Senate Meeting Minutes

Wichita State University
Classified Senate Meeting Minutes

August 2008 - May 2009

August 13, 2008

Attending: Kathi Adams, Sheila Bates, Cassandra Bell, Linda Claypool, George Corbin, Tonya Cruz, Bec Espinosa, Renea Goforth, Lloyd Harp, Jim Herron, Thomas Mansfield, Sheryl McKelvey, Angela McNew, Lois Nicholas, Alva Olmstead, Grady Phillips, George Schroeder, Sonya Schroeder, Janice Toth, Penny Voyles, Tanya Wickersham.

Absent Excused: Jane Eshelman, Kyle Garwood, Michael Hinkle, Constance Noble, David Wise.

Absent: Rubin Clayton, Sonya Cotton, Nikki McDermed, Hercilla Thompson.

President Wickersham opened the meeting with introductions and information concerning the Classified Senate Website. Stressed importance of keeping up with constituents and e-mailing them.

Reviewed committee list for approval and suggested that committee’s pick one person to chair each committee, and that the chair keep Senate updated on activities.

Revisited issue of buying shirts for Classified Senate to wear to events and or Topeka for meetings. School colors are being suggested as they would be more appropriate. George Corbin and Linda Claypool brought forth motion to vote as a group and President Wickersham has requested Senate to e-mail her with choice of three colors so Senate may vote on subject at next meeting. The cost of shirts is 16.95 + tax with cost including WSU logo.

Discussed attendance for future meetings in regards to excused & unexcused absences. By laws allow excused while 2 unexcused will call for removal form Senate. E-mail to President Wickersham along with a copy to Bec Espinosa will cover excused absence.

Reviewed Joint Senate meeting held in July 2008. Concerns were voiced of employees forced to use Vacation time to cover meetings in Topeka that may come in the future and this issues is being discussed with Mike Turner and Frankie Brown to see if time may be allowed used to attend without using Vacation leave to attend. At this time it is still up to each Department’s Director usage of this time.

Speakers for this meeting were Frankie Brown current Human Resource Director & Libby Gilbert Human Resource Prof. came to discuss the Market change adjustments. Any questions concerning these adjustments can be directed to Libby Gilbert at Human Resources. Kathi Adams brought forth concerns that the Library has not been included in these adjustments to which Frankie Brown and Libby Gilbert indicated they would do some checking into this with any information being sent to President Wickersham to be forwarded. Group 2 of the Market adjustments are due in January 2009. A Towne Hall meeting is scheduled in later September. Kraig Knowlton and Ken Otte Division Personnel Services to present information from Topeka. Was also noted that the Hay Group revisions has made tremendous changes in morale across Campus.

Performance Evaluations system is in need of revision. New system is to better communication between Supervisor and employee the needs and concerns of both parties. The four components of new plan will provide fairness in communicating changes needed form employee, to provide employee with more feedback, recognizing employee’s achievements and give more flexibility in pay increases. A training module is still being developed at this time. Sheila Bates posed the question as to if there would be space included in evaluation to include feedback about Supervisor as well and that will be presented to Topeka in as a question during development. It was noted that Supervisors are going to have to make the time to spend on future evaluations of employee performance. A general discussion concerning scheduling followed.

Next guest speaker will be Jody Adams the new Women’s Basketball coach. Please suggest any guest speakers that you may want to come to future meetings.

Council approval for Classified Senate has been given to attend in Topeka, Wanda Hughes will attend in President Wickersham’s absence and the Classified Senate will report twice a year in Topeka.

Meeting was adjourned at 4:40 pm with motion by President Wickersham and Bec Espinosa seconds motion. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,
Bec Espinosa, Secretary

September 10, 2008

Attending: Kathi Adams, Sheila Bates, Linda Claypool, Sonya Cotton, George Corbin, Tonya Cruz, Jane Eshelman, Bec Espinosa, Kyle Garwood, Renea Goforth, Jim Herron, Thomas Mansfield, Sheryl McKelvey, Angela McNew, Lois Nicholas, George Schroeder, Chilla Tompson(Hercilla), Janice Toth, Tanya Wickersham

Absent excused: Cassandra Bell, Mike Hinkle, Nikki McDermed, Constance Noble, Al Olmstead, Grady Phillips, Sonya Schroeder, Penny Voyles, David Wise. NOTE: Sonya Cotton was excused from last meeting on 8/13/2008

Absent: Rubin Clayton, Lloyd Harp

President Wickersham opened meeting with introductions and passed information to committee from last meeting.

Speaker from Foundation of Excellence spoke in regards to program from the Lumina Foundation for Education which WSU had applied for membership for the next year. The program is geared towards helping and assisting 1st year college students adjust to college life. Volunteers for committee are needed to lead through the year in academic studies and student studies and to partner meetings for 6-8 weeks during evaluation of each of the 9 dimensions involved in the study. Encouraged participation in survey coming out in October. Each committee will combine written report to submit to Policy Center for feedback. Hoping to have a comprehensive project completed within 1 year. Returning adults (students) would be a good source of information and support suggested Angel McNew.

Next speaker was Jodi Adams the new Women’s basketball coach. She touched on the difference in recruiting in Wichita. She feels that the program is moving in the right direction and the importance of local support as well as University support. Expressed her gratitude for her job here @ WSU. She came to us from Tennessee and has worked with 2 coaches that highly influenced her career, Jim Smitty and Pat Summit. Overall she is making some changes in team spirit and is pushing the players in a new direction challenging them to greater self confidence and sportsmanship. Invites any and all that would like to come see the team practice and to support the team by attending more games this season. Stressed the importance of loyalty, communication, and collective responsibility and face to face communication verses phone and or texting. Has daily communication in her office with players and is looking forward to a great year. Angela McNew suggested we as a group attend a game to show our support. A drawing was held for tickets won by Bec Espinosa and Tonya Cruz.

Motion made by Sonya Cotton to approve minutes from last meeting and second by Sheila Bates.

Website being updated by Shelly Kellogg and will now show minutes from each meeting and reflect meeting schedules.

If wishing to volunteer for Foundational Dimensions program, talk with or e-mail Tanya Wickersham.

Senate Committees still need to elect chairs and Senate members are asking for more clarification of each committee and duties. Also seeking suggestions for ideas for different things to do.

Election committee generally puts out ballots and voting mid spring of each year. The Tree Lighting can be fun but still time consuming, located in the RSC lounge.

Shocker Pride Picnic committee is responsible for door prizes and goes through the nominations of President’s Distinguished Awards.

Food advisory keeps track of student likes and dislikes and meets with Sodexho.

Contact Larry Keller about Traffic issues.

University committees will be researched by Tanya Wickersham for contacts and she in turn will contact each committee member/chair.
T-shirts have been selected in regards to color and logo, please e-mail Tanya with choices. Would prefer to order all the same to ensure a more uniformed look for committee members.

Jim Herron brought forth question about reasoning behind employee having to pay for parking at work.

Tanya Wickersham will be meeting again with the other 5 Presidents about upcoming meeting with Board of Regents.

Speaker at next meeting will be Connie Landreth concerning benefits and open enrollment in October, 2008.

Motion to adjourn at this time by Sheila Bates, seconds by Bec Espinosa. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,
Bec Espinosa, Secretary

OCTOBER 08, 2008

Attending: Kathi Adams, Sheila Bates, Cassandra Bell, George Corbin, Tonya Cruz, Kyle Garwood, Renea Goforth, Thomas Mansfield, Sheryl McKelvey, Angela McNew, Alva Olmstead, George Schroeder, Janice Toth, Penny Voyles, Tanya Wickersham

Absent (Excused): Linda Claypool, Sonya Cotton, Rebecca Espinosa, Lloyd Harp, Jim Herron, Michael Hinkle, Nikki McDermed, Lois Nicholas, Contance Noble, Hercilla Thompson

Absent (Unexcused): Rubin Clayton, Grady Phillips, Sonya Schroeder, David Wise

President Tanya Wickersham called the meeting to order. Connie Landreth from Human Resources Benefits will be here at 4:00 today.

The Classified Senate shirts need to be ordered by 10/14/08. If you wish to purchase a shirt, the price is $16.95+tax. Notify Tanya before 10/14/08.

Guests from Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Sedgwick County presented information on the Mentoring Program. If an employee chooses to participate in this program, the state/University will allow 90 minutes paid time per pay period (including travel time) to participate. The program has several different participation options-meeting the child or 30-45 minutes a week at school during lunch or break period, weekend or evening visits, etc. There will be a case manager assigned to each match so if problems develop, they are at the ready to assist. Currently there are twice as many boys than girls that need mentoring. There are no age limits for the mentor. If anyone is interested in volunteering for the program, there is information on the HR webpage.

The Joint Classified Senate meeting will be held on 10/30/08 from 10 am-3 pm at the Marcus Center. If anyone is interested in attending, please contact Tanya W. to ensure that numbers are correct for luncheon orders.

Connie Landreth presented information on the insurance plans available for the upcoming year. There is a big change and each staff member must enroll this year. If not, the staff member will be defaulted into the “Smoker” plan, which is an added cost. If an employee enrolls in the “non-smoker” plan and the state finds out the employee is a smoker, the state can opt to remove the employer contribution and require the employee to pay the full monthly premium. The vendors remain the same with the addition of UHC.

Connie advised to always check to make sure the facility or physician that you are using is a contracting provider. This will provide your best benefit and save on out of pocket expenses. There are lots of physicians in the Wichita area that are contracting providers, and each plan has contracting facilities (hospitals) that should be used. One major exception is Galichia Heart Hospital. This facility is not a contracting provider for any of the plans. There are no changes in the RX or Dental plans. Superior Vision has added a $35 benefit for contact lenses.

Minutes from September 10, 2008 meeting were read and approved. Renea Goforth made a motion to approve, George Corbin seconded, motion carried.

Tanya W. requested committee updates. Community Service Committee meetings are in progress and they may have plans to submit at the next meeting.

Tanya W. e-mailed the Traffic, Library and Heskett Boards with information on the senators that are assigned to these boards. She is still waiting to hear from the Food Advisory Committee.

Shelly Kellogg has updated the Classified Senate Website with the most current minutes and committee assignments.

Cassandra Bell made a motion to adjourn. Renea Goforth seconded. Motion carried.

Next meeting will be November 12, 2008.

Respectfully submitted by:
Sheryl McKelvey

November 12, 2008

Attending: Kathi Adams, Sheila Bates, Linda Claypool, Sonya Cotton, George Corbin, Tonya Cruz, Renea Goforth, Lloyd Harp, Elaine Harvey, Mike Hinkle, Thomas Mansfield, Nikki McDermed, Angela McNew, Lois Nichols, Constance Noble, George Schroeder, Hercilia Thompson, Janice Toth, Penny Voyles, Tanya Wickersham, David Wise

Absent excused: Bec Espinosa, Kyle Garwood, Sheryl McKelvey, Garrett Moyer, Alva Olmstead

Absent: Cassandra Bell, Rubin Clayton, Jim Herron, Grady Phillips, Sonya Schroeder

President Wickersham called the meeting to order.

Motion was made to approve the minutes from last meeting

Tanya Wickersham introduced a representative from Compeer, which is a not-for-profit organization from the Mental Health Association of South Central Kansas that matches qualified adults and children in need of supportive friendship for the purpose of reducing stigma and improving the quality of life for persons served. We are allowed to take time 90 minutes per pay period from work to volunteer for this program. One area needing help at this time is Harry Street School which would like help with the lunch hour monitors. Information was given to those who would like to volunteer.

President Don Beggs and Mary Herrin came to our meeting to share information concerning budget cuts and what we are doing and what is happening to the university. Students and classes this semester at the highest since 1992, with 68% taking 12 hours or more. We now have 1100 students eligible to graduate in December. As a university with planning and also the number of hours helping with funds, we should have this year covered to handle the cuts needed for this fiscal year.

President Beggs continued to share information of how the Vice Presidents and Deans will start working to see what areas we can cut spending for the following fiscal year – when it is believed we will need more dollars cut for the next year. The Governor will be looking at where and how much we will have to cut budgets for the coming year. These areas are looked at each year, at two different times to re-estimate what, if any cuts will need to take place for the next year’s budget. The Governor directed the Board of Regents to have a budget of 3% less in State dollars than was projected or 2.2 million dollars. We at WSU brought in more dollars than were expected so we should be able to reserve those dollars for this year’s cut of 3% for this year.

President Beggs went on to say, he does not expect anything we can not handle unless something more happens to the economy which will of course affect everyone throughout the country. The governor was asking for a 5% budget cut next year, but has changed that to 7% now. President Beggs is planning for a 9% budget cut for FY2010. When jobs come open we may have to consider more of shifting duties rather then immediately filling those positions. We may have to look into more things for next year, like travel or do we need to make adjustments on how much travel is needed. There may be some funded things that will happen. For instance the Governor will be advised to possibly not fund the $15 million dollar for higher education buildings maintenance and upkeep. The Bureau of Budget is looking at the funding for the Pharmaceutical project for KU – Lawrence & Wichita. Also some funding for WTAC which comes through WSU may also not be budgeted. In 2010 there could be a shortfall in mill money for Higher Education.

President Beggs explained how the Governor is never given advice on salaries, which would include the Hay Project – the Governor will possibly include this type of information in her State of the State Address in January - this is normal and happens this way every year.

As a university we have addressed the problem today for 2009. NOW we work on what will happen for 2010 – spending 6.8 million less next year. It is critical to keep the lines of communication open with the senate groups. President Beggs feels the best way to serve the university is to continue with the good people we have. We can be sure to that when he meets with the Board of Regents he will be pushing for very position. We need to keep the good people working as this is the best for the university. We will continue to do the best with the resources we have. This process will continue to develop for the year from January through April 15 – that’s when the new budget for 2010 is approved.

Terry Coltrain came and spoke with us concerning the Stars Discount Program. He shared how many companies often will be willing to give a discount to state employees with them showing their id card. Terry passed out cards and asks us to share this information with companies we do business with and see if Wichita can have a large number of merchants participating. He shared with us how Topeka has well over 125 merchants and Wichita only has 26 merchants. Sometimes just asking if a merchant would participate will start the merchant to give a discount to state employees. Terry asked for our help and support to see if Wichita can have a larger group of merchants participating in the Star Discount Program.

Tanya brought up the subject of attending a Women’s Basketball game as a group. This was discussed at our September meeting when Coach Adams was our guest speaker. Since then Tanya has contacted the Ticket Office at Koch Arena to inquire about group ticket prices. For a group of 10 or more, tickets will be $4/per ticket. At this time, we need to decide on a date and how many people want to attend. Tanya mentioned that it doesn't just have to be Senators – it could be family members as well.

Tanya also shared we have some areas where we could us more representatives for the senate and would like to have the opportunity to fill those positions with other people from different areas if needed. She ask also we have the opportunity to fill these type of positions with people who may not have the same position codes, but could still help in that area. A motion was made by Mike Hinkle to give the board permission to fill these positions. Sheila Bates 2nd the motion and the motion carried.

We also discussed the policy of having 2 unexcused absences can open the door for asking for someone to resign from the Senate. We do seem to have a problem with this from time to time. The Senate did agree this is a policy which should be enforced and we should move forward with this policy.

We have 4 senators who are on what is called the Executive Council. These members are selected by the number of votes they receive for the election in each of their categories. For this year those people are: Mike Hinkle, Sheila Bates, David Wise and Tanya Wickersham. For next year those on the Executive Council will be: Cassandra Bell, Nikki MeDermid, and George Schroeder. A senator is elected to serve 1-2 year term. Senators may service 2-2 year terms and then must sit out a term before they are eligible for re-election.

Tanya shared the committees and who is on what committee. We were given information to go the website to see the different committee’s and who is on what committees.

Tanya had some discussion about the Holiday Tree Lighting committee and how they needed more workers today when they had planned to get the lights up and on the tree. Tanya, stated she would be talking with Arlan Klocke to see if we need to plan to have more people available in the future.

Renea Goforth made a motion to adjourn. Lloyd Harp seconded.

Respectfully submitted by:

Linda Claypool

January 14, 2009

Attendees: Kathi Adams, George Corbin, Tonya Cruz, Rebecca Espinosa, Renea Goforth, Lloyd Harp, Elaine Harvey, Jim Herron, Thomas Mansfield, Sheryl McKelvey, Angela McNew, Lois Nicholas, Constance Noble, George Schroeder, Hercilla Thompson, Janice Toth, Penny Voyles

Excused Absence: Sheila Bates, Linda Claypool, Sonya Cotton, Garret Moyer, Sonya Schroeder, Tanya Wickersham

Absent: Cassandra Bell, Rubin Clayton, Michael Hinkle, Nikki McDermed, Alva Olmstead, Grady Phillips, David Wise

Kyle Garwood from the WSU Police Department (and one of our fellow Senators) was deployed to Iraq earlier this month. A card was passed around for everyone to sign.

There was a discussion concerning Legislative Day in Topeka which will be held Tuesday, January 27, and Wednesday, January 28. There will be representatives from each of the Regents Universities attending to meet with Kansas Legislators to present our FY2010 Position Paper. President Beggs has agreed to pay any Classified Senator that wants to attend without having to use their accrued leave time. If you wish to attend, please contact Renea Goforth or Tanya Wickersham by Friday, January 23.

Shelley Rich, Associate Director of the Heskett Center presented a lecturer on Fitness – “2009 Your Year to Shine.” She gave an introduction about the Heskett Center and the programs it offers. Shelley also talked a little bit about the Heskett Center staff. She gave information on hours and prices for faculty & staff. Ms. Rich mentioned that there is a special event, Bring a Co-worker Free, from February 1-7. She also mentioned that the Spring Health Fair would be held on March 11 from 10:30-1:30. Other items mentioned were the Faculty, Staff, & Alumni Fitness Classes; Fitness & Wellness Programs; Massage Therapy; Intramurals & Sports Clubs; Aquatics; Children’s Programs; and Camp WU Shock. Shelley also mentioned that all the information about programs, pricing and hours can be found in the Heskett Herald (which are available at the front counter of the Heskett Center.

Ms. Rich also presented information on a couple other programs available to WSU employees. The HealthQuest program is free to employees. Within this, there are various programs from Stop Smoking programs to Weight Management, to Stress Management. Another program is the 2009 Health Screenings. They will check your cholesterol and blood pressure. As an incentive, they are offering a $50 gift card. Shelley reminded us, though, that as state employees this gift card is treated as taxable income and subject to taxes. The last program that was mentioned was the LifeLine Employee Assistance program. LifeLine offers the following assistance programs: Mental Health Wellness, Money Managing Advice, Stress Relief, Grief Counseling, and Legal Advice. For more information about these programs, please contact Connie Landreth in HR.

Additional Information that Shelley Rich provided:

Tips for Winter Exercising:

  1. Dress in Layers
  2. Stock up on Smart Foods
  3. Shovel snow, play outside with kids, throw snowballs, have fun
  4. Stick to a routine
  5. Bring along a buddy
  6. Get out in the Sun
  7. Put yourself first
  8. Exercise will boost your immune system
  9. Join a gym/use a mall
  10. You are not alone 65% of people are active in June, but it drops to 35% in the Winter (December).

Other Tips to Finding Your Balance:

  • Be Persistent – Keep Going!
  • Make your own 100 Calorie packs
  • Read Alive & Well magazine (available at the Heskett Center in the Human Studies Dept)

Rebecca Espinosa made a motion to adjourn. Renea Goforth 2nd. Motion Carried.

Respectfully Submitted by Rebecca Espinosa.

February 11, 2009

Attendees: Kathi Adams, Sheila Bates, George Corbin, Sonya Cotton, Rebecca Espinosa, Renea Goforth, Elaine Harvey, Jim Herron, Michael Hinkle, Thomas Mansfield, Sheryl McKelvey, Angela McNew, Garret Moyer, Lois Nicholas, Constance Noble, Alva Olmstead, George Schroeder, Janice Toth, Tanya Wickersham, David Wise

Excused Absence: Tonya Cruz, Nikki McDermed, Sonya Schroeder, Hercilla Thompson

Absent: Lloyd Harp, Penny Voyles

Tanya Wickersham opened the meeting discussing a conversation with Andy Schlapp from Government Relations. Andy had informed Tanya that HB 2069 was proposed by Representative Bill Otto. This would be all state employees a 36 hour work week or a 10% cut in pay. Andy indicated that he didn't think this Bill would go anywhere considering who proposed it. Andy said, “Rep Otto proposes about 500 Bills a year, and because of this no one takes him seriously.” There is another House Bill that we should be aware of. HB 2316 is basically the same as HB 2069, but not proposed by Bill Otto.

There was some general discussion concerning job cut backs, faculty cuts and the state budget. Many different ideas and concerns surrounding the proposed revision of the 2009 budget (which was approved last April).

Tanya Wickersham mentioned the article in the Wichita Eagle regarding the 14 WSU employees in the Elliott School of Communications that received letters that their jobs would be eliminated in June. According the Jan Toth (Classified Senator from Elliott School), the information was misrepresented. These 14 employees were lecturers that are not guaranteed a job from semester to semester.

Guest speaker – Christopher Wesley from Center for Management Development spoke about the programs available through their office. These programs are broken down into 2 categories: work place and business advancement. There are over 300 courses available. Tuition assistance is available to WSU employees – 1 course or seminar per semester. For more information about tuition assistance, contact Shelly Kellogg in HR.

A few of the courses that are available are listed in a brochure that Christopher distributed to all Senators. There is a 10 week supervisor program available; 2 day marketing course; sales courses; contract management; human resources course is available every 18 months. Christopher is willing to set up a certificate plan to help guide you step by step through the process. He is available via email or phone.

After Christopher Wesley was finished, Classified Senate was back to discussing business. Tanya mentioned that 2009-10 ballots were not printed or sent out on time. For this reason, Senators are asked to communicate to their constituents that the deadline for voting has been extended to Monday, February 23. Please encourage all Classified employees to vote as soon as possible.

Shocker Pride Picnic committee gave an update about the Presidents Distinguished Service Award nominations. They have received a few, but would like to communicate to employees that nominations will still be accepted through February 20. The Shocker Pride Picnic is scheduled for April 29, 2009.

The Community Service committee gave an update about ideas for projects. Renea Goforth suggested a donation drive for an employee in the Bookstore whose house was robbed and she was left with very little.

The names of the 2010 Executive Council were read. Tanya Wickersham communicated that she would like to see these Senators act as mentors to newly elected Senators. These individuals are George Schroeder, Nikki McDermed, and Cassandra Bell.

The last item of discussion was the WSU Women’s Basketball game. Tanya Wickersham mentioned that of the people that responded with interested, it looked like most people could attend the February 27th game. The game starts at 7pm that night. Tickets are $4 each. Please contact Tanya if you would like to attend. She will purchase the tickets so we are all together.

Mike Hinkle motioned to adjourn.
Cassandra Bell seconded.

Respectfully Submitted by Rebecca Espinosa.

March 11, 2009

Attendees: Sheila Bates, Cassandra Bell, Sonya Cotton, George Corbin, Tonya Cruz, Renea Goforth, Elaine Harvey, Jim Herron, Thomas Mansfield, Sheryl McKelvey, Angela McNew, Lois Nicholas, Alva Olmstead, George Schroeder, Sonja Schroeder, Janice Toth, Tanya Wickersham

Excused Absence: Kathi Adams, Linda Claypool, Rebecca Espinosa, Michael Hinkle, Nikki McDermed, Constance Noble, Hercilla Thompson, Penny Voyles

Absent: Lloyd Harp, Garret Moyer, David Wise

Tanya Wickersham opened the meeting with an update on the monthly Constituent Head Meeting with President Beggs. This meeting involved a discussion about the State’s budget and the stimulus package that President Obama has approved. At this time, there is little known about how this money will be allocated, but we do know that there are guidelines that must be followed. Governor Sibelius has proposed spending this money for tuition relief or deferred maintenance. Tanya also mentioned that President Beggs is currently in Topeka at a Kansas Board of Regents meeting. He hopes to learn more about the stimulus money there.

Tanya Wickersham introduced our guest speaker, Dr Elizabeth King from the WSU Foundation. Dr. King gave a presentation about the WSU Foundation and what the money they raise goes toward. She also discussed the effects of the economy on their fundraising.

After Dr King was finished, Tanya gave an update about elections. All ballots have been counted and just waiting on a response from a few individuals. There will be a joint meeting of the current Classified Senators and the in-coming Classified Senators on May 13. This meeting will primarily focus on the in-coming Senators and the election of officers for next year. We will also be signing up for committees and electing a chairperson for each of these.

Jan Toth gave an update about the Shocker Pride Picnic. The final nominations for the Classified Presidents Distinguished Service Award were collected. The committee recommended three employees to President Beggs. Jan reported that she had received notification that these recommendations were accepted. The Shocker Pride Picnic is scheduled for late April.

Sheila Bates moved that the meeting should be adjourned.
Cassandra Bell seconded.

Respectfully Submitted by Sonya Cotton.

May 13, 2009

Joint Senate Meeting

Attendees: Kathi Adams, Heather Ballard, Sheila Bates, Cassandra Bell, Darryl Carrington, George Corbin, Sonya Cotton, Tonya Cruz, Lou Dixson, Renea Goforth, Lloyd Harp, Elaine Harvey, Jim Herron, Blaine Linehan, Thomas Mansfield, Nikki McDermed, Sheryl McKelvey, Angela McNew, Garret Moyer, Lois Nicholas, George Schroeder, Hercilia Thompson, Janice Toth, Melinda Ware, Margene Webster, Tanya Wickersham

Excused Absence: Linda Claypool, Rebecca Espinosa, Susan Fordyce, Michael Hinkle, Sonja Schroeder, Penny Voyles, David Wise

Absent: Matthew Albers, Nicholas Beech, Walter Butt, Dennis Moore, Constance Noble, Alva Olmstead

Tanya Wickersham opened the meeting by welcoming all the new senators. Once everyone was seated, Tanya presented a special award to Shelly Kellogg. Although Shelly is not an elected senator, she helps the Classified Senate in many ways – keeping the website up-to-date, conducting elections, etc. Shelly was awarded with a certificate of appreciation and a Classified Senate shirt. After honoring Shelly, Tanya awarded all senators who have served their full 2-year term, with a certificate of service recognition.

Once all certificates were distributed, the business of electing officers for the 2009-10 academic year took place. Tanya Wickersham was elected president, Renea Goforth vice-president, and Janice Toth secretary.

A sign-up sheet was passed around for committees. There was some discussion about what some committees were responsible for doing. Tanya mentioned that she would like all committees to actually do something this year. One activity that the community service committee should be involved in is the annual WSU Car Show. The Classified Senate sponsors this event every year, but we have not been involved except for in name. This year Tanya would like members to actually volunteer to help. The 2009 Car Show was rescheduled from April 26, due to weather; now being held on September 13. Please let Tanya know if you would like to volunteer. She will pass your name on to Sherry Purdue. The website for the Car Show is

For those on the Position Paper Committee (and anyone else interested in attending), the first Joint Classified Senate meeting with all six Regents Universities will be Friday, May 29, at KU. Please let Tanya know if you would like to attend. We will be meeting before hand to get ideas of what WSU would like to present at this meeting. Besides the position paper, this meeting is used to plan for the first Kansas Board of Regents (KBOR) meeting that the Classified and Support Staff Council (CSSC) must present at which will be the September KBOR meeting.

The new Executive Council members were named. It was also discussed that these individuals will be “mentors” for new senators. If anyone has questions about what they are supposed to do as a Classified Senator, they should contact the Executive Council member in their category. If you are unsure of who your Executive Council member is, please contact Tanya Wickersham. Another role of the Executive Council is to plan the meetings. Everyone should be thinking of possible speakers for the 2009-10 meetings. The Executive Council will be in charge of contacting these individuals. August meeting will probably be someone with an update about budget and how that affects the classified employees. Connie Landreth always speaks at the October meeting about Open Enrollment changes.

If anyone would like to order a Classified Senate shirt and has not already contacted Tanya, please do so by Friday, May 14. She would like to place the order on Monday, May 18. The cost is $16.95 + tax.

Lloyd Harp motioned to adjourn.
Sheila Bates seconded.

Respectfully submitted by,
Renea Goforth