Senate Meeting Minutes

Wichita State University
Classified Senate Meeting Minutes

September 2002 - April 2003

September 11, 2002

I. Open Meeting – Randy Sessions The Classified Senate met on Wednesday, September 11, 2002 in Room 305 of the Rhatigan Student Center. Randy Sessions opened the meeting at 3 p.m.

II. Responsibilities of Senators - Sessions reviewed responsibilities of classified senators, stressing the importance of attendance for senate meetings and keeping constituents informed and reminding senators that two unexcused absences will result in removal from the senate.

III. Holiday Tree Lighting Committee - Val Peck, Joyce Ward, Heather Ballard, George, Jane Eshelman, Wanda Hughes are on the Holiday Tree Lighting Committee. Sally Fiscus recommended a new chair be appointed so that the coordination of this event can be learned by another. Discussion regarding the date took place. It was recommended last year to have the lighting on the same day as the Beggs’ Holiday Brunch so that more people would attend. The committee will decide if the ceremony will take place before or after the brunch. It was recommended that new ornaments be purchased. Some constituents have commented that current decorations look like Easter ornaments and other constituents think it looks like a K-State tree. It was recommended all purple ornaments be donated to K-State. The consensus is that new ornaments should be purchased.

IV. Recognition Program - Sessions reported that unclassified senate president, Mike Erickson has the same concerns as the classified senate does regarding the awarding of recognition monies. Currently the plan is to give each vice president and the president $500 to award according to their own criteria. At their discretion, the money can be awarded to one person or divided between as many recipients as the administrator chooses. No set criteria for all divisions to follow is a concern. The policy needs some development to ensure evenness across the board. Another suggestion was that nominations be reviewed by a committee of peers.

V. Position Paper - Representatives of the six regent’s universities will meet October 11 at Kansas State University to compile the Classified Kansas Council Position Paper. Sessions invited volunteers to join him in attending the meeting. A proposed position paper includes: fund step movements and add two steps to the top ends of the ranges; support a COLA of 3.5%, funded entirely at the beginning of the fiscal year and index COLA’s to an established economic indicator; maintain the distinction between COLA and step movement; continue to fund the Longevity Bonus and remove the cap completely; reduce the vesting period in KPERS from ten years to five years.

Other recommendations discussed were increasing sick leave for beginning employees from 3.7 hours to 4.2 hours per month and increasing by same percentage for long term employees (Shelly Kellogg pointed out that when the state went to bi-weekly payroll 5 hours of sick leave per year was lost for classified employees; asking for larger increase in raises (comment was made that if too large a request is made it will fall on deaf ears); begin negotiating for employees to make a choice where their retirement dollars are invested – KPERS or TIAA-CREF, match federal holidays; in view of Enron and other corporate financial disasters seek to set forth policies to protect state employee’s retirement fund (KPERS) from being used as the state’s slush fund. Additional discussion centered on health insurance premiums and benefits.

Suggestions included: seek the appointment of classified staff to sit on committees that determine insurance benefits; support more insurance options (cafeteria plans); negotiate insurance benefits statewide instead of regionally. State employee insurance premium increases will be from 12% to 46% and the non-smokers discount will be discontinued. Sessions reported that these increases will be for next year as well as covering losses from last year. Wage discussion: Position paper should defiantly include a statement saying classified employees want a pay raise. Information to back up the request was furnished. CE is 40% behind cost of living if step increases are taken out. Cyndy Hodge noted several salary comparisons between state and local community jobs. 1) Maintenance – state $8.94, local $10 and up. 2) Plumber – state $11.94, local $30 and up. 3) Administrative Assistant – state $8.94, local $11 and up. It was pointed out that asking for an unrealistic increase will be ridiculed by legislators. Begin working toward a goal of having cost of living raises linked to regions rather than statewide as many counties have a lower cost of living than Sedgwick county and other highly populated cities and counties. Dispersing of Position Paper: Jane Eshelman reminded senators about the advantage of having the paper prepared early so that it could be dispersed before elections. Appointments should be made with legislators when possible before the delegation goes to Topeka. Sessions stated that neither candidate for governor has addressed state employee needs.

VI. Open House - Hodge mentioned having an open house reception for classified employees to meet their WSU classified staff senators.

VII. Adjournment – Randy Sessions - Sessions asked for a motion for adjournment. The motion was made by Mike Hinkle and seconded by Cynd Hodge and approved by all. The next Classified Senate meeting will be Wednesday, October 9, 2002.

Submitted by Pat Campbell for Val Peck

October 9, 2002

Present: Ellen Abbey, Warren Carter, George Corbin, Kelly Eck, Jane Eshelman, David Fyfe, Libby Gilbert, Cyndy Hodge, Wanda Hughes, Charles Newman, William Ozor, Val Peck, Lee Posey, Jerry Purdy, Randy Sessions, Willa Shelton, Kevin Stuewe, Linda Tedder, Hugh Thompson, Tom Veltman, Joyce Ward, Ann Welch, Doug Weber
Excused: Sally Fiscus, Mike Hinkle, Kari Ossman
Unexcused: Betty Alford, Heather Ballard, Pat Campbell, Lloyd Harp, Shari Thompson
Guests: Shelly Kellogg, Anita Kirkpatrick

President Sessions called the meeting to order. Minutes stand approved as read.

I. Shocktoberfest: Sessions announced that a Shocktoberfest representative had requested to speak at this meeting. However, they have not appeared.

II. David Fyfe -- David has been selected as a member of the State Advisory Committee, originally called the Topeka Employee Advisory Committee. (There were 127 nominations for 15 positions.) He was also elected as the chair of this committee and will serve a three year term. Mike Aucard was elected as Vice-Chair and Amy Craig was elected secretary. He stated that 15 people have been chosen, who he believes will work well together. There are also unclassified employees on this committee. This committee will report to the Personnel Advisory Committee (PAC), one of the largest groups in Kansas. David stated that the committee believes that administration will be very supportive, although they realize they are facing a battle with the budget. They will be placing articles in the KansAN newsletter. The committee has identified 36 different issues that they feel they can impact and have five that they feel they can greatly impact. They will be evaluating: the following:
1. Advocate/lobby for the employees (How can they influence)
2. Attract and retain employees (What can they do)
3. Educate employees (How will they know they are successful?)
4. Sick Leave incentive (maybe convert to well days to use for anything)
5. Fair review (monetary rewards in the future)
E-mail David, if you have anything that you want him to take before the committee. Their next meeting is December 18.

III. Position Paper: Ellen Abbey, Cyndy Hodge, George Corbin and David Fyfe, are attending the Kansas Council of Classified Senates at K-State on Oct 11. Sessions read the agenda for the day. The position paper committee decided to concentrate on items for the paper that wouldn't/shouldn't cost the state “hard dollars”, just time. KU is asking strictly for money. WSU’s paper will be combined with the others from the regents universities to present a unified paper to the legislators. Ellen asked for attachments that could be attached to the paper to provide a “visual aid”. Cyndy will try to get additional information. The senate wanted two changes added to the paper (1) break out annual leave and (2) retirement contributions. Randy will send out to the executive council to approve.

IV. Other: Randy announced that he received a memo from Roger Lowe regarding a vacancy on the Union Board (Rhatigan Student Center Board).

Cyndy Hodge moved to adjourn. Motion seconded and carried.

Val Peck, Secretary

November 13, 2002

Present: Ellen Abbey, Pat Campbell, George Corbin, Kelly Eck, Sally Fiscus, Libby Gilbert, Mike Hinkle, Cyndy Hodge, Charles Newman, William Ozor, Val Peck, Jerry Purdy, Randy Sessions, Willa Shelton, Kevin Stuewe, Hugh Thompson, Tom Veltman, Joyce Ward, Ann Welch
Excused: Betty Alford, Heather Ballard, Jane Eshelman, David Fyfe, Lloyd Harp, Wanda Hughes, Kari Ossman, Doug Weber
Unexcused: Warren Carter, Lee Posey, Linda Tedder, Shari Thompson
Guests: Anita Kirkpatrick, Connie Landreth, Cathy James

President Sessions called the meeting to order.

Notes from Constituent Heads Meeting:
Sessions announced that he met with Dr Beggs on November 11at the Constituent Heads Meeting. Dr. Beggs stated that he had received a notice (via e-mail) that another recision is imminent and possible as much at 5%+. He doesn't know from what areas the 5%+ cuts will come from. Dr. Beggs has not seen a formal letter yet. It could be more than 5%. There is also the likelihood of additional recisions.

Kathleen Sebelius has indicated she will be conducting an audit similar to the one that Governor Richards of Texas conducted several years ago. In that audit they were $4.1 billion in the red. During that audit they discovered $5 billion of waste.

Info from SEAK Newsletter
Randy distributed a copy of the layoff and furlough procedures that were printed in the SEAK Newsletter. This does not mean that this will happen at WSU. It is still an agency by agency decision. Dr. Beggs has indicated that he does not plan to layoff or furlough any employees at this time. He is hoping that attrition will prevent this from happening.

Committee Reports:
Holiday Tree Lighting: Val reported that the tree lighting is scheduled for December 2, 2:00 p.m., reception in the RSC Fireplace Lounge before the tree lighting. She also announced that they have received funding that will enable them to add new ornaments to the tree this year. Randy encouraged the senate members to attend.
No other committee reports.

Position Paper
Randy reported on the status of the position paper that was developed by the Kansas Council of Classified Senates and the correspondence that had been taking place via e-mail. Unfortunately, there are items on the paper that some classified senates at the regents institutions feel are not appropriate to ask our legislators to consider during this time of budget crisis, e.g., tax increases and/or new taxes. At the time the council ended its meeting on October 11, most attendees were under the impression that the paper was still a working document and was in no way finalized as a vote for acceptance was not called for. Also, there were no minutes taken (a tape recorder was used, which malfunctioned, therefore no minutes were recorded.) Various legislative liaisons at the institutions have indicated that we would be wise to ask for benefits rather than salary enhancements (soft dollars vs. hard dollars). The Council paper as it reads now is almost verbatim to the KU paper, which with the salary enhancements as top priority we and others feel is not appropriate. The senates have been asked to revise their individual papers and resubmit to the council chair, Rodney Stanfield, where a new paper will be compiled.

We have suggested to K-State that the council be reconvened in order to try to compile a revised paper. Although we feel that it is important to remain a unified entity, as it is now, PSU is not willing to have their name on the paper, as well as WSU. Eric Sexton suggested we take our name off the paper if we weren't comfortable with the outcome. Randy indicated he would not ask for a vote to take our name off the paper, except as a last ditch effort. He also offered our facility to host this meeting if it is reconvened. He also asked Anita Kirkpatrick to mediate for the council.
Randy stated he would check with Dr. Beggs to see if he would support another day to attend the council meeting if reconvened.

Randy will keep all of you posted on the status. Let him know if you want to be added to the e-mail distribution list.
Randy stated that we were exploring the idea of having a legislative forum before the legislature opens to meet with both new and returning representatives. We also want to invite other state agencies. Randy asked for volunteers to chair this committee. Ellen Abbey volunteered to chair, Cyndy Hodge volunteered to help. Randy asked other senators to call Ellen and Cyndy if they could help. Anita Kirkpatrick stated that Dr. Beggs has suggested using Eric Sexton in whatever way we could.

-Unclassified Professional Senate is sponsoring “Stuff the Bus” again this year. Kristi Mohler is in charge. Contact her if questions.
-Cyndy Hodge introduced Kathy James the new employment manager in Human Resources.
-Doug Weber has been in the hospital. Sally will send a card.

Cyndy Hodge moved to adjourn. Motion seconded and carried.

Val Peck, Secretary

December 18, 2002

Present: Ellen Abbey, Heather Ballard, Pat Campbell, George Corbin, Kelly Eck, Jane Eshelman, Libby Gilbert, Mike Hinkle, Wanda Hughes, Charles Newman, William Ozor, Val Peck, Lee Posey, Randy Sessions, Willa Shelton, Kevin Stuewe, Hugh Thompson, Tom Veltman, Joyce Ward, Ann Welch
Excused: Betty Alford, Warren Carter, Sally Fiscus, David Fyfe, Lloyd Harp, Cyndy Hodge, Doug Weber
Unexcused: Lloyd Harp, Kari Ossman,, Jerry Purdy, Linda Tedder, Shari Thompson

President Sessions called the meeting to order.

Position paper - discussion and approval/disapproval
Sessions indicated that the position paper distributed is still a draft, but was approved as it came out of the meeting at KSU on December 11. They decided to leave salary #1. Salary information noted at the meeting indicated that $8.51 per hour, or less, is considered below poverty level. Living wage in Manhattan is $9 per hour. Mid-range at KU is $12 per hour.
Insurance premiums are across the board, so they would affect everyone. Anita Kirkpatrick served as the mediator for the meeting. Randy indicated that the meeting went much more smoothly.

Legislative Day
Fort Hayes State University liaison suggested going to Topeka on separate days. Kevin Kender, SGA liaison student and staff going up together. The date has not been decided yet, but will probably be the first week of February. Randy will work with Eric Sexton.

Comp Time and Shut Down:
Randy reported that some offices are not allowed to build up comp time for the shutdown. Randy talked with President Beggs. Second shift personnel will work 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. on the 24th, instead of 3:30 - 11:00 p.m. It is up to Darrell Smith, Physical Plant, to schedule; supervisor’s discretion, not mandatory. Cheryl Wooderson, ESU, said they are not allowed to build comp time; KU - no; PSU shuts down on Dec 20 and doesn't go back until January 6.

Shocker Pride Picnic
Sally Fiscus will serve as chair of this committee. She has been asked to include people on the committee that have already received the award so if they are nominated, they won't have to step down partway through the process. The picnic will be May 7, 11:30 - 1:00. Deadline for nominations is March 14. Send three recommendations to President Beggs.

Sessions Soapbox
Holiday Tree Lighting
- Randy stated his disappointment in the classified senate representation at the lighting. There were more faculty than senate in attendance.
Legislative Meet and Greet - Randy also stated his disappointment in the senate representation at the Meet and Greet session. There were six legislators present, which was very good, but only a few classified senators there. Randy stated that we have the responsibility to serve the people that elected us to the senate. Therefore, we need to revisit our priorities and if we can't fulfill obligations, we should ask to be replaced.

Committee Reports
Traffic Mike Hinkle stated that they had settled 18 tickets. It appears that some signs are disappearing. Mike suggested that if you’re parking in a service zone to unload, you contact the police department and let them know so you won't receive a ticket.
Elections Ellen Abbey has been asked to chair this committee. Shelly Kellogg volunteered to help. Randy stated that they are exploring some revisions to the constitution. Would like to see the vice president position changed to a president-elect position, so that person could attend the constituent heads meetings.

As Arises
-Mike Hinkle asked about the status of committees - active/inactive. Randy doesn't know at this time.
-Randy noted that at the Meet and Greet evening there were four freshman senators present. Also that President Beggs was there to support us as well. The senators were floored that we were about 40% below cost of living.
-WSU received $2.5 million dollars in cuts. No more cuts or hiring freeze at this time. There is no intent to layoff or furlough. We could have another cut, but haven't heard. Classified staff would be the last to layoff because of the bumping rights issue.
-Randy indicated he will be contacting senators with several absences to advise them of being replaced. People receiving the next highest votes will be contacted to see if they want to serve.

Mike Hinkle moved to adjourn. Libby Gilbert seconded. Motion carried.

Val Peck, Secretary

January 15, 2003

Present: Ellen Abbey, Heather Ballard, Denise Burns, Pat Cambell, Warren Carter, George Corbin, Kelly Eck, Glen Fisher, Lloyd Harp, Mike Hinkle, Cyndy Hodge, Wanda Hughes, Charles Newman, Kari Ossman, William Ozor, Val Peck, Lee Posey, Jerry Purdy, Randy Sessions, Willa Shelton, Kevin Stuewe, Linda Tedder, Hugh Thompson, Tom Veltman, Joyce Ward, Doug Weber
Excused: Sally Fiscus, David Fyfe, Libby Gilbert, Ann Welch
Unexcused: Jane Eshelman, Wanda Hughes
Guests: Shelly Kellogg, Anita Kirkpatrick

Position paper - update
Sessions distributed the position paper as basically approved at the last meeting at K-State on December 11. There were a few minor changes (verbiage). He noted these points:
a. Anyone making less than $9 per hour is considered below poverty level. Shelly noted that that probably affects approximately half of our classified employees.
b. Step increases are not funded right now.
c. State only funds 50% of longevity pay; universities fund the balance.
d. Changes affect all of the regents schools.
a. Only the school’s money allocated to Dr. Beggs will help offset the premiums.
b. No questions or comments on rest of the items under benefits.
a. Kansas is only one of a few states that still chooses to have 10 years for vesting. Most others are at 5 years.
b. Question regarding liability gap in KPERS - as understood, it is to keep the state from using it as a slush fund (borrowing to pay other debts).
Law Day
The above position paper will be presented at legislative day in Topeka. The executive council had tentatively discussed going in mid-February at Eric Sexton’s recommendation. However, Eric has decided that it would be best if we went earlier. Four different groups will be represented during February, one group each week. Currently the Kansas Council of Classified Senates are slated to attend on Tuesday, February 4. K-State has volunteered to make appointments for us, if we’d like.

Randy asked for volunteers to attend: Ellen Abbey, Pat Campbell, George Corbin, Glenn Fisher, William Ozor, Cyndy Hodge, Randy Sessions. Randy is corresponding with Dr. Beggs regarding release time for that day. Randy encouraged those senators planning on attending to make their own appointments with their legislators. Ellen encouraged senators to write to their legislators even if they couldn't go. Also, to contact their constituents, encouraging them to contact their legislators. Be cautious about using Shocknet if e-mailing. It would be preferable to use one of the free messenger services (hotmail, AOL).

Constitution Revisions
Randy stated that we need to look at the possibility of changing the constitution regarding the vice president position so we do not have a vice president or one that automatically becomes president the following year. Possibly a vice president elect. The VP would attend the meetings that the president goes to starting in March or April, which would make the transition to president much smoother. Wording will need to be developed for the revision. The senates’ consensus was that the senate should elect the president and vice president. Currently that is done by the executive council. The person selected for the VP position should have at least one year left on the senate.

Anita Kirkpatrick
Anita Kirkpatrick distributed a document regarding Policies and Procedures Manual for the Employee Recognition Program. (This recognition program is different from the Shocker Pride Picnic.) It appears to be the same as the draft that was presented to the senate in September, 2002. Senators commented as follows:
• The criteria is too ambiguous
• It’s better than nothing, but not good
• It is based on the decisions of the vice presidents
• Vice Presidents would have too much lee-way, without structure
• Smaller divisions would have more recipients more often.
• Some divisions may opt to give more than one award making the individual award much smaller, or could not give one at all.
• Randy’s opinion is that Dr Beggs is looking at the difference between faculty who have numerous awards (teaching, service, research, etc.) and classified employees who only have one or a very few.
• All divisions and vice presidents should have the same guidelines.
• They would like to see the monetary awards the same.
• Should consider beefing up the other recognition programs rather than start up this new one.
• Establish a committee to develop guidelines.
• Detailed guidelines are critical.

The consensus of the senate was that to ensure consistency standardized criteria be developed so that criteria would be the same for all vice presidents and divisions. Anita and Randy agreed to both provide input to Dr. Beggs.

Committee Reports
-Shocker Pride Picnic (Randy reporting) Sally Fiscus, chair, has requested to have a co-chair to assist her. She will be primarily working with the award portion. She needs someone to work with the rest of the details (door prizes, etc.). Denise Burns volunteered to be the co-chair.
-Election Committee - Ellen Abbey Ellen has her volunteers. Plans to get the committee underway sometime next month. They will have to make the decisions regarding the vice president position before continuing.
-Food Committee - Warren Carter The committee will be meeting on January 29. The RFP is going out for the food service. There will possibly be three vendors submitting proposals. Warren stated, that at this time it doesn't look too favorable in regards to having someone else come in because of the financial investment already incurred. The committee is also considering other dining options for Fairmount Towers. It appears that Blimpie’s Subs & Salads will be going into Hubbard Hall.
-Traffic - Mike Hinkle Will be meeting again in February.

As May Arise
Comp Time and Shut Down: Randy stated that he had received a call from Dr. Beggs regarding closedown days for December 2003. Dr. Beggs had received several calls from employees that did not want to work on December 24. Due to the fact that employees do not want to work on that day, he is considering the following dates for closedown: December 24, 26, 29, 30, 31 and January 2, 2004 (Friday). This would require classified employees using 48 hours of comp/vacation time if he decides to implement this. To be considered - some employees are not allowed to build up comp time for the shutdown; typically comp time cannot be carried more than six months.

• Randy stated that per Eric Sexton, the Board of Regents has asked for a report on our needs, wants, and desires. He said Eric would like to have three representatives - one from each senate.
• David Fyfe and his Army Reserves unit has been activated; a 21 day minimum.
• Linda Tedder asked about criteria for excused/ unexcused absences. Randy stated that to be excused to notify himself, Val, or Sally via phone or e-mail.
• Randy has located the former list of committees. It is quite old and out of date and needs major revision. Some committees are no longer activate and former members not on senate.
• Heather Ballard stated that the WSU police department is sponsoring the Kevin Easter Cops for Kids Bowl-a-thon on campus and has started taking pledges. Bowling will be on February 22. Call the police department if you would like to donate or participate. Big Brothers & Big Sisters will mail invoices and money is not due until July.

Mike Hinkle moved to adjourn. Hugh Thompson seconded. Motion carried.

Val Peck, Secretary

February 12, 2003

Present: Ellen Abbey, Heather Ballard, Denise Burns, Pat Campbell, Warren Carter, George Corbin, Kelly Eck, Jane Eshelman, Sally Fiscus, Glen Fisher, Libby Gilbert, Lloyd Harp, Mike Hinkle, Cyndy Hodge, Wanda Hughes, Charles Newman, William Ozor, Val Peck, Lee Posey, Jerry Purdy, Randy Sessions, Willa Shelton, Kevin Stuewe, Hugh Thompson, Joyce Ward
Excused: David Fyfe, Lloyd Harp, Linda Tedder, Tom Veltman, Ann Welch, Doug Weber
Unexcused: Kari Ossman,
Guests: Shelly Kellogg, Anita Kirkpatrick

Minutes of January 15, meeting
President Sessions distributed the minutes of the January 15 meeting. He stated that from now on there would not be any copies of minutes distributed, except to those who do not have e-mail access. They would all be submitted electronically so they can be read before the next meeting. He also said that they would discontinue sending the meeting “reminders”.

Correction to January minutes: Pat Campbell noted that on Item #4, last paragraph, there was not a “consensus” of the senate regarding standardized criteria on the employee recognition program. Cyndy Hodge approved minutes with correction. Mike Hinkle seconded. All approved. Motion carried.

Legislative Information Day Report
Ellen reported that those attending the legislative day had a fairly positive reaction from the legislators with the exception of Les Donavan. Ellen stated that initially KU split the schools into groups so that each school had a representative visiting the legislators. However, they found it to be more effective to be visiting their own legislators. Legislators responses/reactions:

-Donovan: thought we should ask for things to be taken away, rather than asking for something.
-Herrington: tended to harp on new taxes.
-Gooch: totally different point of view from last year.
-Gilmore: very honest. Prioritized goals were 1) elderly, 2) K - 12, 3) state employees.
-Novarrone: very interested and aware that WSU lags behind (17% of classified are working in poverty level - Ft Hays even lower than we are.) We are the second largest and second from the bottom; 19% behind in salaries.
-Randy stated that other than Donovan, all of the others were very willing to listen.
-Randy also distributed four articles that were printed in the Lawrence Journal-World. That newspaper is very good at covering legislative information, although it is geared to more of the KU/KSU contingency. The Wichita Eagle doesn't represent us too well here.

Constitution Revisions
Randy distributed copies of the constitution with the revisions submitted by the Constitution Revision Committee. The constitution with changes will be placed on the classified senate website.

The first change was in By-Law 2 that deals with representation by KAPE in an EEO category, that is under-represented, e.g., David Fyfe will need to be replaced due to military activation for one year. Replacement will have to be within the confines of physical plant supervision. Would much rather have someone with the next higher vote, than someone that KAPE would send who may not be interested at all. After considerable discussion, Willa Shelton moved that By-law 2 be stricken in its entirety. Jane Eshelman seconded motion. All approved. Motion carried.

Changes to Article VI:
• Change the paragraph regarding the election of the president by “a majority of the Senate Executive Council” to “be elected by the majority of the senate.” Same change for the vice president position.
• Eliminate the clerk position and divide duties between the vice president and the secretary.
• Add the president-elect position (shall become Section C) and fulfillment of those duties. Discussion revolved around who presides if president has to resign and at what stage - seated vs. before seated. Wording needs to be inserted to “establish” who fills an officer position. “In the event an officer position is vacated it will be filled by majority of senate...” In the essence of time, Randy will e-mail statement to Val. No other comments, clarification, etc. Final wording inserted in constitution after meeting: “In the event that any senate officer cannot fulfill the responsibilities of their office, an election will be held to replace the officer. The position will be filled by a majority vote of the senate.”

Changes to Article VIII:
• Change Section C Secretary to Section D.
• Former Section D Clerk: Eliminate position entirely. Duties of the clerk shall be divided between the vice president and secretary of the senate.
Randy suggested sending the changes via e-mail to all classified personnel and then having them respond to him with their acceptance or decline of the above changes. Sally Fiscus and Mike Hinkle recommended sending a one-page ballot with explanation and have that returned to Randy. Denise Burns moved to accept sending this ballot versus e-mail. Libby Gilbert seconded. Motion carried.

Committee Reports
-Food Committee: Warren Carter, representative, reported their last meeting was January 29:
• Five vendors were interested in the RFP for the food service. Three actually submitted RFP’s.
• Proposals will be handled in Topeka by the State of Kansas Purchasing Office. New vendor should be awarded by the end of March.
• Blimpie’s will remain as the vendor in Hubbard Hall, regardless of who is awarded the food service contract. Their hours are tentatively scheduled to be Monday thru Thursday 10:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. They don't know yet whether they will keep Blimpie’s open when classes are not in session.
• Taco Bell will keep all of their old items and add eight new ones.
• Fast Break is opening at 8:30 now.
• Copperfield’s is changing from paper to china products.
• Fairmount Towers is doing better now. The strange odor was mostly resolved by installing a new grease trap.
• Food Service Policy Committee adopted and unanimously approved by all senates. It was noted that the classified senate did not have an opportunity to vote on the policy due to the tornado warning and abrupt dismissal last spring.
• Willa Shelton asked if the vending machines in Ahlberg Hall belonged to Aramark. If so, they are broken most of the time and need to be replaced. Warren will take this issue to the food service committee.
-Election Committee: Ellen Abbey, chair. Ellen is planning on getting started right away on the ballots for the election.
-Shocker Pride: Sally Fiscus, chair. Sally and Denise are working on. Sally asked for additional volunteers for this committee. Those volunteering: Glen Fisher, Heather Ballard, Wanda Hughes, Lee Posey and Jane Eshelman.
-Clerk’s report: Beginning balance $1,043.00, current expenses $630.06 (mostly postage).
-Traffic: Mike Hinkle. Meeting again next month.

Other Business as arises
• Use of Shocknet for emailing legislators is a gray area, per Dr. Beggs. Please do not use it at all, even if you have a Shocknet account at home. Use one of the free accounts on-line, e.g., hotmail.
• The Unclassified Senate approved the Employee Recognition Plan. Dr Beggs will come up with a plan to work with us.

Mike Hinkle moved the meeting be adjourned. Glen Fisher seconded. All approved.

March 12, 2003

Present: Ellen Abbey, Heather Ballard, Pat Campbell, Warren Carter, George Corbin, Kelly Eck, Jane Eshelman, Libby Gilbert, Glen Fisher, Mike Hinkle, Cyndy Hodge, Wanda Hughes, Charles Newman, William Ozor, Val Peck, Lee Posey, Jerry Purdy, Randy Sessions, Willa Shelton, Kevin Stuewe, Hugh Thompson, Tom Veltman, Joyce Ward, Doug Weber, Ann Welch,
Excused: Denise Burns, Sally Fiscus, David Fyfe, Lloyd Harp
Unexcused: Karie Ossman
Guests: Shelly Kellogg, Anita Kirkpatrick

No agenda today. Sessions had just returned from the MetroPlex where Governor Sebelius was speaking.
1. Constitution changes Ballots have been returned and out of 120 - 125 returned there was only one negative vote received. Therefore, the constitutional changes will be effective as of March 12.
2. Nomination and election of president-elect Nominations were taken from the floor and voted on by ballot. Nominated for president- elect: Ellen Abbey, George Corbin, and Cyndy Hodge. Hodge declined her nomination. Abbey elected as president-elect for 2003-04.
3. Randy was asked by Dr. Beggs to attend a Budget Advisory Committee meeting on Friday, March 7. He would like feedback from the senate on three questions regarding a tuition increase of 18% ($15 per credit hour). KU and KSU are raising their tuition again this fall (18%). WSU didn't raise their tuition last fall. Suggestion is as follows:
a. $5 - to go toward unfunded mandates (longevity bonuses, insurance, etc.)
b. $5 - to go toward technology ($1.9 million was used to fund the former rescissions and to keep WSU from having cuts and furloughs).
c. $5 - Program enhancements, salaries, new positions, OOE.

Questions also are whether we should assess a $5 technology fee, each college have a differential tuition plan for salaries, or charge specific fees for programs.

Technology - if increase is in tuition, it would raise automatically with each increase. If increase is in fees, it would remain the same.
Differential college tuition - each college would have their own tuition rate. Randy said he already knew that the faculty senate does not approve of that plan as it would cause even more separation between unclassified and unclassified. The Classified Senate did not agree to differential tuition.
Specific fees for programs - college would have a specific fee that could only be used for technology. Would not be used for anything other than students. Also, if put in fees, employees don't pay student fees.

Dr Beggs would also like to see the out of state tuition raised to the actual cost of educating a student as WSU. It is currently subsidized by the state. The ration between students is 1 - 3.6 for under- graduates and 1 - 3.0 for graduates.
It was suggested that we ask Dr. Beggs if item #c could also be considered for reclassifications.

4. Randy had an e-mail from Michelle Harris, WSU Foundation, asking if we would like to have Dr. King speak to us at the May meeting to ask for support. May is not a good month due to new senators and senator recognition. Randy will e-mail her and ask for April or September.

Committee Reports
-Election: Ellen Abbey - all nominations are in and they are in the process of contacting those nominated to see if they will serve if elected. Ellen will plan to have names of new senators at the next meeting.
-Shocker Pride: Randy reporting - requests for nominations are out. Have had good response for prizes.
-Traffic: Charles Newman - two sections were added to traffic policies and procedures - 2.18 and 2.19. Dental Hygiene parking for faculty not students. Added section 4.6 regarding hang tag obstructions. Wording changes on 7.24 and 7.25. In February they had 19 appeals, reduced 3, dismissed 2, upheld the rest. March meeting dismissed only one ticket. Suggested re-striping some stall markers as they’re confusing.
-Sebelius Meeting: Randy - Budget gap is $1.8 billion now and they are trying to close. The budget has only seen a negative flow three times in the last 30 years. There are 2,500 positions statewide that won't be filled. SRS and Department of Aging will be laying off. WSU has laid off one faculty member to date.

Randy stated that he is a member of SEAK. Vacation is not set by Administration. Have to go through Department of Administration. Leave accrual amounts have not changed since 1984. Kansas is below average on everything. Vesting is on the house bill this year.

Mike Hinkle moved meeting adjourn. Motion seconded. All in favor.

April 9, 2003

Present: Ellen Abbey, Pat Campbell, Warren Carter, George Corbin, Kelly Eck, Jane Eshelman, Libby Gilbert, Glen Fisher,, Cyndy Hodge, Wanda Hughes, Charles Newman, William Ozor, Val Peck, Lee Posey, Jerry Purdy, Randy Sessions, Willa Shelton, Kevin Stuewe, Hugh Thompson, Tom Veltman, Joyce Ward, Doug Weber, Ann Welch,
Excused: Heather Ballard, Denise Burns, Warren Carter, David Fyfe, Lloyd Harp, Mike Hinkle
Unexcused: Karie Ossman, Sally Fiscus
Guests: Shelly Kellogg, David Small

Elizabeth King and Michelle Harris, WSU Foundation
Dr King and Michelle Harris gave a presentation on the Foundation. She stated they were a 501c3 non-profit organization. This allowed them to ensure the privacy of their donors, provide fund support and to be able to invest dollars wisely. She also stated that Dr. Beggs has started an endowed scholarship for physical plant employees. In the past ten years they have grown from $62,3000,000 - $125,100,000. They have been able to consistently pay out funds at 5%. Only .3% goes to athletics. In FY-03 they have 127 general scholarships (non-major specific). Their challenges for planning in FY-04 are that they previously made dispersements based on a 3-year growth period. With three “down” years, they no longer have any cushion. They have asked donors to give a one-time cash donation to rebuild the cushion. Today they have at least 40 that have agreed.

Priorities for next year are the Welcome Center, Faculty of Distinction/Faculty development, Endowed Scholarships, and Endowed Fellowships/Research Assistantships. (Randy indicated he had a copy of the floor plans for the Welcome Center).

Committee Reports
• Food Committee: New food contractor. Supposed to take over in July or August.
• Elections: New officers and members will be posted on the website.
• Traffic: No report. Meet next month.
• Shocker Pride: no report. (Same day as next senate meeting).

• A new copy of the constitution will be put on the website.
• Employee complained that they had not heard from constituent’s senator. Please be conscientious about contacting your constituents.
• Does not look good for raises. Others have heard they may be 1.5% increase.
• Randy stated the highway patrol received a 25% increase over three years.
• Ellen indicated it didn't look like KPERS vesting is going to change either (from 10 to 5 years)

George Corbin moved meeting be adjourned. Hugh Thompson seconded. Motion carried.