Senate Meeting Minutes

Wichita State University
Classified Senate Meeting Minutes

September 2001 - May 2002

September 12, 2001

The Classified Senate met on Wednesday September 12 at 3:30 in room 305 in the Rhatigan Student Center.

Senators present were: Don Brooks, Sally Fiscus, Kathy Wolff, Bernie Smith, Lloyd Harp, Arlen Boger, Val Peck, Mardi Hammond, Ellen Abbey, John Wilson, Joyce Hadley, Dixie Rice, Randy Sessions and Shelly Kellogg. Those senators excused: Bill Gilmore, Marilyn Dotts, Mike McMillen, David Fyfe, Kathleen Verdugo, Ruth Anne Priester, Suzie Asbridge, Ellie Durham, Warren Carter and Gary Bequette. Guests present: Anita Kirkpatrick and Cyndy Hodge.

Randy Sessions was acting president and led discussions on matters that we need to solve. Since we didn't have enough in attendance to vote on any matters the meeting wasn't officially opened, but we discussed important matters that need to be solved. The executive council met earlier in the week to make suggested changes to the constitution and to review the new EEO categories.

Shelly Kellogg will send the proposed Senate Constitution and By-laws to classified staff for a vote on whether or not to approve the changes. Elections should have been last may for the new incoming senators but we are way behind. If the new constitution is approved then we can get under way with the election process. This year's executive council is from old categories. After this years elections we need new officers appointed for the coming year. Hopefully we can get back on track within one month and start forming committees on subjects that need some attention.

Mardi Hammond submitted the position paper and said any other suggestions should be directed towards Dave Fyfe, or Randy Sessions.

Cyndy Hodge talked about an organization called ACE. The website for this is and from what I remember this organization is about state employees uniting for better benefits and pay. For more information on this, visit the website.

Meeting was finished at 4:40. Submitted by Arlen Boger 3rd secretary in command.

October 10, 2001

Attendees: Ellen Abbey, Suzie Asbridge, Gary Bequette, Arlen Boger, Donald Brooks, Marilyn Dotts, Sally Fiscus, David Fyfe, Bill Gilmore, Mardi Hammond, Lloyd Harp, Shelly Kellogg, Mike McMillan, Valerie Pittier, Ruth Ann Priester, Randy Sessions, Bernard Smith, Hugh Thompson, Kathleen Verdugo, John Wilson, Kathy Wolff
Excused: Val Peck, Joyce Hadley
Not Excused: Warren Carter
Guests: Mike Turner, Cyndy Hodge

President David Fyfe opened the meeting at 3:30 p.m. by bringing the Senate body up to date in the Constitutional changes, which was passed by the majority vote. David reported that there was a good turnout on the number of return ballots. The Election committee will be sending out the nomination forms, followed by the ballots. The results will be tallied and the new Senate Executive Board will be meeting next month where they will choose a new President.

The next order of business was the proposed Position Paper for 2001/2002, which will state that we are looking for a provision of (1) a 4% COLA, (2) Fund step increases of 2.5% and (3) Provide funding for longevity bonuses. David reported on his meeting with the other Regent schools. There followed a discussion with regards to the steps, and salaries, and the Regents who are looking at block funding for the classified staff. We are also looking for changing the vesting time from 10 years to five. The discussion also included the subject of benefits, and the merit vs. standard raises. Mike Turner provided some insights to the discussion.

The need for volunteers to be on the Employee Health Care Committee was discussed. Mike Turner stated that the meetings are held in Topeka, and if anyone was interested that he would “go to bat” for them if needed.

Treasurer’s report: Shelly Kellogg reported that $123.95 was spent for the copying of the Memo/Constitution & By-Laws, leaving a balance of $919.05.

Minutes: The minutes of the September meeting were motioned for approval by Randy Sessions, 2nd by Shelly Kellogg; the Senate body approved motion. Thanks go to Arlen for taking the minutes in the Secretary’s absence.
Elections: In spite of the delay in elections this year, it was decided to hold the next election in May.
Committees: With the approaching holiday season, it was an opportune time to staff the Holiday Tree Lighting Committee. The committee members are Ruth Ann Priester, Cyndy Hodge, Kathleen Verdugo and Mike McMillan.
Employee Club: It was noted that the Employee Club was mentioned in the Inside WSU, that HR was assisting in this endeavor, a Faculty representative was included and that this project was moving forward.

Shelly moved to adjourn the meeting, followed by a 2nd motion by Randy, motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 4:42 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Kathleen Verdugo, Senate Secretary

January 9, 2002

Present: Ellen Abbey, Suzie Asbridge, Arlen Boger, Donald Brooks, Pat Campbell, Warren Carter, George Corbin, Marilyn Dotts, Sally Fiscus, Libby Gilbert, Bill Gilmore, Lloyd Harp, Cyndy Hodge, Shelly Kellogg, Michael McMillen, William Ozor, Jerry Purdy, Willa Shelton, Bernard Smith, Hugh Thompson, Anne Welch and Kathy Wolff
Excused: David Fyfe, Wanda Hughes, Charles Newman, Tina Payne, Ruth Ann Priester, Randy Sessions and Gemma Smith
Unexcused: Mark Edwards and Kari Ossman

I. Open Meeting – Sally Fiscus
The Classified Senate met on Wednesday, January 9, 2001, in the Great Plains Room, Rhatigan Student Center. Sally Fiscus, Senate Secretary, opened the meeting at 3:30 p.m. as requested by President David Fyfe who was absent.

II. Announcements – Sally Fiscus
House and Senate Rosters were distributed to senate members. Discussion followed about the importance of contacting your legislators with issues of concern.

It was suggested that we invite Eric Sexton from Governmental Relations to come to a senate meeting to share information with us regarding the Kansas Legislative System.

Discussion took place regarding Legislative Information Day and its importance for state employees. Many senate members agreed that it was time to unite state employees all over Kansas to help make a difference in salary and benefits for state employees. The following senators tentatively agreed to attend Legislative Information Day in Topeka on February 7, 2002: Ellen Abbey, Suzie Asbridge, Pat Campbell, Warren Carter, George Corbin, Marilyn Dots, Sally Fiscus, David Fyfe, Libby Gilbert, Cyndy Hodge, Michael McMillen, Randy Sessions, Willa Shelton, and Bernard Smith. Those who might be able to attend include: Arlen Boger, Donald Brooks, Lloyd Harp, Hugh Thompson and Kathy Wolff. Everyone agreed that it would be awesome to show our legislators that we care about what’s happened in Topeka that affects us. It was decided that Sally Fiscus will contact David Fyfe when he returns to discuss the Topeka Trip. It was also suggested that we ask David Fyfe to request through President Beggs the use of a vehicle for the trip and also release time for those employees.

An order form was distributed for members of the senate to order Classified Senate denim shirts or black polo shirts. Sally Fiscus will finalize this list and follow-up by collecting money and placing the order.


III. Secretary’s Report – Sally Fiscus
Sally Fiscus distributed the minutes for December and apologized for the incorrect date at the top of the minutes. She requested that everyone read the minutes for content and know that the correct date was December 12, 2001. The December minutes were motioned for approval by George Corbin and seconded by Cyndy Hodge; the Senate body approved the motion. The date will be changed and e-mailed to Shelly Kellogg, who will distribute the corrected version to members of the senate.

VI. Adjournment – Sally Fiscus
Bill Gilmore made a motion to adjourn the meeting; motion was seconded by Arlen Boger and approved by all. Meeting adjourned at 4:15 p.m.

The next Classified Senate meeting will be Wednesday, February 13, 2002, from 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m., Rhatigan Student Center.

Submitted by Sally Fiscus Secretary

February 13, 2002

Present: Ellen Abbey, Arlen Boger, Donald Brooks, Pat Campbell, Warren Carter, George Corbin, Mark Edwards, Sally Fiscus, David Fyfe, Libby Gilbert, Cyndy Hodge, Wanda Hughes, Shelly Kellogg, Michael McMillen, Charles Newman, Kari Ossman, William Ozor, Tina Payne, Jerry Purdy, Randy Sessions, Willa Shelton, Hugh Thompson, and Kathy Wolff
Excused: Marilyn Dotts, Bill Gilmore, Ruth Ann Priester, Bernard Smith and Anne Welch
Unexcused: Suzie Asbridge and Lloyd Harp

I. Open Meeting – Sally Fiscus The Classified Senate met on Wednesday, February 13, 2002 in the President’s Room, Rhatigan Student Center. David Fyfe opened the meeting at 3:35 p.m.

II. Secretary’s Report – Sally Fiscus Minutes from the January meeting were distributed prior to the meeting by mail. The January minutes were motioned for approval by Shelly Kellogg and seconded by Kathy Wolff; the Senate body approved the motion.

III. Senate Shirts – Sally Fiscus Sally asked if there were any other senate members who wanted to order shirts. She asked that everyone pay for the shirts soon and make checks payable directly to her. She will place the order within the week and will write one check to Wichita Shirt and Caps once the order arrives.

VI. Shocker Connection – Marty Shawver, Diane Coleman and Kim Volz A presentation was made to the Classified Senate regarding the NEW Enrollment and Orientation process for new students. The main emphasis is that orientation is not over – the model is being changed to accommodate students better. Employees were encouraged to sign up for training.

V. Committee Reports – David Fyfe
-Legislature Committee/Legislature Day – twelve classified employees went to Topeka on February 11, 2002, representing over 500 state employees at Wichita State University. They spoke to approximately 15 representatives. David asked each member to submit a report to him stating whom they saw and what they discussed.
-Shocker Pride Picnic – David reminded those on the committee that this event is approaching fast and there is still plenty of work to do.
-RSC Executive Board – Policy is still under review and process is still being discussed.
-Sally Fiscus requested that we check into purchasing the Topeka Capital Journal in order to stay on top of what’s happening in Topeka. David agreed to look into this idea. George Corbin thought it was available on-line and will look into this possibility.

VI. Shelly Kellogg made a motion to adjourn the meeting; motion was seconded by Randy Sessions and approved by all. Meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m. The next Classified Senate meeting will be Wednesday March 13, 2002 from 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m., in Room 305, RSC.

Submitted by Sally Fiscus Secretary

March 13, 2002

Present: Ellen Abbey, Suzie Asbridge, Arlen Boger, Donald Brooks, Pat Campbell, George Corbin, Marilyn Dotts, Mark Edwards, Sally Fiscus, David Fyfe, Libby Gilbert, Lloyd Harp, Cyndy Hodge, Wanda Hughes, Shelly Kellogg, Michael McMillen, Charles Newman, Kari Ossman, William Ozor, Tina Payne, Jerry Purdy, Randy Sessions, Willa Shelton, Hugh Thompson, and Kathy Wolff
Excused: Warren Carter, Bill Gilmore, Ruth Ann Priester, and Bernard Smith
Unexcused: Anne Welch

I. Open Meeting – David Fyfe The Classified Senate met on Wednesday, March 13, 2002 in the President’s Room, Rhatigan Student Center. David Fyfe opened the meeting at 3:40 p.m.

II. Secretary’s Report – Sally Fiscus Minutes from the February meeting were distributed prior to the meeting by mail. The February minutes were motioned for approval by Shelly Kellogg and seconded by Kathy Wolff; the Senate body approved the motion.

III. Senate Shirts – Sally Fiscus Shirts were distributed.

IV. Budget – David Fyfe President Fyfe gave an overview of the following bills: HB 2636 and HS 2691. Fyfe suggested everyone contact their legislators to discuss these bills.

V. Committee Reports –

David Fyfe Legislature Committee – Fyfe said he planned to get this committee together soon to discuss the next forum. Shocker Pride Picnic – reported that work is progressing and they are in need of door prizes.

Traffic Committee – no report

Food Committee – no report

Library Committee – next meeting will be held in April

Election Committee – Randy Sessions reported that the nomination forms to fill open senate seats are ready to be mailed and plans are set to ensure a new Classified Senate President is selected by May 3. Sessions mentioned that Sally Fiscus, Suzie Asbridge, Shelly Kellogg and Bill Gilmore cannot be re-elected because they have served two consecutive terms. The meeting on May 8 will be with new and old senate members.

Fyfe read a letter that was drafted by the executive committee asking Dr. Beggs to reconsider the approved dates for Holiday Close Down. The majority of classified employees feel that December 23 and 24 should be included in the HCD time. It is understood that this time would need to be made up or taken as vacation time. A few changes were suggested and Fyfe planned to make the changes and mail it to Dr. Beggs.

VI. Adjournment – David Fyfe Randy Sessions made a motion to adjourn the meeting; motion was seconded by Cyndy Hodge and approved by all. Meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m. The next Classified Senate meeting will be Wednesday April 10, 2002 in the RSC.

Submitted by Sally Fiscus Secretary

April 10, 2002

Present: Ellen Abbey, Donald Brooks, Warren Carter, George Corbin, Mark Edwards, Sally Fiscus, David Fyfe, Libby Gilbert, Bill Gilmore, Lloyd Harp, Cyndy Hodge, Wanda Hughes, Shelly Kellogg, Charles Newman, Kari Ossman, William Ozor, Tina Payne, Jerry Purdy, Willa Shelton, Bernard Smith, Hugh Thompson and Kathy Wolff
Excused: Suzie Asbridge, Arien Boger, Michael McMillen, Ruth Ann Priester, and Randy Sessions
Unexcused: Pat Campbell, Marilyn Dotts and Anne Welch

I. Open Meeting – David Fyfe The Classified Senate met on Wednesday, April 10, 2002 in the President’s Room, Rhatigan Student Center. David Fyfe opened the meeting at 3:30 p.m.

II. Secretary’s Report – Sally Fiscus
Minutes from the March meeting were distributed. The minutes were motioned for approval by Cyndy Hodge and seconded by Libby Gilbert; the Senate body approved the motion.

III. Treasurer’s Report – Shelly Kellogg
Shelly reported that the current balance as of March 31, 2002 is $466.29.

VI. HCD Letter – David Fyfe
President Fyfe updated the senate on the status of the letter sent on behalf of the classified senate requesting that December 23 and 24, 2002 be included in the HCD time. President Beggs denied this request. Most classified employees plan to take December 24 as a day of vacation. The majority of the senate felt this decision was unfair, especially since the campus community is used to WSU being closed over the holidays. The break rejuvenates faculty and staff and provides everyone with a much needed break.

V. Committee Reports – David Fyfe
Legislature Committee – no scheduled meeting as of yet.

Fyfe reported that the budget is being debated daily in Topeka with many options being considered. The Legislative Session will close on April 13 and follow up with a final wrap up meeting in May. He suggested that the senate continue watching the bills that refer to furloughs and volunteer leave.

Shocker Pride Picnic – scheduled for May 9; committee is working on details; nominees have been selected and approved by President Beggs for the President’s Award.

Traffic Committee – busy as usual.

Food Committee – Warren Carter reported that Aramark would attend our next classified senate meeting to respond to questions and to talk about their operation. He also reported that Aramark’s contract will be up in 2003 and they plan to bid for the contract again. If they win the contract, they have some ideas in mind to improve their service.

Election Committee – Randy Sessions was absent, but Sally Fiscus reported on his behalf. Fiscus said that he is waiting to receive final information from the Physical Plant and will then mail ballots for voting. He is still planning to complete the election in time to have new senators on board for the May meeting.

Board of Regents Luncheon – Fyfe announced that a luncheon is planned for executive committee members to meeting with BOR members on Monday, April 22, 2002.

Car Show – Fyfe reported that the 2nd Annual Car Show would be held on May 19; they are hoping to have 150 cars on display.

Increase in Tuition – Fyfe announced that Dr. Beggs confirmed that WSU’s tuition will increase by 9% this upcoming year.

IV. Adjournment – David Fyfe
Bill Gilmore made a motion to adjourn the meeting; motion was seconded by Lloyd Harp and approved by all. Meeting adjourned at 4:35 p.m. The next Classified Senate meeting will be Wednesday May 8, 2002 in the RSC.

Submitted by Sally Fiscus

May 8, 2002

Present: Ellen Abbey, Suzie Asbridge, Arlen Boger, Donald Brooks, Warren Carter, George Corbin, Mark Edwards, Sally Fiscus, David Fyfe, Libby Gilbert, Bill Gilmore, Lloyd Harp, Cyndy Hodge, Wanda Hughes, Michael McMillen, Charles Newman, William Ozor, Tina Payne, Ruth Ann Priester, Jerry Purdy, Randy Sessions, Willa Shelton, Bernard Smith, Hugh Thompson and Kathy Wolff
Excused: Pat Campell, Kari Ossman, Shelly Kellogg and Anne Welch
Unexcused: Marilyn Dotts
Guests: Jim Herrman and Anitra Kirkpatrick

I. Open Meeting and Welcome– David Fyfe
The Classified Senate met on Wednesday, May 8, 2002 in the President’s Room, Rhatigan Student Center. President David Fyfe opened the meeting at 3:33 p.m. Outgoing and new senate members attended this meeting. Members introduced themselves and were welcomed by outgoing President Fyfe.

II. Secretary’s Report – Sally Fiscus
Minutes from the April meeting were distributed by mail prior to the meeting. The minutes were motioned for approval by Suzie Asbridge and seconded by Cyndy Hodge; the Senate body approved the motion.

III. Treasurer’s Report – Shelly Kellogg was excused from this meeting. Current balance as of 4/30/02 - $409.49.

VI. Announcements – David Fyfe
Certificates of appreciation were distributed to all senators who served 2001-2002.
1. The new Classified Senate President for 2002-2003 will be Randy Sessions; Vice President will be Ellen Abbey.
At this time, the meeting was turned over to the new Classified Senate President – Randy Sessions.

V. New Business – Randy Sessions
1. Election of Secretary – President Sessions asked for nominations of those interested in serving as secretary for the upcoming year. Several names were submitted; Val Peck was elected unanimously.

2. Election of Clerk – Two names was submitted – Shelly Kellogg and Sally Fiscus. President Sessions asked for a vote by count of hands. Shelly received 10 votes; Sally received 17. The new clerk for 2002-2003 is Sally Fiscus.

3. Classified Senate Constitution & Bylaws were distributed to all members in attendance. Also distributed were the election results from the recent election with a memo from President Sessions.

IV. Guest – Jim Herrman, Assistant Director, RSC
Mr. Herrman distributed a DRAFT copy of the WSU Policies and Procedures Manual – Food Service Policy. He said that he had been asked by President Beggs to visit all senates with this proposed policy that is currently being considered. Unfortunately, during Mr. Herrman’s presentation, the tornado sirens began to sound and the meeting was immediately adjourned for everyone to go to the basement. If members of the Classified Senate have questions about the Food Service Policy they should get in touch with Mr. Herrman who would be happy to answer questions.

Submitted by Sally Fiscus