Senate Meeting Minutes
Wichita State University
Classified Senate Meeting Minutes
June 1999 - May 2000
Present: Members - Beverly Klag, Carolyn Cox, Ellie Duram, Gary Bequette, Jill Syron, John
Wilson, Joyce Ward, Judy Dillard, Kathleen Verdugo, Mardi Hammond, Merle Laham, Nicole
Goodall, Pat Nickle, Roger Dick, Sally Fiscus, Shelly Kellogg, Susie Asbridge, Suzanne
Alexander, Ted Hogan, and Tom Veltman
Absent: Excused - Bill Gilmore, David Fyfe, David McCullough, JoAnn Pappas, Randy Sessions,
Tim Shrank and Tony Sieverin
Unexcused - James Grayson, Val Peck and Valerie Pittier
I. Open Meeting, Welcome, and Introductions - Tom Veltman
The Classified Senate met on Wednesday, June 16, 1999 in the Great Plains Room, Rhatigan
Student Center. President Tom Veltman opened the meeting at 3:35 p.m. and welcomed
all members and guests present. Introductions were made by all in attendance.
II. WelcomeFest - Lisa Pinamonti
Lisa provided information on an event that will take place in August. This event
is called Welcomefest and will include the following: an outdoor movie, a campus picnic,
a Rec. Center night, and a family movie. She asked for volunteers to help specifically
at the campus picnic scheduled on Thursday, August 19.
III. Community Work Experience Program (CWEP) - Cyndy Hodge
Cyndy provided information to the Sena te regarding the CWEP program that is open
to the WSU community. This program utilizes welfare recipients who are entering or
reentering the job market. Both parties benefit greatly. For more information contact
IV. Minutes from May 19, 1999 Meeting - Ellie Duram
Judy Dillard made a motion to approve the minutes as distributed. Mardi Hammond seconded
the motion. The motion was approved.
V. Treasurer's Report - Shelly Kellogg
Expenditures to date total $557.19; leaving a balance of $465.81. Two four-drawer
filing cabinets have been purchased to organize past Senate files.
V. Announcements
A. Tom Veltman announced the need for a classified employee to serve on the Rhatigan
Student Center Board of Directors replacing Sandy Oswald. Kathleen Verdugo volunteered
to serve.
B. Tom Veltman announced that September 14, 1999 will be the day that Classified
Senate will staff the WSU booth at the Kansas State Fair. A volunteer is needed to
organize the staffing needs and to serve as the liaison with the Office of University
Communication. Shelly Kellogg agreed to take on this task.
C. Judy Dillard mentioned that another letter was printed in the paper about KPER's.
She said the letter discussed changing from a defined benefit to a defined contribution.
This change would make it more difficult to know the amount of money at retirement.
This will not affect currently employed, but will affect all new employees.
D. Sally Fiscus shared information regarding the interviewing process for the new
Athletic Director. She said there were four candidates and in her opinion the one
selected was definitely the best. Interviews were conducted and evaluation reports
submitted to Dr. Beggs.
VII. Committee Reports
There were no committee reports made.
VIII. Kansas Council of Classified Senates Meeting Friday, October 22
Tom Veltman reminded the Senate that WSU will be hosting this meeting. It was decided
that Judy Dillard and Sally Fiscus will co-chair the business side of the meeting
and Ginger Cox will chair the hospitality side. Planning will begin as soon as possible.
Volunteers to serve on either committee are welcome.
IX. As May Arise
A. Mardi Hammond announced that Marlise McCammon's position should be filled by August
1 with the title of Assistant Director of Employee Relations and Training.
B. Don't forget that parking decals must be on your vehicles by July 1 or you will
be ticketed.
X. Adjournment - Tom Veltman
Shelly Kellogg made the motion to adjourn; Carolyn Cox seconded the motion. Tom Veltman
adjourned the meeting at 4:42 p.m. The next Classified Senate meeting will be Wednesday,
August 25, 1999 from 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., in the Great Plains Room, Rhatigan Student
Submitted by Sally Fiscus, Secretary
Present: Members - Beverly Klag, Bill Gilmore, David McCullough, Ellie Duram, Gary Bequette,
Jill Syron, JoAnn Pappas, John Wilson, Joyce Ward, Willa Shelton, Mardi Hammond, Merle
Laham, Pat Nickle, Sally Fiscus, Shelly Kellogg, Susie Asbridge, Suzanne Alexander,
Tom Veltman, Val Peck and Valerie Pittier
Guests - Anita Kirkpatrick
Absent Excused - Carolyn Cox, David Fyfe, Judy Dillard, Kathleen Verdugo, Randy Sessions, Roger
Unexcused - James Grayson, Ted Hogan, Tim Shrank and Tony Sieverin
I. Open Meeting and Welcome - Tom Veltman
The Classified Senate met on Wednesday, September 15, 1999 in the Regents Room, Rhatigan
Student Center. President Tom Veltman opened the meeting at 3:35 p.m. and welcomed
all members and guests present.
II. Secretary's Report - Sally Fiscus
The June 16, 1999 minutes were approved with one correction. Val Peck should have
been listed as excused not unexcused. Ellie Duram made a motion to approve the minutes
as corrected. Gary Bequette seconded the motion. Minutes were approved.
III. Treasurer's Report - Shelly Kellogg
There was a $1.65 postage expenditure during the past month. Balance as of August
31, 1999 was $1,041.35.
IV. Announcements - Tom Veltman
Tom introduced Anita Kirkpatrick, Assistant Director for Employee Relations and Training.
Anita encouraged employees to contact her with training suggestions or to just drop
by and introduce themselves. She also shared some information from Mike Turner regarding
Legislative Information Day. In the past, classified employees were expected to take
vacation time when attending Legislative Information Day in Topeka. Beginning in January,
this time will be considered official university business and will be supported by
our administration. Clarification is still needed regarding payment for expenses.
Tom announced the appointment of Ellen Horn to the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Research search committee.
Shelly Kellogg reported on our participation at the Kansas State Fair in Hutchinson, Kansas. The lack of volunteers was extremely disappointing, especially since this time is considered assigned time. Next year we need more willing volunteers to represent the Classified Senate.
Sally Fiscus reported on the upcoming Kansas Council of Classified Senate's meeting that is scheduled to take place at WSU on October 22, 1999. Two committees are in place working on the details for this meeting. Everything is coming together nicely and we plan to host a great meeting.
Judy Dillard discussed the proposed position paper and asked all senators for input. Some Senators expressed concern with the wording of the paper.
Tom reminded everyone that the Kansas Listserv will be unveiled at the KCCS meeting in hopes of getting better communication going with other state employees. Tom a nnounced that a couple of our Senate presidents from other Regents School are currently on our WSU Classified Senate Listserv in an effort to see how it works.
Tom encouraged everyone to participate in the Race Against Hunger. Contact person at WSU is Jane Eshleman.
Tom announced that we currently have 172 people subscribing to our List Serv. The idea to create a newsletter was discussed. Most felt this wouldn't be an adequate way to communicate with our constituents. It was agreed that we need to find a better way to provide information to our Physical Plant employees, because most don't have access to e-mail.
Sally Fiscus stressed the importance of each Senator's responsibility to keep their list of constituents informed. Training was suggested.
V. Adjournment - Tom Veltman
The next Classified Senate meeting will be Wednesday, October 20, 1999 from 3:30
p.m. to 5 p.m., in the Great Plains Room, Rhatigan Student Center. Meeting adjourned
at 4:20 p.m.
Submitted by Sally Fiscus, Secretary
Present: Members - Bill Gilmore, David Fyfe, David McCullough, Ellie Duram, Gary Bequette,
Jill Syron, John Wilson, Joyce Ward, Judy Dillard, Carolyn Hamilton, Mardi Hammond,
Pat Nickle, Randy Sessions, Roger Dick, Sally Fiscus, Susie Asbridge, Suzanne Alexander,
Tim Shrank, Val Peck and Valerie Pittier
Guests - Anita Kirkpatrick
Absent Excused: Beverly Klag, Carolyn Cox, JoAnn Pappas, Kathleen Verdugo, Shelly Kellogg, Willa
Shelton and Tom Veltman.
Unexcused: Merle Laham, Ted Hogan, and Tony Sieverin
I. Open Meeting and Welcome - John Wilson
The Classified Senate met on Wednesday, October 20, 1999 in the Great Plains Room,
Rhatigan Student Center. Vice President John Wilson opened the meeting at 3:35 p.m.
and welcomed all members and guests present.
II. Secretary's Report - Sally Fiscus
The September 15, 1999 minutes were distributed for review. Ellie Duram made a motion
to approve the minutes as distributed; Suzanne Alexander seconded motion. The motion
was approved.
III. Treasurer's Report - Shelly Kellogg was absent.
IV. Announcements - John Wilson
Tim Shrank announced that Dr. and Mrs. Beggs donated money for new tree ornaments
for the upcoming Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony. The Holiday Tree Lighting ceremony
will be held on December 1, 1999. Tim issued a challenge to each and every one of
the classified employees at WSU to donate $1 to make this year's tree more stunning
than ever before. He requested that all Senators inform their constituents.
Judy Dillard distributed the final version of WSU's position paper. This will be the version that WSU presents at the upcoming KCCS meeting on October 22, 1999. Sally Fiscus reported that all arrangements have been made for the KCCS meeting.
Sally Fiscus announced that the Council of University Women is selling angel pins in an effort to raise more money for scholarships.
V. Adjournment - John Wilson
The next Classified Senate meeting will be Wednesday, November 17, 1999 from 3:30
p.m. to 5 p.m., in the Great Plains Room, Rhatigan Student Center. Meeting adjourned
at 3:55 p.m.
Submitted by Sally Fiscus, Secretary
Present: Members - Bill Gilmore, David Fyfe, Gary Bequette, John Wilson, Joyce Ward, Judy
Dillard, Kathleen Verdugo, Mardi Hammond, Merle Laham, Pat Nickle, Sally Fiscus, Shelly
Kellogg, Susie Asbridge, Suzanne Drago and Val Peck
Guests: Anita Kirkpatrick
Absent Excused: Beverly Klag, Carolyn Cox, David McCullough, Ellie Duram, Jill Syron, JoAnn Pappas,
Roger Dick, Tim Shrank and Tom Veltman
Unexcused: Willa Shelton, Carolyn Hamilton, Randy Sessions, Ted Hogan, Tony Sieverin and Valerie
I. Open Meeting and Welcome - John Wilson
The Classified Senate met on Wednesday, November 17, 1999 in the Great Plains Room,
Rhatigan Student Center. Vice President John Wilson opened the meeting at 3:31 p.m.
and welcomed all members and guests present.
II. Secretary's Report - Sally Fiscus
The October 20, 1999 minutes were distributed for review. Minutes were approved with
one correction. The minutes listed Tom Veltman as adjourning the meeting when John
Wilson adjourned the meeting.
III. Treasurer's Report - Shelly Kellogg
The balance as of October 31, 1999 was reported as $1,032.26.
IV. Announcements - John Wilson
John announced that Regent Kim Wilcox and Regent Bill Docking would be on campus
December 6, 1999. Classified Senate will have a one-hour time slot to visit with them.
John asked for volunteers that would be available to attend this meeting. The following
senators volunteered: Mardi Hammond, David Fyfe, Merle Laham, Judy Dillard, Susan
Drago and Kathleen Verdugo.
The Annual Holiday Tree Lighting is scheduled to take place on December 1, 1999. Everything is organized and ready for a successful event.
Jane Eshleman gave a brief report on the KCCS meeting that took place on October 22, 1999 at WSU. Minutes from the meeting were made available for review. Sally Fiscus distributed a copy of the November 4, 1999 issue of Inside WSU. Julie Rausch did an excellent job covering the KCCS meeting and putting together a story for Inside WSU. Sally asked that everyone be sure and read it. A copy of the final version of the KCCS's FY 2001 Position Paper was distributed to all senators. Judy Dillard requested that this final version be placed on the Classified Listserv.
Val Peck and Judy Dillard shared with the senate that Donna Spader is very sick. They asked that we keep her in our thoughts and prayers as she goes through chemotherapy.
V. Adjournment - John Wilson
The next Classified Senate meeting will be Wednesday, December 15, 1999 from 3:30
p.m. to 5 p.m., in the Great Plains Room, Rhatigan Student Center. Meeting adjourned
at 4:10 p.m.
Submitted by Sally Fiscus, Secretary
Present: Members - Bill Gilmore, Carolyn Cox, David McCullough, Ellie Duram, John Wilson,
Joyce Ward, Judy Dillard, Kathleen Verdugo, Mardi Hammond, Sally Fiscus, Shelly Kellogg,
Suzie Asbridge, Suzanne Drago, Val Peck, and Valerie Pittier
Guests: Anita Kirkpatrick
Absent Excused: Beverly Klag, David Fyfe, Gary Bequette, Jill Syron, JoAnn Pappas, Willa Shelton,
Roger Dick, Tim Shrank, and Tom Veltman
Unexcused: Carolyn Hamilton, Merle Laham, Pat Nickle, Randy Sessions and Phillip Elliott
I. Open Meeting and Welcome - John Wilson
The Classified Senate met on Wednesday, February 16, 2000 in the Great Plains Room,
Rhatigan Student Center. Vice-President John Wilson opened the meeting at 3:35 p.m.
by introducing Ron Kopita, Vice President for Student Affairs.
II. Guest - Ron Kopita
Dr. Kopita gave an overview of the Division of Student Affairs and all the departments
that fall under Student Affairs. Items shared include: purpose and structure of Student
Affairs, FY 2000 Goals that have already been achieved, positive programs and activities
that Admissions has implemented, Comprehensive Recruitment Plan, Faculty Admission
Advisor Board, Recruitment of Faculty and Staff Children, Spring Faculty Calli ng
List and Communications Improvements. Dr. Kopita also shared upcoming changes that
would take place in Financial Aids Office.
III. Secretary's Report - Sally Fiscus
The minutes from January 19, 2000 meeting were mailed prior to the meeting. Judy
Dillard made a motion to accept the minutes with the following corrections, Shelly
Kellogg seconded and the minutes were approved with corrections. Corrections included:
Renee from the Hippodrome Steering Committee gave an overview of the current plans
for Hippodrome 2000. The minutes showed Megan gave the report. Carolyn Cox should
have been listed as excused instead of unexcused and Susie Asbridge should have been
listed as present.
IV. Treasurers Report - Shelly Kellogg
Shelly reported a balance of $1,030.61 as of January 31, 2000. The special use fund
used to purchase tree decorations has a balance of 0 and will be closed.
V. Senate Resolution Wichita School Bond Issue
Dr. Rhatigan contacted John Wilson about the possibility of Classified Senate passing
a resolution in support of the Wichita Public School Bond Issue. John shared that
the other senates on campus had passed similar resolutions. After some discussion,
the senate tabled the request.
V. Adjournment - John Wilson
The next Classified Senate meeting will be Wednesday, March 15, 2000 from 3:30 p.m.
to 5 p.m., in the Great Plains Room, Rhatigan Student Center. Meeting adjourned at
4:50 p.m.
Submitted by Sally Fiscus, Secretary
Present: Members - Bill Gilmore, David Fyfe, Ellie Duram, Gary Bequette, JoAnn Pappas, Joyce
Ward, Kathleen Verdugo, Mardi Hammond, Merle Laham, Randy Sessions, Roger Dick, Sally
Fiscus, Suzie Asbridge, Suzanne Drago, Tom Veltman, and Valerie Pittier
Guests: Anita Kirkpatrick
Excused: Beverly Klag, Carolyn Cox, David McCullough, John Wilson, Judy Dillard, Shelly Kellogg,
Val Peck, and Phillip Elliott
Unexcused: Jill Syron, Willa Shelton, Carolyn Hamilton, and Tim Shrank
I. Open Meeting and Welcome - Tom Veltman
The Classified Senate met on Wednesday, March 15, 2000 in the Great Plains Room,
Rhatigan Student Center. President Tom Veltman opened the meeting at 3:35 p.m.
II. Announcements - Tom Veltman
President Veltman asked if anyone had received information about the Shocker Pride
Picnic that typically takes place in April. A suggestion was made to contact Nikki
in University Relations to inquire. In past years, Classified Senate has played a
major role in organizing and implementing this event.
President Veltman asked for volunteers to serve on this year’s election committee. Valerie Pittier agreed to chair this committee. The following senators agreed to serve: Suzie Asbridge, Tom Veltman, David Fyfe, Roger Dick and Bill Gilmore. Sally Fiscus chaired the committee last year and will provide Valerie with a disk full of information and forms that should be helpful.
Mardi Hammond announced that Pat Nickle would be leaving the University soon. Her last day will be Thursday, March 16, 2000. On behalf of the Classified Senate we would like to thank Pat for serving as a senator. We wish her the best in Kansas City.
Mardi Hammond distributed a handout to all senators listing upcoming professional development sessions. For more information, contact Mardi or Anita @ ext. 3068.
III. Secretary’s Report - Sally Fiscus
The minutes from the February 16, 2000 meeting were distributed. Suzie Asbridge made
a motion to accept the minutes as distributed, Valerie Pittier seconded the motion
and the minutes were approved as distributed.
IV. Adjournment - Tom Veltman
The next Classified Senate meeting will be Wednesday, April 12, 2000 from 3:30 p.m.
to 5 p.m., in the Great Plains Room, Rhatigan Student Center. Meeting adjourned at
4:10 p.m.
Submitted by Sally Fiscus, Secretary
Present: Members - Beverly Klag, Bill Gilmore, David Fyfe, Ellie Duram, Gary Bequette, John
Wilson, Joyce Ward, Judy Dillard, Kathleen Verdugo, Willa Shelton, Mardi Hammond,
Merle Laham, Randy Sessions, Roger dick, Sally Fiscus, Shelly Kellogg, Suzie Asbridge,
Suzanne Drago, Valerie Pittier, and Phillip Elliott
Guests: Anita Kirkpatrick, Jay Mandt
Excused: Carolyn Cox, David McCullough, Jill Syron, JoAnn Pappas, Tim Shrank, and Tom Veltman
Unexcused: Carolyn Hamilton
I. Open Meeting and Welcome - John Wilson
The Classified Senate met on Wednesday, April 12, 2000 in the Great Plains Room,
Rhatigan Student Center. Vice President John Wilson opened the meeting at 3:30 p.m.
II. Guest Speaker - Connie Landreth
Connie distributed a handout titled "Beyond the Pension" and discussed current issues
regarding benefits.
III. Secretary's Report - Sally Fiscus
The minutes from the March 15, 2000 meeting were approved as distributed.
IV. Treasurer's Report - Shelly Kellogg
Shelly reported a balance of $1,030.61 as of February 29, 2000.
V. Announcements - John Wilson and Others
Vice President John Wilson informed the Classified Senate that President Veltman
officially resigned from the senate on April 10, 2000. The reason cited for his resignation
was lack of support from supervisors in allowing him time to do senate work. In a
letter written to Wilson, Fiscus and Kellogg, President Veltman stated the following:
"An effective Senate President must be able to devote time during the work day to
Senate activities and must be able to do so without fear of jeopardizing his or her
employment. I am not able to do that and realize that I must make the difficult and
choice between being Senate President and leader and continuing to be seen as an
effective employee."
Resolution - Sally Fiscus and Randy Sessions
Background information: Fiscus informed the Senate that she had sent a letter to
Dr. Beggs in response to Veltman's resignation. The letter basically stated the disappointment
she felt regarding the entire situation. In her letter she stated, "I believe the
time has come for someone to officially establish the fact that classified senate
business can be done on "company time" in order for the Classified Senate to continue
to operate at an optimal level." After future discussion with the Executive Council,
Sessions and Fiscus created a Resolution. The Resolution was then forwarded to the
Faculty Senate President and the Unclassified Senate President requesting their support.
Both Senate's supported the Resolution and sent the Senate letters stating their support.
(Copies of their letters are attached with these minutes.) Copies of the Resolution
were distributed to the Classified Senate. Sessions and Fiscus presented the Resolution
and called for a vote of support. After further discussion, the Resolution was approved
as written. Fiscus will forward the Resolution to Dr. Beggs
requesting action. (A copy of the Resolution is attached.) It was announced that
John Wilson would serve as President of the Classified Senate for the remainder of
the term.
Election Committee - Valerie Pittier
Pittier announced that a meeting was scheduled in the next few days to begin the
V. Adjournment - John Wilson
The next Classified Senate meeting will be Wednesday, May 17, 2000 from 3:30 p.m.
to 5 p.m., in the Great Plains Room, Rhatigan Student Center. Judy Dillard made a
motion to adjourn and Shelly Kellogg seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 4:50
Submitted by Sally Fiscus, Secretary
Present: Members - Bill Gilmore, David Fyfe, Ellie Duram, Gary Bequette, JoAnn Pappas, John
Wilson, Joyce Ward, Judy Dillard, Kathleen Verdugo, Mardi Hammond, Merle Laham, Randy
Sessions, Roger Dick, Sally Fiscus , Shelly Kellogg, Suzie Asbridge, Suzanne Drago,
Tom Veltman, Val Peck, Valerie Pittier, Phillip Elliott, Marilyn Dotts, Warren Carter,
Mike McMillen, Bernie Smith, Kathy Wolff, Ellen Abbey, Kelli Jones, Dixie Rice and
Arlen Boger
Guests: Anita Kirkpatrick, Julie Rausch, Eric Sexton and Shala Perez
Absent Excused: David McCullough
Unexcused: Beverly Klag, Carolyn Cox, Willa Shelton, Carolyn Hamilton and Tim Shrank
I. Open Meeting and Welcome - John Wilson
The Classified Senate met on Wednesday, May 24, 2000 in the Commons, Rhatigan Student
Center. President John Wilson opened the meeting at 3:40 p.m. President Wilson welcomed
both new and retiring senators. He asked everyone to introduce himself or herself
and invited everyone to enjoy the refreshments provided by Mike Turner's office. The
refreshments were to welcome all new senators and thank those going off the senate.
President Wilson also thanked Ginger Cox for making all the arrangements for refreshments.
II. Secretary's Report - Sally Fiscus
The minutes from the April 12, 2000 meeting were distributed. Shelly Kellogg made
a motion to approve the minutes as distributed, Randy Sessions seconded the motion
and the minutes were approved as distributed.
III. Treasurer's Report - Shelly Kellogg
No treasurer's report.
IV. Discussion of Senate Resolution
Sally Fiscus distributed a proposed questionnaire that the executive committee would
like to see implemented before a decision is made regarding the resolution. Sally
explained that President Beggs was currently out of town and that he would like to
visit with her regarding the questionnaire before sending it out. Sally asked for
the senate's opinion regarding the format of the questionnaire. Several suggestions
were made that Sally will implement. The senate agreed that we should get Dr. Begg's
opinion prior to sending out the questionnaire/survey.
V. Election Results - John Wilson President Wilson announced the results of the election for the 2000 - 2001 Classified Senate. President - David Fyfe, Vice President - Randy Sessions, Secretary - Kathleen Verdugo and Clerk - Shelly Kellogg. A new roster was distributed. Fiscus asked that any corrections be turned in to her to update.
VI. Awards - John Wilson
President Wilson presented some special people with plaques. Plaques were presented
to: Tom Veltman, Ginger Cox and Judy Dillard. Special certificates were presented
to: Anita Kirkpatrick and Eric Sexton. Certificates of Appreciation were presented
to the entire 1999 - 2000 Classified Senate. Following the presentations, President
Wilson turned the remainder of the meeting over to incoming President Fyfe. President
Fyfe informed the senate that the executive council would be meeting in June and July
in an effort to organize for the coming year.
V. Adjournment - John Wilson
The next Classified Senate meeting will be Wednesday, August 9, 2000 from 3:30 p.m.
to 5 p.m., in the Great Plains Room, Rhatigan Student Center. Judy Dillard made a
motion to adjourn and Suzanne Drago seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 4:50
Submitted by Sally Fiscus, Secretary