Senate Meeting Minutes
Wichita State University
Classified Senate Meeting Minutes
May 2007 to February 2008
- May 2007
- August 2007
- September 2007
- October 2007
- November 2007
- December 2007
- January 2008
- February 2008
- March 2008
- April 2008
Classified Senate Meetings
Present: Sheila Bates, Cassandra Bell, Don Brooks, Nikki Chippeaux, Linda Claypool, Sonya Cotton, Tonya Cruz, Susan Fordyce, Anita Fulkerson, Renea Goforth, Wanda Hughes, Larry Keller, Shelly Kellogg, Thomas Mansfield, Sheryl McKelvey, Traci McKelvey, Garrett Moyer, Alva Olmstead, Anna Owen, Bill Patton, Valerie Pittier, Bernie Smith, David Snook, Michelle Townsend, Doug Weber, Anne Welch, Tanya Wickersham, David Wise
Absent: Linda Hager, Mike Hinkle, Nancy Shear
Excused: Jane Eshelman, Connie Noble, Penny Voyles
Guests: Tom Veltman, Eric Sexton
1. Welcome
President Hughes welcomed all new senators.
2. Election of President, Vice President and Secretary
A call for nominations for President of the Senate was asked for. Wanda Hughes and
Tanya Wickersham were nominated. Nominations were closed, and a paper ballot was passed.
Wanda Hughes was re-elected to serve as President of the Classified Senate. A call
then went out for nominations for Vice President. Tanya Wickersham was nominated and
nominations were closed. Tanya was elected unanimously. Next there was a call for
nominations for the position of Secretary, Sheryl McKelvey was nominated and nominations
were closed. Sheryl was elected secretary unanimously.
3. Eric Sexton, Executive Director, Government Relations
Eric presented the information he has on what has been happening in the Legislature.
A 2% raise was approved for classified staff (with an additional 5% increase for those
employees deemed 25% below market value), and a 2% increase for unclassified goes
into a merit pool. There is also an $860 one-time payment scheduled for December 14,
2007. The longevity pay will go from $40 to $50 per year, with the limit set at $1,250.
The Hay Group’s study was discussed, which was the catalyst for this pay increase.
There are two committees set up to study the pay plan with a June 15th deadline set
for the framework for developing the new pay systems to be in place.
4. Awarding of Certificates
Certificates were presented to all out-going senators in appreciation of service
to the classified senate. Outgoing Senators are: Don Brooks, Nikki Chippeaux, Linda
Hager, Shelly Kellogg, Bill Patton and Doug Weber. Patton is serving a second term
in an under-represented category.
Tom Veltman was presented with a plaque in honor of his service as webmaster and
newsletter editor for the past ten years.
5. Joint Senate Meeting
The Joint Senate Meeting to draft a position paper has been scheduled for June 18
in Manhattan. Those attending will be Cassandra Bell, Renae Goforth, Wanda Hughes,
Larry Keller, and Doug Weber.
August 8, 2007
Attending: Sheila Bates, Cassandra Bell, Linda Claypool, Tonya Cruz, Susan Fordyce,
Anita Fulkerson, Renea Goforth, Mike Hinkle, Tom Mansfield, Sheryl McKelvey, Traci
McKelvey, Alva Olmstead, Bill Patton, Michelle Townsend, Penny Voyles, Tanya Wickersham,
David Wise
Absent Excused: Sonya Cotton, Jane Eshelman, Larry Keller, Bernie Smith, Anne Welch
Absent: JoDell Chaney, Jimmie Elliott, Garret Moyer, Constance Noble, Maryanna Owen,
Valerie Pittier, Sonja Schroeder, Nancy Shear, David Snook
President Hughes welcomed new senate members and everyone introduced his/her self and stated where they work on campus.
Committee assignment information sheets were passed out to all attending members. President Hughes cautioned that everyone with the exception of the Shocker Pride Picnic committee should start getting their committees together, naming chairs and moving forward with their assignments.
Dr. Beggs will be attending our September meeting, while Connie Landreth from OHR
Benefits will be coming to our October meeting. If you have ideas for speakers, please
let President Hughes know and she will try to contact and set up a month for that
person to come talk to the Senate.
Vice-President Tanya Wickersham attended the Constituent Head Meeting. It consists
of Dr. Beggs, Dr. Miller, Roger Lowe, Presidents of Unclassified Senate & Faculty
Senate, Classified Senate and Student Government. The talk was centered around the
possibility of something like the shooting at Virginia Tech happening on our campus.
There is a Safety and Security Committee already formed here at WSU. President Beggs,
VP Miller, VP Kopita, VP Ayres are included in this committee.
Everyone was asked if they have the bomb threat check list located near their phone. Few did, but Sheila Bates stated that she thinks it is available at the campus police website.
The Hay Study is continuing and meetings have begun between the Hay Group and the State Employee Compensation Oversight Committee. A constituent from Kansas State University presented the paper written on behalf of WSU, KSA, KU, PSU, ESU and FHSU. The meetings will continue and the recommendations have to be made to the Governor in October. Employees probably won't have any information until that time-and we could possibly not hear anything until the Governor releases the FY 09 budget information. It was suggested that if we have Eric Sexton attend the November or December meeting, he might have some information that he can share with us.
A discussion was held regarding our pay concerns.
Mike Hinkle made a motion for adjournment. Traci McKelvey second. Motion carried.
Next meeting will be September 12, 3:30 p.m. in Room 305 of the RSC.
Sheryl McKelvey,
Attending: Linda Claypool, Tonya Cruz, Jane Eshelman, Renea Goforth, Larry Keller,
Tom Mansfield, Sheryl McKelvey, Constance Noble, Alva Olmstead, Bill Patton, Nancy
Shear, David Snook, Michelle Townsend, Penny Voyles, Anne Welch, Tanya Wickersham,
David Wise
Absent Excused: Sheila Bates, Cassandra Bell, Anita Fulkerson, Mike Hinkle, Bernie
Smith, Traci McKelvey, Garret Moyer, Sonja Schroeder, Bernie Smith
Absent: JoDell Chaney, Sonya Cotton, Jimmie Elliott, Susan Fordyce, Maryanna Owen,
Valerie Pittier
President Hughes called the meeting to order. First item on the agenda was approval of the minutes from the August 8, 2007 meeting, but copies of the minutes were unavailable, so item was tabled until October meeting.
Information has come down to supervisors from Human Resources regarding the need to have current employee evaluations on file for each employee in order for the employee to receive the December bonus. If any employee’s evaluation is due in December, it is advisable for the supervisor to complete the review by November 16, 2007.
Second item on the meeting agenda was discussion of the Oversight Commission Meeting
information. President Hughes passed copies out of the study done regarding pay and
benefits comparing state vs. private and public sector. According to the study completed,
the State employee benefits are above the private sector benefits and on par with
other public sector plans. “Other benefits” ranked below public and private sector.
“Other benefits” include tuition reimbursement, flex plans, etc. According to the
study, the state employee pay plan has not been effective because it has not been
funded and has created significant inequities and currently lags market value.
Five pay plans for classified employees are recommended:
1. Management Pay Plan (Department Directors-currently Public Service Exec., Central
Accounting Managers, Warden)
2. Professional Individual Contributor Pay Plan (Engineers, Accountants, Inform.
Tech., Attorneys, Healthcare professionals)
3. Protective Services Pay Plan (Law enforcement (Campus Police), Natural Resources
Officer, Corrections Office, Juvenile Justice Corrections Officer, Highway Patrol)
4. Basic Vocational Pay Plan (Custodial Worker, Laundry Worker, Food Service and
5. General Classified Pay Plan (Clerical)
The proposal is to implement these plans over the next five years. But, during the implementation time, the Hay Group strongly states that the State cannot afford to “stand still” in terms of addressing moving pay closer to market value.
President Hughes strongly urged each of us and all classified employees to attend the next Commission meeting that will be held in Topeka on October 15, 2007. She also told each of us that if we don't say anything (meaning letting our legislators know how we feel) then we can't expect anything. Be proactive-write letters, e-mail (on home computer), make your concerns regarding pay plan known to as many as you can.
Connie Landreth from HR Benefits will be attending our next meeting to outline the benefits options for the upcoming year.
Eric Sexton will be at our November meeting, discussing the Hay Study.
Marilyn Yourdon will present information regarding health concerns at our December meeting.
October 10, 2007 will be the next Classified Senate meeting.
Larry Keller made a motion to adjourn. Jane seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Sheryl McKelvey, Secretary
Attending: Sheila Bates, Linda Claypool, Sonya Cotton, Tonya Cruz, Susan Fordyce,
Anita Fulkerson, Mike Hinkle, Larry Keller, Tom Mansfield, Sheryl McKelvey, Constance
Noble, Alva Olmstead, Bill Patton, Sonja Schroeder, Nancy Shear, Bernie Smith, David
Snook, Michelle Townsend, Anne Welch,
Absent Excused: Jane Eshelman, Renea Goforth, Garret Moyer, Valerie Pittier, Penny
Voyles, Tanya Wickersham,
Absent: JoDell Chaney, Jimmie Elliott, David Wise
President Hughes called the meeting to order. First item on the agenda was approval of the minutes from the August 8, 2007 and September 12, 2007 meetings. Minutes were read and correction made regarding attendance. Minutes approved.
The next meeting of the Oversight Committee for the classified pay study will be October 15, 2007. President Hughes is planning on attending. If anyone is interested in attending, please contact her.
President Hughes introduced Connie Landreth, Benefits Coordinator for Human Resources,
who presented information regarding October open enrollment for health insurance.
Connie recommended that everyone keep the first page of the benefits information booklet.
This page contains the links to the insurance companies-websites and telephone numbers.
Some highlights this year include:
• BC/BS, Coventry and PHS Plans A & B do not require the employee to pick a preferred
provider. It is recommended each employee check to make sure that your provider is
on the network list and this can be done by either calling the insurance company or
checking the website.
• “Medical Home” is a new term that is being used this year. It means select a team
of providers that work together to provide consistent, compassionate care.
• There is no co-pay this year for annual well-woman examinations or annual physical
exams. You must use a network provider (either family practice/internal medicine or
GYN doctor).
• As before, Delta Dental is offered at no charge. Your best benefit will be paid
if you find a provider that is in the Delta Dental PPO Network.
• As before, your health insurance will cover one eye examination. Superior Vision
is again offered, either Basic Plus or Enhanced Plan. Use Superior Vision benefits
to purchase glasses or contact lenses.
• QHDHP-the Qualifying High Deductible w/Savings Account is again offered as well.
• Flexible Spending Account/Dependent Care FSA-if an individual wishes to set aside
money to cover medical or child care expenses-pre-tax, always try to save only the
amount you will need for a year. If the funds are not used, you do not receive them
back and they do not rollover to the next year.
Connie recommended everyone read the information booklet, check out the spreadsheet
that has information regarding each plan and make an informed decision. If anyone
has questions regarding online enrollment or about the plans offered, please call
her office at 978-6121 for help.
President Hughes asked if there were any items that needed attention. None were brought forward.
Mike Hinkle made a motion to adjourn. Cassandra Bell seconded. Motion carried.
Next meeting will be November 14, 2007.
Respectfully submitted by:
Sheryl McKelvey
Attending: Sheila Bates, Sonya Cotton, Tonya Cruz, Wanda Hughes, Larry Keller, Tom
Mansfield, Sheryl McKelvey, Garret Moyer, Bernie Smith, David Snook, Penny Voyles,
Tanya Wickersham, David Wise
Absent Excused: Linda Claypool, Anita Fulkerson, Renea Goforth, Constance Noble,
Nancy Shear, Michelle Townsend, Anne Welch
Absent: Cassandra Bell, JoDell Chaney, Jimmie Elliott, Susan Fordyce, Mike Hinkle,
Alva Olmstead, Bill Patton, Valerie Pittier, Sonja Schroeder
President Hughes called the meeting to order and introduced Eric Sexton, Executive Director of Governmental Relations. Eric passed out information regarding the Board of Regents FY2009 Unified Budget Submission. This is presented on an annual basis and reflects all the state Universities. In the future the methodology of this document will be adjusted due to the fact that the Higher Education Price Index does not fit the Consumer Price Index. Deferred maintenance will be included in these figures as well. Eric led the discussion about the Hay Study Group and their findings. As we all know, for the most part the state employee salaries are lagging behind. The pay matrix is “out of whack” and because of this, the powers that be do not feel the need to work on it, they are waiting for the results of the Hay Study before determining the best way to deal with the situation. This is the reason that staff received the 2% COLA and the bonus. The bottom line is that the proposal that the Hay Group has put forward is going to require an estimated $71 million in funding. When asked about how much the Hay Group is receiving for this study, Eric stated between $100,000 & $200,000. Eric stated the Classified Senate Position Statement was well received by the commission. There is also a new bargaining unit (similar to KAPE) that is lobbying and Eric felt they have not been well received. This is a national group and may not be looking out for the best interests of the state employees they represent.
President Hughes commented on the fact that since the legislature changes, how do we keep this issue in the forefront. Eric recommended that we continue to contact our legislators to keep this in their minds. President Hughes also asked why there is no classified employee representative on the Board of Regents. There is a representative for most every other classification. Eric didn't have an answer for this question. Eric finished off his comments by reminding us that “25 people pulling the rope the same way makes things happen.” We all need to be pulling the same way.
Bernie Smith made a motion to adjourn meeting. Tanya Wickersham seconded the motion. Motion carried. Next meeting will be December 12, 2007.
Respectfully submitted by:
Sheryl McKelvey
Attending: Sheila Bates, Sonya Cotton, Tonya Cruz, Jane Eshelman, Renea Goforth, Wanda
Hughes, Larry Keller, Tom Mansfield, Sheryl McKelvey, Connie Noble, Alva Olmstead,
Bill Patton, Nancy Shear, David Snook, Tanya Wickersham, David Wise
Absent Excused: Anita Fulkerson, Bernie Smith, Michelle Townsend, Penny Voyles
Absent: Cassandra Bell, JoDell Chaney, Linda Claypool, Jimmie Elliott, Susan Fordyce,
Mike Hinkle, Garret Moyer, Valerie Pittier, Sonja Schroeder, Anne Welch
President Hughes called the meeting to order.
A joint council for classified staffs presented a proposal to KBOR for a member to
be present at the KBOR meetings. The KBOR felt a representative could be present for
some meetings, but didn't need to be present for all meetings, since discussions at
some meetings do not have any impact on classified staff. The proposal for increased
leave was approved but tabled due to the effects if would have on the former classified
staff at KU. The KBOR will be visiting WSU on April 15th and will want to meet with
classified staff. If anyone would be willing to meet with them, please let Wanda know.
WSU is the host for the Kansas Council of Classified Senates this July. Preparations
need to begin in order to have a successful meeting. Wanda will no longer be president
at that time, so she is requesting someone step up and take this over.
Wanda recommended someone contact Mike Turner to find out about funding for this event. A room will need to be reserved and usually there is an array of morning snacks and lunch that will need to be funded. Wanda recommended the committee assigned to the Shocker Pride Picnic needs to start planning this event. A discussion was held regarding possible speakers for the spring. Tanya Wickersham will check with Mike Turner to see if he available for January. David Snook will check if Gary Ott would be willing to come and talk with us in February. Wanda will check with Ted Ayres for March and Paul Dotson for April.
Legislative Day will be held February 4 and 5. If anyone is interested in participating, please let Wanda know.
Marilyn Yourdon, the Director of Student Health, presented information on protection from cold and flu to the Senate.
Sheila Bates made a motion to adjourn. David Wise seconded. Motion carried.
Next meeting will be January 9, 2008.
Respectfully submitted by:
Sheryl McKelvey
Attending: Sheila Bates, Linda Claypool, Sonya Cotton, Tonya Cruz, Jane Eshelman,
Renea Goforth, Wanda Hughes, Thomas Mansfield, Garret Moyer, Bill Patton, Bernard
Smith, Michelle Townsend, Penny Voyles, Tanya Wickersham, David Wise, JoDell Chaney
and Hercilia Thompson
Absent excused: Nancy Shear, Cassandra Bell, Anita Fulkerson, Mike Hinkle, Sheryl
McKelvey, Connie Noble and Larry Keller
Absent: Alva Olmstead, Maryanna Owen, Valerie Pittier, Sonja Schroeder, David Snook,
and Ann Welch
President Hughes called the meeting to order.
Motion was made to approve the minutes from last meeting by Bernie Smith and 2nd by Renae Goforth. Motion carried and the minutes were accepted.
Tanya Wickersham reported on the Shocker Pride Picnic which will be on May 7, 2007
from 11:30 am – 1:00pm. Anyone who can help with door prizes will be appreciated.
We will have 3 classified staff for the President’s Distinguished Award. A letter
will go out the 1st of February asking for nominees. Must be back to the committee
to be in President Beggs office by March 21, 2008. Each Nomination should have 2 support
letters. Deadline to for nominations is March 7, 2008 At our committee meeting we
broke up the list of donors and each of the committee members will contact the past
donors for some door prizes. We have some baseball tickers, Dance Tickets for next
year’s performances already donated. Please spread the word about the Shocker Pride
Shelly Kellogg will be working on our elections. Elections will start and there will be 2 ballots. One to nominate and one to elect – these will go out in the mail for the positions that up for new senate members. If you need a list contact Tanya Wickersham. Wanda Hughes wants to nominate Tanya Wickersham to be our new President as Wanda Hughes will complete her term this year.
We had a few EEOC# numbers which changed but this will not make a difference in who is in your group. The changes were in three categories; one in #30 category, one custodial from #70 to #50 clerical and one #50 to #30 administration.
Eric Sexton let us know the House and Senate joint meeting did agree to do a joint Bill endorsing the Hay Group Plan – this is a good deal – however they have not agreed to fund it at this time.
Legislature Day is February 4th and 5th. The 4th will be Pittsburg and the 5th will be for WSU. If anyone wants to attend please contact Wanda. The group will have the opportunity to talk with Representatives and meet with Legislators. The group attending will need to leave WSU at 6:00 am the morning of February 5th. Wanda discussed how our attendance is down and we do have in our Constitution when a senate member has 2 or more unexcused absences we would normally dismiss them. We will continue to keep going with what we have at this time.
Mike Turner will attend our next meeting to share some information with the group at our next meeting on February 13, 2008.
Jodell Chaney made a motion to adjourn. Renae Goforth seconded. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted by:
Linda Claypool
Attending: Linda Claypool, Sonya Cotton, Jane Eshelman, Anita Fulkerson, Renea Goforth,
Wanda Hughes, Larry Keller, Tom Mansfield, Sheryl McKelvey, Connie Noble, Alva Olmstead,
Sonja Schroeder, Bernie Smith, David Snook, Michelle Townsend, Tanya Wickersham, David
Absent Excused: Sheila Bates, Cassandra Bell, Tonya Cruz, Mike Hinkle, Garret Moyer,
Valerie Pittier, Penny Voyles
Absent: JoDell Chaney, Jimmie Elliott, Susan Fordyce, Nancy Shear, Bill Patton, Anne
Welch President Hughes called the meeting to order. Minutes from previous meetings
were read and no corrections/additions were made. Bernie Smith made a motion to approve
minutes. Motion carried.
President Hughes announced that the KBOR will be on campus on 4/15/08 and has a time slot from 9:00 am-9:45 am to meet with classified staff members. She recommended we contact constituents and advise her if we have individuals wishing to speak to the reps.
March meeting Paul Dotson, WSU Police Chief will speak with the classified senate.
April meeting Dr. Elizabeth King-WSU Foundation- will speak to the senate. Wanda introduced
our guest speaker, Mike Turner, Director of Human Resources. Mike will be going on
phased retirement beginning March 9, 2008. He has been with WSU for 20 years. Mike
spoke about the Hay Group Study that has been completed and feels the input given
by the group to the legislature is promising. It looks as if the plan will be phased
in over a number of years with the position classifications broken down into three
groups. The first year will be troubleshooting the implementation of the program and
bringing those lowest paid positions up to be more in line with the community.
Department of Personnel Services in Topeka is working on the ground work for the
plan. There will have to be new position descriptions, performance appraisals and
pay plans formulated. The second year will be a dry run year to find the glitches.
The third year will be the actual run for the first group. Mike feels this is a very
good plan and long overdue. The powers that be are listening and are working to build
in ways to keep it going. This plan won't be a lock-step plan like we currently have
but a more broad-based private sector model. Supervisors will need to retrain for
the new performance reviews, etc…
Wanda asked if there was any more business that needed to be addressed. None was put forth. Sonja Schroeder made a motion to adjourn. Jane Eshelman seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Next meeting will be March 12, 2008, 3:30 p.m. in RSC room 203.
Respectfully submitted by:
Sheryl McKelvey
Attending: Sheila Bates, Cassandra Bell, Tonya Cruz, Jane Eshelman, Anita Fulkerson, Renea Goforth, Wanda Hughes, Tom Mansfield, Sheryl McKelvey, Connie Noble, Alva Olmstead, Nancy Shear, Bernie Smith, Hercilia Thompson, Michelle Townsend, Penny Voyles, Tanya Wickersham, David Wise
Absent Excused: Linda Claypool, Sonya Cotton, Mike Hinkle, Larry Keller, Garret Moyer, Bill Patton, Valerie Pittier
Absent: JoDell Chaney, Jimmie Elliott, Susan Fordyce, Sonja Schroeder, David Snook, Anne Welch
President Hughes called the meeting to order. Minutes from February, 2008 were read and with one correction were approved.
Wanda introduced our guest speaker, Paul Dotson, Chief of Campus Police.
Chief Dotson spoke about the changes that have been made in the police department recently. They are looking at more diversity on the force as well as alternate means of transportation that make the police a more visible presence on campus. Recently purchased is a new golf cart for escort services as well as a T-3 vehicle. By using these vehicles not only are the police a more visible presence, they are actually promoting a greener environment.
Chief Dotson spoke about safety on campus as well. There are new innovations coming and some are already visible-the clock/message boards that are going up in each building as well as the text message program. He also mentioned the possibility of providing a voice dialing telephone system as well as recruiting KMUW to provide assistance as well.
A question was asked regarding the possibility of cameras in the parking lots. Currently there are cameras at Charles Koch Arena, the Ulrich Museum and outside the residence halls. Chief Dotson made the comment that cameras make us “feel” safer, but do not make us safer.
Other services offered by the Campus Police are motorist assist. They will attempt to unlock your car if you have locked your keys in, walk you through changing a flat tire, come and pick you up from your office and take you to your car.
President Hughes thanked Chief Dotson for his time.
Discussion regarding the pay plan was initiated and since KOSE has stepped on the scene, they have made it confusing to the legislators about what exactly the classified personnel want in regards to a pay plan and benefits. Some factions feel that the new pay plan is the first step of privatization….which isn't the truth. Most people are concerned that new people starting in the classified system will be earning as much as people that have been in like positions for several years. We will just have to continue to watch and listen as the pay plan gets hashed out and hopefully isn't left for dead on the senate floor.
Tanya Wickersham made a motion to adjourn. Michelle Townsend seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Next Classified Senate meeting will be April 9 in room 305 of the RSC.
Respectfully submitted by:
Sheryl McKelvey
Attending: Sonya Cotton, Tonya Cruz, Jane Eshelman, Renea Goforth, Wanda Hughes, Tom Mansfield, Sheryl McKelvey, Connie Noble, Bill Patton, Tanya Wickersham, David Wise
Absent Excused: Cassandra Bell, Linda Claypool, Jane Eshelman, Alva Olmstead, Hercilia Thompson, Michelle Townsend
Absent: JoDell Chaney, Jimmie Elliott, Susan Fordyce, Anita Fulkerson, Mike Hinkle, Larry Keller, Garret Moyer, Valerie Pittier, Sonja Schroeder, Nancy Shear, Bernie Smith, David Snook, Penny Voyles, Anne Welch
President Hughes introduced VP Elizabeth King, the director of the WSU Foundation. VP King spoke about the core values and ethics of the Foundation. She also announced that there would be a major donation announcement in May, the second largest received to date.
Senate Business:
March meeting minutes were approved as read.
Next meeting will be May 14, 2008 in 305 RSC. President Hughes will notify all new members regarding the meeting. New officers will be installed into office and members leaving classified senate will be receiving their plaques. Everyone should attend.
Bill Patton made a motion to adjourn. Renea Goforth seconded the motion. Motion carried.