6801 -- Position Reductions Based on State
Employee Retirements
2) Subsidize insurance payments for those employees who opt to retire under the 85
point plan.
Benefits item:
1) Amend Article 55, KSA 75-5537 to include: "Each official state holiday which occurs
within a regularly scheduled workweek shall be counted as time worked in determining
the amount of overtime compensation for state employees."
Donna Spader announced that the Internal Issues committee hasn't met yet, but plans to begin looking at issues soon. This committee plans to work via e-mail and needs more employees to serve.
There are 104 classified employees signed on to the listserv. Sally Fiscus strongly suggested that all Classified Senators sign on ASAP as she intends to communicate through the listserv.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:40.
Submitted by Ellie Duram, Secretary
Present: Members - Susie Asbridge, Joyce Barnes, Donald Brooks, Ronald Brooks, Judy Dillard, Ellie Duram, Sally Fiscus, Bill Gilmore, Ellen Horn, JoAnn Pappas, Ruth Ann Priester, Donna Spader, Tom Veltman, and Joyce Ward
Guest - Eric Sexton
Absent: Excused - Edna Bates-Tosses, Carolyn Cox, Kathy Farney, James Grayson, Ted Hogan, Shelly Kellogg, Beverly Klag, Merle Laham, Pat Nickle, Tim Shrank, and Susan Younger
Unexcused - Jane Eshelman, David McCullough, Val Peck, Willa Shelton, and Tony Sieverin
I. Open Meeting and Welcome - Sally Fiscus
The Classified Senate met on Wednesday, December 16, 1998 in the Great Plains Room,
Rhatigan Student Center. President Sally Fiscus opened the meeting at 3:30 p.m. All
members and one guest present were welcomed.
II. Secretary's Report - Ellie Duram
JoAnn Pappas made the motion to approve the minutes for the November 18, 1998 meeting
as distributed. The Senators present unanimously passed the motion.
III. Treasurer's Report - Ellie Duram
Shelly Kellogg was not in attendance but had submitted her Treasurer's Report prior
to the meeting. There was a $1.60 postage expenditure this past month. Our balance
is now $1,008.20.
IV. Position Paper - Judy Dillard
Judy Dillard reported that our position paper will be presented at the Legislative
Information Day on January 14, 1999 in Topeka. Eric Sexton, Director of Governmental
Relations, presented ideas and information to help make our Legislative Information
Day as successful as possible. Salaries are always the big issue. We must remember
that "all politics are local" and that constituents' opinions on issues do make a
difference. Everyone should know who his or her legislators are and develop a relationship
with them by keeping them informed about how you stand on the issues.
Eric said that when a legislator receives just five separate letters (not orchestrated) he/she will pay attention and realize that it is an important issue. He stressed the importance of having a contingency of WSU Classified Senators and other classified employees there to present our case. He said that it is very effective to introduce yourself to a legislator and say: "I work at WSU and live in your district." Eric distributed some handouts dealing with how we can be effective advocates, how a bill becomes a law, maps showing Senate and House districts, student and alumni headcount by county, and supplemental appropriation and budget requests.
Sally indicated that we are still looking for interested classified employees who would like to represent WSU at the Legislative Information Day.
V. Announcements - Sally Fiscus
Sally recognized Ginger Cox and Linda Farmer, co-chairs of the Holiday Tree Lighting
ceremony. The time and effort they spent on the event was very much appreciated. They
will be asked to type up a report a nd put it in the file for use by next year's committee.
Sally gave a brief update on the parking plan. There was a 40% return on the surveys that were distributed to WSU employees. The parking plan committee is scheduled to meet again on February 8, 1999.
Sally gave an update regarding the Exclusive Beverage Agreement. According to Ted Ayers, proposals will be due in March and they will look at implementation sometime in July. Kathy Farney was not in attendance but had provided us with a list of classified employees who supervise student assistants. She knows that this list is incomplete and would like senators to ask their constituents if they supervise students. Send additional information to Kathy by e-mail.
VI. Adjournment - Sally Fiscus
The next Classified Senate meeting will be Wednesday, January 20, 1999, from 3:30
p.m. to 5 p.m., in room 215 RSC. Sally adjour ned the meeting at 4:45 p.m.
Submitted by Ellie Duram, Secretary
Present: Members - Joyce Barnes, Ronald Brooks, Ellie Duram, Jane Eshelman, Kathy Farney, Sally Fiscus, Bill Gilmore, Ellen Horn, Shelly Kellogg, Merle Laham, Pat Nickle, Ruth Ann Priester, Willa Shelton, Donna Spader, Tom Veltman, and Joyce Ward
Guests - None
Absent: Excused - Susie Asbridge, Edna Bates-Tosses, Judy Dillard, Beverly Klag, David McCullough, JoAnn Pappas, Val Peck, Tim Shrank , and Susan Younger
Unexcused - Donald Brooks, James Grayson, Ted Hogan, and Tony Sieverin
I. Open Meeting and Welcome - Sally Fiscus
The Classified Senate met on Wednesday, January 20, 1999 in the Great Plains Room,
Rhatigan Student Center. President Sally Fiscus opened the meeting at 3:30 p.m. All
members present were welcomed.
II. Secretary's Report - Ellie Duram
Kathy Farney made the motion to approve the minutes for the December 16, 1998 meeting
as distributed. Ronald Brooks seconded the motion. The Senators present unanimously
passed the motion.
III. Treasurer's Report - Shelly Kellogg
There was a $1.60 postage expenditure this past month. Our balance is now $1,006.60.
Shelly agreed that she would add Faculty Senate Unclassified Professional Senate,
and Student Government Association to the minutes distribution list.
IV. Legislative Information Day
The Legislative Information Day in Topeka which was originally scheduled for January
14, 1999 was changed to January 27, 1999. Nicole Goodall, who is a classified employee
in National Institute for Aviation Research -- Wind Tunnel, volunteered to attend
as WSU's representative. All Senators were encouraged to attend. Jane Eshelman suggested
anyone unable to attend Legislative Information Day to write to their legislators.
V. Announcements - Sally Fiscus
A. Parking Update - Survey Results Regarding Reserved Parking Sally reported that
approximately 2,100 surveys were mailed out to faculty and staff. Exactly 855 surveys
were returned which is a 40% return rate. A handout was distributed that quoted verbatim
the comments received on the survey. Also a handout which showed the final vote on
the three options given on the survey was distributed.
The options were:
1) To purchase a parking sticker at the proposed fee structure.
2) To purchase a reserved parking space for $390.
3) Not to purchase a parking sticker at all.
The results were: 63% for Option 1, 15% for Option 2, 14% for Option 3, 2% for Options 1 and 2, 1% for Options 1 and 3, and 5% had other opinions and ideas. After some discussion, Senators agreed the main issues we wanted to emphasize to the eight members of the Parking Committee were:
1) Limit reserved parking spaces to 34.
2) Agreed with the revised fee schedule.
3) Heskett Center playing fields should remain as is.
B. Shocker Pride Picnic/Awards and Recognition Committee. A list of volunteers and past notes were given to Ellen Horn who will chair this committee. This event will take place on April 13, 1999.
C. Search for the Position of Vice President for Student Affairs. President Beggs requested a Classified Senator be nominated by Sally Fiscus to serve on the search committee for the position of Vice President of Student Affairs. Any Senator interested in searching on this committee should contact Sally.
D. Election Committee. The election process was discussed. Sally agreed to lead this committee. Discussion will continue at the next Executive Council meeting.
VI. As May Arise
Sally announced that she will ask President Beggs to be at the next Classified Senate
meeting. More information will be announced as plans are confirmed.
VII. Adjournment - Sally Fiscus
The next Classified Senate meeting will be Wednesday, February 17, 1999, from 3:30
p.m. to 5:00 p.m., in room 215 RSC.
Sally adjourned the meeting at 4:45 p.m.
Submitted by Ellie Duram, Secretary
Special Note: The next meeting will be on February 24, 1999 at 3:30 p.m. in East
Ballroom, Rhatigan Student Center.
Present: Members - Susie Asbridge, Edna Bates-Tosses, Donald Brooks, Ronald Brooks, Carolyn Cox, Judy Dillard, Ellie Duram, Jane Eshelman, Kathy Farney, Sally Fiscus, Bill Gilmore, Ted Hogan, Ellen Horn, Shelly Kellogg, Beverly Klag, Merle Laham, David McCullough, Pat Nickle, JoAnn Pappas, Val Peck, Ruth Ann Priester, Randy Sessions, Willa Shelton, Tim Shrank, Tony Sieverin, and Joyce Ward
Guests - Many classified employees
Absent: Excused - Joyce Barnes and Tom Veltman
Unexcused - James Grayson and Donna Spader
I. Open Meeting and Welcome - Sally Fiscus
The Classified Senate met on Wednesday, February 24, 1999 in the Rhatigan Student
Center Ballroom. President Sally Fiscus opened the meeting at 3:30 p.m. All members
present were welcomed. In an effort to allow our guest speaker ample time, the agenda
for this meeting contained a written report on the following items:
1) How to access the new State Employee Pay Plan,
2) Inauguration Planning Committee update,
3) Election Committee,
4) Exclusive Beverage Agreement,
5) Letter co-signed by Senate presidents promoting the importance of salary issues
for faculty and professional staff,
6) Faculty/Staff Annual Fund Campaign meeting,
7) Report on Constituent Head and BOR Planning meeting - 2/12/99,
8) Request for administrative assistance for Classified and Unclassified Senates,
9) Appointment of Ellie Duram to search committee for the Vice President of Student
10) Regent Craig visit.
II. Supervisors Over Student Assistants - Kathy Farney
Kathy distributed copies of a list of classified employees who supervise student
assistants. David Strange, Classification Manager in Human Resources, continues to
help build the list. He has asked for a computer printout of all student assistants
by department. This list will be compared to the information we already have in hopes
of making a master list of classified employees that supervise students.
III. Football at WSU - Kathy Farney
Kathy reported that she received a letter from President Beggs indicating that he
plans to continue to study the financial aspects of starting up football again at
WSU. (Kathy served as the classified representative on the football committee appointed
by President Hughes.)
IV. Legislative Information Day - Nicole Goodall
Nicole attended Legislative Information Day on January 27, 1999 as WSU's representative.
Nicole's suggestions for next year include the following:
1) Work more closely with other Regents universities to make sure that we represent
each other as one big team working toward a common goal; and
2) Make sure that WSU is well represented by sending more than just one representative.
Representative Stevens from Emporia indicated that WSU employees are very important
in getting bills passed.
V. Guest Speaker - President Donald Beggs
Sally specifically asked President Beggs to talk about the proposed pay plan. President
Beggs shared that he is in favor of House Bill #2522 (pay plan) because it will reward
exceptional employees. He thinks that the classification system that was implemented
in 1941 is archaic and that the whole system needs to be overhauled. He is also concerned
for the classified employees here at WSU who have maxed out in their category. He
is fully aware of the variables in the evaluation process. He indicated that there
is probably not enough time for all the details with the pay proposal to be finalized
during this legislative session, and he expects to see it carryover to the next legislative
session. He stressed that our opinion was important and looks forward to hearing about
it through the President of the Classified Senate or designated representatives.
President Beggs said: "People here at WSU really care. We are all in this for the very same reason. I have respect for you and understand the importance of every classified employee."
The following comments were made:
1) Jane Eshelman pointed out that at the present time only classified employees are
required to take supervisory training. If a classifiedemployee's supervisor is Unclassified
or a faculty member, they are not required to take the training. President Beggs said
that all evaluators must be trained.
2) Mardi Hammond raised the question about holiday closedown. President Beggs said
that he comes from a university that has a closedown, and he would be in favor of
continuing it here at WSU.
3) At the present time WSU classified employees cannot get vested until after 10
years. Ted Hogan said that at most companies, employees can get vested after 5 years
and that is what we should have here at WSU.
Sally thanked President Beggs for attending and emphasized that all classified Senate meetings are open.
VI. Secretary's Report - Ellie Duram
Judy Dillard made the motion to approve the minutes for the January 20, 1999 meeting
as distributed. Ronald Brooks seconded the motion. Minutes were approved as distributed.
VII. Treasurer's Report - Shelly Kellogg
There were no expenditures for this month. Therefore, our balance of $1,006.60 remains
the same.
VIII. Shocker Pride Picnic/Awards and Recognition Committee - Ellen Horn
The nomination forms have been mailed. Anyone interested in helping with this event
was encouraged to contact Ellen at ext. 3790. This event will take place on April
IX. Recognition of Joyce Barnes - Sally Fiscus
Classified Senator Joyce Barnes plans to retire in March from her position in the
library. Unfortunately Joyce was unable to attend today's meeting because of a death
in her family. We appreciate her dedication to the Classified Sena te and wish her
the very best in her retirement.
X. New Classified Senator - Randy Sessions
Classified Senator Susan Younger will be leaving WSU soon. Randy Sessions, Computer
System Technician III in Electrical Engineering, will be replacing Susan as EE05 senator
position until May 1999.
XI. Adjournment - Sally Fiscus
The next Classified Senate meeting will be Wednesday, March 17, 1999 from 3:30 p.m.
to 5:00 p.m. in room 215 RSC.
Sally adjourned the meeting at 4:45 p.m.
Submitted by Ellie Duram, Secretary
Present: Members - Susie Asbridge, Edna Bates-Tosses, Donald Brooks, Ronald Brooks, Carolyn Cox, Ellie Duram, Jane Eshelman, Kathy Farney, Sally Fiscus, Ted Hogan, Ellen Horn, Shelly Kellogg, Merle Laham, David McCullough, Pat Nickle, JoAnn Pappas, Ruth Ann Priester, Randy Sessions, Willa Shelton, Tony Sieverin, Tom Veltman, and Joyce Ward
Absent: Excused - Judy Dillard, Bill Gilmore, Beverly Klag, and Tim Shrank
Unexcused - James Grayson and Val Peck
I. Open Meeting and Welcome - Sally Fiscus
The Classified Senate met on Wednesday, March 17, 1999 in the Great Plains Room,
Rhatigan Student Center. President Sally Fiscus opened the meeting at 3:30 p.m. and
welcomed all the members present.
II. Secretary's Report - Ellie Duram
The February 24, 1999 minutes were distributed at the meeting. Carolyn Cox made a
motion to approve the minutes as distributed. Ronald Brooks seconded the motion. Minutes
were approved.
III. Treasurer's Report - Shelly Kellogg
There was a $3.35 postage expenditure during the past month. Our balance is now $1,003.25.
IV. Update on the New State Employee Pay Plan for the New Millennium, House Bill No.
2522 (performance based pay system) - Sally Fiscus
Sally distributed a copy of the revised House Bill No. 2522 and a copy of an article
about the new pay plan from the Topeka Capitol-Journal. Sally stated that there are
many changes in this bill and encouraged all Senators to read it and contact their
legislators. Kathy Farney stressed the importance of making sure that all supervisors
(including Faculty and Unclassified Professionals) be required to take supervisory
training. Ted Hogan raised the issue regarding the termination of longevity pay. He
stated that the new pay plan includes this money in an employee's base salary, but
only for those that
currently receive longevity pay. Longevity pay will essentially cease to exist after
a one-time merge, and the state will save a great deal of money.
Sally requested that a committee be established to read and analyze this Revised Version of the bill. Edna Bates-Tosses, Vice President, agreed to chair the committee. Committee members include: Jane Eshelman, Ted Hogan, and Tom Veltman. The committee was asked to prepare comments/analysis by March 31, 1999. The committee was also encouraged to contact Eric Sexton, Deena Horst, and Kenny Wilk for additional information/clarification.
V. Committee Reports
A. Shocker Pride Picnic/Awards and Recognition Committee - Ellen Horn
Ellen reported that three names had been submitted to President Beggs to receive
recognition at the picnic. The names have been approved and those people will be contacted
by letter sometime this week. Other plans for the picnic are progressing.
B. Search Committee for Vice President of Student Affairs - Ellie Duram
The eleven-member committee met for the first time on March 1, 1999 in the Morrison
Hall Board Room. There are 28 applicants for the position. The next committee meeting
will be March 19, 1999 to make the initial cut in the list of candidates.
VI. Election Committee - Sally Fiscus and Randy Sessions
Sally distributed a copy of a memo that will go out to classified staff on March
26, 1999 to request nominations for the 1999-2000 Classified Senate Election. Discussion
followed confirming eligibility or ineligibility of current senators. Some Senators
cannot be re-elected because they have already served two consecutive terms.
Randy distributed a report showing that we have 659 classified employees at WSU. The
report showed how many employees were in each EEO category. We have a total of 30
senators on Classified Senate, this means that each Senator should be communicating
with approximately 22 constituents. According to the statistics, one EEO category
is over represented and 3 are under represented. The statistics show that EEO 4 representation
on the Senate should be 11 rather than 14, EEO 5 should be increased from 3 to 4,
EEO 6 should be increased from 4 to 5, and EEO 7
should be increased from 7 to 8.
Shelly Kellogg made a motion that this new representation be reflected in the nomination forms that will be mailed out soon to all Classified employees on campus. Kathy Farney seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Tom Veltman suggested that the past president of the Classified Senate serve on the following year's Executive Council. Kathy Farney pointed out that this would require a change in the Constitution. There was some discussion about whether the past president should officially serve or just be an exofficio member to provide continuity and serve as a resource. The consensus was to allow the past president to serve on the executive committee, but not to be a voting member.
Tom also mentioned that it might be a good idea to consider adding more representatives to the Executive Council from the larger EEO categories. Ellen Horn made a motion to table the discussion and pass it on to the next Executive Council for further evaluation. Jane Eshelman seconded the motion. The motion carried.
VII. Regent Harry Craig's Visit - Sally Fiscus
Sally reported that she and Linda Matson had the opportunity to meet with Regent
Craig on March 8, 1999. He was very complimentary about our campus and shared what
he thought were our greatest strengths. Sally asked his opinion on the new pay plan,
unfortunately, he was not that familiar with the plan to provide comment.
VIII. As May Arise
Kathy Farney announced that she reassigned constituents to EEO 4 Senators due to
the resignation of Donna Spader. Randy Sessions will take over the responsibility
of assigning EEO 5 Senators since Joyce Barnes retirement. Tom Veltman reported that
there are 128 classified employees currently on the listserv. Suggestions were made
to increase our subscriber list by placing articles in the Human Resources newsletter
and Inside WSU. Sally volunteered to do another mailing to all classified employees.
JoAnn Pappas reported that the WSU license plates are now available. Alumni can purchase
one for $35.00, $40.00 for all others.
IX. Adjournment - Sally Fiscus
The next Classified Senate meeting will be Wednesday, April 21, 1999 from 3:30 p.m.
to 5:00 p.m., in the Great Plains Room, Rhatigan Student Center. Sally adjourned the
meeting at 4:25.
Present: Members - Susie Asbridge, Edna Bates-Tosses, Donald Brooks, Ronald Brooks, Carolyn Cox, Judy Dillard, Ellie Duram, Jane Eshelman, Bill Gilmore, Shelly Kellogg, Beverly Klag, Merle Laham, David McCullough, Pat Nickle, JoAnn Pappas, Randy Sessions , Willa Shelton, Tom Veltman, and Joyce Ward
Guests - Philip Anderson, Nicole Goodall, Lee Patton, Eric Sexton, and David Thomas
Absent: Excused - Kathy Farney, Sally Fiscus, James Grayson, and Val Peck
Unexcused - Ted Hogan, Ellen Horn, Ruth Ann Priester, Tim Shrank, and Tony Sieverin
I. Open Meeting and Welcome - Edna Bates-Tosses
The Classified Senate met on Wednesday, April 21, 1999 in the Great Plains Room,
Rhatigan Student Center. President Sally Fiscus had a family emergency so Vice President
Edna Bates-Tosses opened the meeting at 3:30 p.m. and welcomed all the members and
guests present.
II. Introductions - Judy Dillard
Judy introduced Keith Haxton and Don Rezac of State Employees of Kansas (SEAK). Keith
was very active in Kansas Association of Public Employees (KAPE) and is now president
of SEAK. Don is a former state representative and is now the chief lobbyist for SEAK.
Keith introduced Representative Melany Barnes who is currently serving in the Kansas
House of Representatives and is a member of the Kansas 2000 Committee.
III. Keith Haxton
He talked about the various state senators and representatives and if they were supportive
of state employees or not. House Bill 2522 was sent back to committee, and he felt
that it would not make it out of committee during this year's legislative session.
Keith distributed a flyer entitled "Four Good Reasons to Vote Against HB 2522." He
also distributed membership flyers urging state employees to join State Employees
Association of Kansas (SEAK). SEAK was founded 4 ½ years ago to provided legal and
lobbying services for sta te employees. Membership dues are $4.50 a pay period and
is a special rate for single parents of $1.50 per pay period. Membership dues for
KPERS retirees are $24.00 per year.
IV. Don Rezac
Don Rezac talked about the attempt in 1980 to reward exceptional state employees
monetarily. Since the state did not fund the project, it failed after only one year.
Don is afraid that House Bill 2522 is also doomed for failure because again there
is no talk about proper funding. Don is lobbying right now to help retired state employees
pay for their health insurance. Those state employees who are retired averaged 20
years working for the state.
V. Representative Melany Barnes
She reported that everything a state employee has involves politics. State employees
need more than a 1% pay raise and should be paid competitive salaries with non-state
employees. With this new merit system, there will be a quota of only 20% who can be
judged to be exceptional. According to Representative Barnes, "The state is the only
one who is making out on this."
Eric Sexton stated that the classified employees at the University of Kansas, Kansas State University, and Fort Hays State University all wanted to join the pilot program in implementing the merit pay system. President Beggs has a "wait and see" attitude towards it.
Judy Dillard pointed out that when Representative Deana Horst (member of Kansas 2000 Committee) told WSU classified that we were going to have merit pay whether we liked it or not but that we can have some input in the process.
Representative Barnes said that the state of Georgia did away with civil service and
has a very unfair system for their state employees now. Right now the public employees
in the city of Wichita are getting 5% average pay increases. WSU employees need to
be paid the market value for this area. We need "more money in the pot" for state
Pat Nickle stated that there are 25 open positions at WSU right now. The starting
salary is $7.86 per hour so it is becoming more and more difficult to find qualified
people for these positions. Many WSU employees are working a second job and in some
cases even a third job.
Representative Barnes suggested that every WSU employee should get to know who their legislators are and to write to them. Form letters do not carry much weight. All a letter needs to say is what you are concerned about and what you would like your legislator to do about it.
VI. Adjournment - Edna Bates-Tosses
The next Classified Senate meeting will be Wednesday, May 19, 1999 from 3:30 p.m.
to 5:00 p.m., in the Great Plains Room, Rhatigan Student Center. Edna adjourned the
meeting at 4:45.
Submitted by Ellie Duram, Secretary
Present: Members - Susie Asbridge, Gary Bequette, Roger Dick, Judy Dillard, Ellie Duram, Jane Eshelman, Kathy Farney, Sally Fiscus, David Fyfe, Nicole Goodall, Ruth Ann Priester, Mardi Hammond, Ellen Horn, Shelly Kellogg, Beverly Klag, Merle Laham, Pat Nickle, Val Peck, Randy Sessions, Tim Shrank, Tony Sieverin, Jill Syron, Tom Veltman, Kathleen Verdugo, Joyce Ward, and John Wilson
Guest - Vanda Baker
Absent: Excused - Suzanne Alexander, Carolyn Cox, Bill Gilmore, David McCullough,
JoAnn Pappas, and Valerie Pittier
Unexcused - Edna Bates-Tosses, Donald Brooks, Ronald Brooks, James Grayson, Ted Hogan,
and Willa Shelton
I. Open Meeting, Welcome, and Introductions - Sally Fiscus
The Classified Senate met on Wednesday, May 19, 1999 in the Great Plains Room, Rhatigan
Student Center. President Sally Fiscus opened the meeting at 3:40 p.m. and welcomed
all the members and guests present. Introductions were made by all in attendance.
II. Announcement & Introduction of 1999-2000 Senate President & Vice President - Sally Fiscus President of the Classified Senate will be Tom Veltman. Tom has been an employee at WSU for 6 years. For the first 3 1/2 years he was a storekeeper at the Physical Plant Warehouse and for the last 2 1/2 years he has been in Central Services as a storekeeper. Tom successfully created and implemented the Classified Employee Listserv, which has proven to be a great communication tool.
Vice President John Wilson has been employed at WSU for approximately 16 years. He is currently working in the Registrar's Office as the Assistant to the Registrar for Transcripts. He recently served on the Presidential Search Committee that helped bring Dr. Beggs to campus.
III. Minutes from April 21, 1999 Meeting - Ellie Duram
Two corrections to the minutes were made. Ruth Ann Priester was reported in the minutes
as having an unexcused absence. She should have been reported as having an excused
absence. In the first sentence of Section II, SEAK is an abbreviation for State Employees
Association of Kansas. The word Association was left out. Judy Dillard made the motion
to approve the minutes as corrected. Shelly Kellogg seconded the motion. The minutes
were approved as corrected.
IV. Treasurer's Report - Shelly Kellogg
Shelly reported that expenditures totaled $451.78 for the past month. Expenses included
the following: $159.94 for copies, $1.65 for postage, $19.25 for media support for
the pay plan, and $270.94 for two four -drawer file cabinets. For the past few years,
Classified Senate has received a budget of $1,023.00.
V. Announcements
Judy Dillard discussed the letter she wrote and had published in the letters to the
Editor section of the Wichita Eagle on May 18, 1999. She distributed copies of the
letter and encouraged other Classified Senators to send letters to the Wichita Eagle.
She also distributed a copy of the comments Representative Lynn Jenkins made regarding
the House Bill 2522 about the merit pay system.
VI. Recap of Year - Sally Fiscus
Classified Senate did not have to look for issues this past year, they came to us.
Parking was the first issue that surfaced and took many, many hours of work and communication
to come to a compromise. Two members of Classified Senate served on a University wide
Parking Task Force that was charged with reviewing the proposed "parking plan." A
survey was conducted by the Classified Senate that ultimately helped make the decision
to limit the number of reserved parking
places. We received a 40% return rate from faculty, unclassified and classified employees
on the survey. The parking plan will go into effect on July 1, 1999.
Each year, Classified Senate helps staff the WSU booth at the Kansas State Fair. Joyce Ward ensured that Classified Senate participated by sending twelve employees to represent WSU.
Tom Veltman created the WSU classified employees listserv that is currently being used to get the word to classified employees regarding important issues. The Listserv has 174 people who have subscribed out of approximately 600 who are eligible. Some classified employees do not have access to e-mail.
Classified Employees were represented in the annual Race Against Hunger. Jane Eshleman continues to be a good liaison for this activity.
We met with at least five members of the Board of Regents during this past academic year. One meeting included Chair William Docking and Interim Executive Director Tom Bryant. They were all very interested in what we had to say.
Four classified employees (Judy Dillard, Kathy Farney, Sally Fiscus, and Randy Sessions) attended the Kansas Council of Classified Senates meeting in Emporia. WSU will host the next meeting of the KCCS in Fall 1999.
Tom Veltman is currently working on a Kansas Listserv that will promote communication for all State of Kansas Employees.
Ellen Horn spearheaded a fundraiser for the Susan Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. WSU's contributed $1,170 and over $5 million was raised nationally.
Edna Bates-Tosses and Sally Fiscus met with Dr. Beggs in October 1998. Issues that
were discussed with him were:
1) differences between classified and unclassified staff
2) impact of classification study and pay system on morale
3) overtime and holiday pay conflicts for required work scheduled
4) COLAs for classified employees who have reached the top of their pay matrix
5) filling vacated positions due to retirement
6) reduced/free tuition and fees for classified staff
7) tradition of the holiday closedown
8) parking plan committee and focus
9) official status for classified representation at Board of Regents meetings.
The Holiday Tree Lighting ceremony was a success. Ginger Cox and Linda Farmer were co-chairs. Tim Shrank requested that Classified Senate look into purchasing or asking for donations of tree ornaments for this event. He stressed the need to begin now in order to be prepared in December.
Nicole Goodall served as our representative at Legislative Information Day in Topeka.
We had several guest speakers during the past year:
1) Eric Sexton, Director of Government Relations, explained how we should go about
getting our voices heard in the legislature.
2) President Beggs, Representatives Deana Horst, and Melany Barnes addressed the
Senate at different times regarding the proposed pay plan.
3) Representatives from the State Employees Association of Kansas (SEAK) shared information
with us regarding their organization.
The annual Shocker Pride Picnic was held in April. A big thank you to Ellen Horn who chaired the event!
The request for Classified Senate to receive support in the way of office space and staff is under review by President Beggs. President Beggs is in favor of the Classified Senate receiving such support and is looking at the possibility of all three Senates sharing the Faculty Senate Office in the basement of Morrison Hall. There are many details that would need to be addressed for this to happen. (This is no longer an option. Other ideas are being explored.)
VII. Committee Reports
The inauguration of President Beggs took place on May 14, 1999. Many classified employees
volunteered for this event. A big thank you to all the volunteers!
The Election Committee for the 1999-2000 Classified Senate announced the results of the election on the listserv. In addition to Tom Veltman serving as President and John Wilson serving as Vice President, Shelly Kellogg has agreed to continue as clerk.
VIII. Election 1999-2000 Classified Senate Secretary - Tom Veltman
Sally turned the meeting over to Tom Veltman. Tom asked for nominations or volunteers
to serve as the Classified Senate Secretary. Kathy Farney nominated Sally Fiscus as
secretary. There were no other nominations from the floor. Judy Dillard thought Sally
should be elected by acclamation. Acclamation was approved.
IX. As May Arise
Judy Dillard reported that the state legislature has already approved a step plus
1% pay increase for all classified state employees. Longevity pay plan will still
be in effect for now.
Tom Veltman presented Sally Fiscus with a plaque recognizing her dedication to WSU classified employees as the 1998-1999 Classified Senate President. Sally thanked the entire Senate for the opportunity to serve as Classified Senate President. Her final words, "It's been a positive learning experience."
X. Adjournment - Sally Fiscus
The next Classified Senate meeting will be Wednesday, June 16, 1999 from 3:30 p.m.
to 5:00 p.m., in the Great Plains Room, Rhatigan Student Center. Sally and Tom adjourned
the meeting at 4:15 p.m.
Submitted by Ellie Duram, Secretary