Senate Meeting Minutes
July 14, 2010
August 11, 2010
September 8, 2010
December 8, 2010
January 12, 2011
February 9, 2011
March 2011
April 6, 2011
May 11, 2011
Present: Matthew Albers, Shanda Burch, Darryl Carrington, Linda Claypool, Melissa Conley, Tonya Cruz, Lou Dixon, Kyle Garwood, Elaine Harvey, Enid Howe, Brenda Khan, Angela Linder, Bernie Smith, Melinda Ware, Margene Webster, Tanya Wickersham, Renea Goforth (non-voting guest).
Excused: Heather Ballard, Shelia Bates, Bec Espinoza, Rochelle Flowers, Susan Fordyce, James
Herron, Dennis Moore, Garret Moyer, Richelle Stoner, Hercilia Thompson, Robin Traore.
Unexcused: Sonya Cotton, Holidaye Evans, Mike Hinkle, David Wise.
President Linda Claypool, opens the meeting.
The first order of business is to welcome Enid Howe to the Classified Senate. She is filling one of the vacancies.
Attendance Policy-according to the Constitution, if you are unexcused twice you will be replaced in the Senate. We agree that if you are unable to attend please send an email to either Linda or Shanda and you will be excused.
Minutes-the minutes have been posted on the website. A copy has been passed around. A vote to approve will be at the end of the meeting.
Communication with Constituents-Each Senator will be assigned approximately 20 constituents. You will be provided with email addresses for your constituents very soon. Thank you in advance for communicating with your constituents.
Program-We hope to have the following speakers attend our meetings: Andy Schlapp and Wade Robinson.
Committee Chairs-Each year the committees should elect a chair to be the contact person for questions. If your committee has not met and elected a chair, please do so.
Discussion of each committee.
- Newsletter Committee-Melissa will Chair but she would like some help. Blaine might be able to provide assistance. Linda will try to find help as well.
- Discussion of Position Paper and unfunded mandates such as Longevity Pay.
- Discussion of group raises. We may want to contact Libby Gilbert for more information.
- Shocker Pride-Elaine could use some assistance with this committee.
- Matt Albers has procured key chains for the Welcoming committee. Also, there are welcome packets for new hires. Business cards for constituents are passed around.
New Business
Tanya has payroll deductions for the scholarship fund. Once the form has been finalized,
Tanya will distribute to the Senate.
Budget-finalized budget has been extinguished. The 2011 budget has not yet been released.
Discussion of Advisor.
Darryl Carrington would like to discuss the Kansas Kid Mentoring Program and Supervisor
With no further business, Tanya motions to adjourn, Matthew seconds.
Submitted by Shanda Burch
Present: Matthew Albers, Heather Ballard, Shanda Burch, Darryl Carrington, Linda Claypool, Melissa Conley, Tonya Cruz, (Augustine Collar for) James Herron, Mike Hinkle, Brenda Khan, Angela Linder, Bernie Smith, Richelle Stoner, Hercilia Thompson, Tanya Wickersham, Renea Goforth (non-voting guest).
Excused: Shelia Bates, Sonya Cotton, Lou Dixon, Bec Espinoza, Kyle Garwood, Susan
Fordyce, Elaine Harvey, Enid Howe, Garret Moyer, Melinda Ware, Margene Webster, David
Unexcused: Rochelle Flowers, Dennis Moore, Robin Traore.
Resigned: Holidaye Evans
President Linda Claypool, opens the meeting.
The first order of business is to welcome Tessa Cattermole of Student Activities Council (SAC) to the Classified Senate Meeting. She will be informing the Senate about SAC events. Please share this information with your constituents and departments. Encourage students you work with to participate. A copy of “The Times” is distributed to all Senators. Copies will be available after Friday on the bottom shelf of the Sunflower stands. One event coming up is “NWC”, a theatrical event addressing race. This will be in coordination with the Office of Multicultural Affairs.
Attendance Sheet passed around. Holidaye Evans is no longer with the university. Bernie Smith announces his plans to retire.
Communication with Constituents-Please feel free to update your constituents after meetings.
Shanda Burch reads minutes to the Senate. Motion to approve by Mike Hinkel second by Bernie Smith. Vote-I's have it.
Minutes from this meeting will be emailed to Senate once approved by the President. A vote will be held at the next meeting to approve the minutes before they are posted on the website.
Committees- Angie Linder Community Service Committee- We would like to thank Darryl Carrington for getting the Community Service and Scholarship program started.
We do not have a speaker scheduled for this meeting so we can get the details regarding the scholarship hammered out.
Bernie and Linda discuss the scholarship being open for any benefits eligible employee and child(ren) of benefits eligible employee. We feel this will help with contributions as well. Tanya reminds the Senate that last year’s Senate approved many of these eligibility requirements.
Committee Chair Angie Linder updates the Senate on the last committee meeting discussions. Working closely with Sheelu Surender and Angie Zeorlin in Financial Aid we have decided on criteria and developed what the scholarship could look like. The homepage will have our name, mission, and qualifications for scholarship and a link to the guidelines. Financial Aid will have a pre-selection process of elimination before we get applications. With this process, we are planning to start awarding next Fall (2011.) The application is a basic form asking for an essay. There will be a note regarding Tuition Assistance. We are considered a departmental scholarship so we will have paper applications and complete the Departmental Recommendation Form and submit to Financial Aid. Once we get our scholarship homepage developed, we will have a link on the Classified Senate page that will lead the applicant to Financial Aid’s website, and vice/versa. Contributions will be tax deductible.
- Discussion of capped amounts.
- Discussion of blind applications, point matrix, and final approval from Senate on awards.
We must have a quorum to vote on these topics. Linda will send an agenda by email
and adjust the schedule to place the vote at the beginning of the meeting for those
that need to leave.
Tanya will check with Gayla regarding if payroll deductions for the scholarship fund
are ready to be completed and turned in. We will mail a packet with guidelines, application,
payroll deduction and cover letter to all benefits eligible employees to promote.
If anyone has questions they can email the Classified Senate email,
New Business
Elaine Harvey has agreed to be the Constitution Committee Chair.
Work on the Position Paper has started.
We should ask Andy if he could update us with pertinent information from the Topeka
Capitol Journal.
Dr. Robinson will attend the November meeting and update us on the Rhatigan Renewal.
We also plan to have Connie Landreth speak on Health Benefits. The President is tentatively
scheduled for January. We could possibly have Angie Zeorlin speak to us about scholarships
as well.
With no further business, Bernie motions to adjourn, Heather seconds.
Submitted by Shanda Burch
Present: Shanda Burch, Darryl Carrington, Linda Claypool, Sonya Cotton, Tonya Cruz, Elaine Harvey, James Herron, Mike Hinkle, Angela Linder, Garret Moyer, Bernie Smith, Richelle Stoner, Robin Traore, Margene Webster, Tanya Wickersham, Renea Goforth (non-voting guest).
Excused: Matthew Albers, Heather Ballard, Shelia Bates, Melissa Conley, Lou Dixon,
Bec Espinoza, Kyle Garwood, Brenda Khan, Hercilia Thompson.
Unexcused: Rochelle Flowers, Susan Fordyce, Enid Howe, Dennis Moore, Melinda Ware,
David Wise.
Welcome please sign the attendance sheet.
Minutes were emailed. One correction is the email address.
Mike Hinkle motions to approve the minutes with corrections, Bernie seconds. I's have it.
Question from Sheila-posted on website. Link on website that is up to date.
Position paper committee-Linda has had some communication issues with other universities’ Classified Senates. Linda is planning to attend the Kansas Board of Regents’ September meeting. Classified Staff Council of all six universities will try to have a conference call this week.
Discussion of Board of Regents
Scholarship-from Classified Senate (CS) and Financial Aid site you can reach the CS scholarship. We will be listed under the organizations. The link will lead the applicant to the Shocker Employee and Dependant Scholarship page. This page gives a description of CS and tells the applicant the criteria. Will also have a link to CS page with the guidelines. Guidelines and Shocker… will have a link to the application. Application has few minor changes. Then we have the matrix scoring sheet. If you are asked to review an application you will be given the application as well as the matrix. The max score is 20. There are the essay questions and bullets to help the reader. Also there are lines for comments.
Discussion of matrix
Discussion of voting on Scholarship-we are unable to get a quorum to the monthly meetings. We will try an electronic vote.
Getting the word out-we hope to contact the Deans offices, division meetings, and each Senator talking about it with their departments and constituents.
Bernie’s retirement- Bernie’s last day is September 24th. He will consider attending October’s meeting for a proper farewell.
New business
Please let Linda know if you would like to order a Classified Senate shirt
We should take a group photo for the website. Possibly at the Marcus Welcome Center
Matt had shared with Linda a program that CS has participated in every year called Learn More, such as the Microsoft demonstration next week. We are asked to help host the event in name and cost. The cost has been approved.
Do we have a Senator on the Car Show Committee? It is under the Community Service Committee.
Bernie suggests that we have tours of areas of campus. If anyone is interested in tours, please send Linda an email.
Mike suggests we have our meetings in other offices on campus.
Send constituents emails about open enrollment and we will have a discussion at the October meeting.
Mike Hinkle motions to adjourn and Jim Herron seconds, I’s have it.
Submitted by Shanda Burch
Present: Matthew Albers, Heather Ballard, Shanda Burch, Darryl Carrington, Linda Claypool,
Melissa Conley, Tonya Cruz, Elaine Harvey, James Herron, Enid Howe, Brenda Khan, Angela
Linder, Richelle Stoner, Hercilia Thompson, Melinda Ware, Margene Webster, Tanya Wickersham.
Non-Voting Guests Present: Renea Goforth, Jackie Boyles, Ronda Bruce, Alicia Huckstadt, Patrice McAvoy, Julie
McManamey, Cindy McVicar, Susan Parsons, Nancy Sells, J. Logan Stork, Ray Swenson,
Ken Tedder
Excused: Shelia Bates, Lou Dixon, Bec Espinoza, Kyle Garwood, Mike Hinkle, Robin Traore,
David Wise.
Unexcused: Sonya Cotton, Rochelle Flowers, Susan Fordyce, Dennis Moore, Garret Moyer.
Welcome Senators please initial the front side of the attendance sheet guests, please sign the back of attendance sheet.
Connie Landreth of the Office of Human Resources presents benefits open enrollment information. Handouts are given to Senate and guests. Discuss important changes to benefit plans, flexible spending accounts and enrollment procedures. Be sure to disclose the tobacco status if you want the discount. Connie Landreth provides a Q & A session.
Angela Linder and Tanya Wickersham thank everyone for participating in the voting for the scholarship. Tanya explains the scholarship to visitors. Tanya informs senate and visitors of donation $6057.83 from previous employee association. Plans to award first scholarship for Fall 2011.
Shanda Burch asks about payroll deduction. Angela Linder has forms to take back to their office.
Jackie Boyles asks about Tuition Assistance. Linda Claypool plans to look into it.
We will start our campaign when the website is updated.
Holiday tree lighting is December 1, 2010. Bec Espinosa is looking to decorate the tree the 18th or 19th of November. We should all pitch in and help, contact Bec in Physical Plant.
Minutes were emailed. One correction is the attendance and Marcus Welcome Center. Tanya Wickersham motions to approve minutes with changes, Matt Albers seconds, I’s have it.
Heather Ballard motions to adjourn the meeting, Elaine Harvey seconds, I’s have it.
Present: Matthew Albers, Shanda Burch, Darryl Carrington, Linda Claypool, Melissa
Conley, Sonya Cotton, Tonya Cruz, Elaine Harvey, Jim Herron, Enid Howe, Brenda Khan,
Angela Linder, Richelle Stoner, Hercilia Thompson, Robin Traore, Tanya Wickersham.
Non-Voting Guests Present: Melaney Arnold, Dale Catlin, Amy Easum, Julie McManamey,
Cindy McVicar, Rhonda Owens, Tamie Rains, J. Logan Stork, Carrie Wyatt.
Excused: Shelia Bates, Lou Dixson, Kyle Garwood, Mike Hinkle, Melinda Ware, Margene
Unexcused: Heather Ballard, Bec Espinosa, Rochelle Flowers, Susan Fordyce, Dennis
Moore, Garret Moyer, David Wise.
Shelley presents a Power Point presentation. This presentation can be presented to
other offices across campus upon request. Topics covered within Employee Wellness
are the expanding workweek and healthy lifestyle choices. The website for Employee
Wellness is The Wellness Council’s mission is,”
to have a comprehensive results-based program that will promote and improve the wellness
of the campus community as a whole.” The results of the Needs & Wants Survey are displayed.
95% of the responses claim they are interested to very interested in Employee Wellness.
Wellness tools in place are reviewed such as, discounted memberships for faculty and
staff, faculty and staff fitness classes, therapeutic massage, group/individual personal
training, free smart start orientation, fitness assessment, nutrition counseling,
wellness champions, wellness library and special events. Another resource is Kansas
Health Quest, Health Quest provides a 24/7 nurse line,
condition management programs, tobacco cessation, exercise incentives, employee assistance
program, health & wellness newsletter, health risk assessment, and online wellness
portal Suggested policies and programs are discussed with
feedback from the Senate and Visitors. The last week of try Heskett Center free is
December 13, featuring the new Zumba class. Shelley will send the Power Point to Linda
and Linda will distribute to Senators and Visitors in attendance today.
Linda Claypool thanks Shelley Rich and invites visitors to stay and to attend the
official meeting.
Introductions of Senators and visitors.
Angie Linder informs the Senate that the Scholarship committee has recently met and discussed a rollout plan. All documents were submitted to the Foundation, with some changes it has been approved. The changes are distributed to all Senators. The documents are now in the Scholarship Office. Robin Traore asks about Payroll Deduction and in case of death donations. The payroll deduction is already in place but Linda will check with the Foundation on in case of death donations.
Tanya Wickersham informs the Senate of the Holiday Tree Lighting decorating date of November 19th from 1 pm to 3 pm. University Relations has created the post card for the Tree Lighting Reception. The removal of decorations will be December 17th from 10 am to 12 pm.
Elaine Harvey had a constituent ask about a possible rumor of downgrading positions. Neither Linda or Tanya has heard of non-specific cases. Elaine asks if there is any protection against downgrades. Tanya suggests classified staff contact Libby Gilbert.
At a previous meeting a question of why classified employee must choose between scholarships or grants and Tuition Assistance. Linda asked HR and the response was in order for them to help as many employees as possible. It was brought to Linda’s attention that if an employee is taking less than 12 hours as an undergraduate or less than 9 hours as a graduate they can have the student fees waived. We need to get this information out to our constituents. Linda will forward the website to each Senator to pass on to his/her constituent.
Linda attended Joint Classified Senate meeting in Manhattan on October 25, 2010. She presented our position paper. Position papers from Kansas Board of Regent schools were combined. Linda presents to the Senate the CSSC Proposed Position Paper for 2011-2012 from the meeting. Three items open for discussion in the proposal are continued funding for the Hay Group market-based research, the Cost of Living Adjustment, and continued support for Longevity bonus.
Minutes were emailed. Those who did not receive an email were given at the meeting. An email will be sent regarding approving minutes.
Tanya Wickersham motions to adjourn the meeting, Tonya Cruz seconds, I’s have it.
Submitted by Shanda Burch
Present: Matthew Albers, Heather Ballard, Shanda Burch, Linda Claypool, Melissa Conley, Sonya
Cotton, Tonya Cruz, Elaine Harvey, Brenda Khan, Angela Linder, Hercilia Thompson,
Robin Traore, Tanya Wickersham, David Wise
Excused: Darryl Carrington, Lou Dixson, Kyle Garwood, Jim Herron, Enid Howe, Dennis Moore,
Melinda Ware, Margene Webster
Unexcused: Shelia Bates, Bec Espinosa, Rochelle Flowers, Susan Fordyce, Michael Hinkle, Garret
Moyer, Richelle Stoner
Visitors: Dale Catlin, Renea Goforth, Brenda Lehman
Linda Claypool opens meeting and welcomes attendees—attendance sheet is passed around and signed.
First call of business—Vice President for Campus Life and University Relations, Dr. Wade Robinson joins the Classified Senate today to present the Rhatigan Student Center Renewal Project Update. The project was approved by the Board of Regents in June 2010. A budget has been set; an architect is working on the design. After renovation begins, possibly in late fall, completion is expected in 26 to 34 months after phase 1. There will be full service throughout phase 1. Parking may be disrupted due to building materials.
Next, Marcus McNeal, SGA presents the student proposal of academic schedule changes. The academics committee will propose two days taken from the spring semester and adding them to Thanksgiving break. The SGA will review the proposal this evening, and then it will go to Faculty Senate.
Committee News: None to update at this time.
New Business: We must discuss the President Elect as it is coming up for election in January.
Adjournment: Tanya Wickersham motioned to adjourn; Brenda Khan seconded. Vote: I’s have it.
Present: Matthew Albers, Linda Claypool, Tonya Cruz, Garret Moyer, Brenda Khan, Angela Linder,
Garret Moyer, Hercilia Thompson, Robin Traore, Tanya Wickersham
Excused: Heather Ballard, Shanda Burch, Melissa Conley, Sonya Cotton, Lou Dixson, Elaine
Harvey, Michael Hinkle, Enid Howe, Richelle Stoner, Melinda Ware, Margene Webster
Unexcused: Shelia Bates, Darryl Carrington, Bec Espinosa, Rochelle Flowers, Susan Fordyce,
Kyle Garwood, James Herron, Dennis Moore
Linda Claypool opens meeting and welcomes attendees—attendance sheet is passed around and signed.
First call of business--Nomination for President-Elect: Linda inquired of the attendees if anyone knew of an individual that was interested in the position of President-Elect. With no suggestions, Linda urged attendees to consider potential candidates—considering eligibility to be a senator along with the responsibilities of position.
Next, Day on the Hill—January 25th, 2011: The opportunity to meet with Senators during “Day on the Hill” is approaching. This is an open invitation to all that are interested in attending the event. It would be great to take as many people possible; however, space is limited for transportation. The itinerary is to meet at WSU at 6:30 am and leave for Topeka. *Meals are not provided. * Please inform Linda if you are able attend so appropriate transportation is arranged.
Next order of business, Classified Senate Vacancies: In order to accomplish required business, Classified Senate needs to address the issue of vacancies. Linda has requested names of individuals interested in filling senate vacancies for the remainder of the term. Please send names of persons interested to Linda by Friday January 28th, 2011 in order to fill positions by next Classified Senate meeting in February.
Further discussion on the Scholarship: 1. Second round of Information—the postcards were sent and distributed to all WSU faculty and staff. Next step, senators will email constituents information regarding scholarship. 2. Awards for first year will be limited as to not deplete monetary reserves; thus ensuring that the scholarship will be available for following years 3. The use of report/s on payroll deduction/contributions to Classified Senate scholarship will assist in determination and projection of following year’s award capacity.
Linda thanked individuals for assistance with the Christmas tree decorating and take down. Open discussion regarding positive and negative criticisms.
Committee News: None to update at this time.
Tanya did suggest to Elections Committee to arrange time with Shelly Kellogg concerning
upcoming election ballads.
New Business: None at this time.
February Meeting: Please inform constituents that Classified Senate’s guest speaker, WSU President Donald Beggs, will address attendees on Feb. 9th, 2011. It would be great to “pack the room,” so please invite others to attend.
Adjournment: Garret Moyer motioned to adjourn; Brenda Khan seconded. Vote: I’s have it
Present: Matthew Albers, Shanda Burch, Darryl Carrington, Linda Claypool, Melissa Conley, Tonya Cruz, Elaine Harvey, Michael Hinkle, Angela Linder, Hercilia Thompson, Robin Traore, Tanya Wickersham
Excused: Shelia Bates, Sonya Cotton, Lou Dixson, Jim Herron, Enid Howe, Brenda Khan
Unexcused: Heather Ballard, Bec Espinosa, Rochelle Flowers, Susan Fordyce, Kyle Garwood, Dennis Moore, Garret Moyer, Richelle Stoner, Melinda Ware, Margene Webster
Linda Claypool opens meeting and welcomes attendees—Senators introduce themselves.
First call of business—President Beggs, thanks the Senate for allowing him to speak
today. He states it is always nice to communicate with people on many things, including
the legislative process. Please feel free to ask questions. This discussion is important
and will need to be more than what you will see on the news or TV clips. The new Governor
has decided not to continue the Hay study. He did leave longevity in but did not provide
funding. The University sees that as our responsibility. The Governor did not change
anything with the University this fiscal year. There may be a move of funds to Veteran’s
Affairs. It is not a taking away from Regents. The legislature is considering this
fiscal year’s adjustments. The ___ was sent back to the House sub-committee. It has
been revised and reduced to State employees who make over $100,000 and removed the
deferment to maintenance dollars. The House approved the resolution. The next step
is the ways and means committee of the Senate to meet regarding the matter. It will
be proposed to the Senate. If the Senate approves the resolution, it will then go
to the governor. It will not happen quickly. This is just for this fiscal year’s budget.
We do not know what will happen for next fiscal year. Next Monday, President Beggs
will testify before the House sub-committee to testify on next year’s budget and how
it will affect WSU. It is important to remember that right now, for FY12, the governor
has proposed we stay at the same level as FY07. Health insurance and longevity are
key issues that depend on the proposed budget. For the last 2 years we have had a
credit hour increase and that has allowed us to offset the additional costs without
the budget increase. Dr. Beggs feels that in the long run we will maintain employment
without furloughs and keeping longevity. He keeps in close contact with Linda and
the other campus employees. The issue is to try to keep lines open. He meets monthly
with the leadership of the Senates around the time of the Board of Regents meetings.
The public is reluctant to provide funding with tax dollars. He sees Kansas and the
Federal government reflecting each other. There is a drive for efficiency.
Question and Answer
Darryl Carrington: Are we going to freeze positions like the Federal employees?
President Beggs: On a State level, they are considering taking Open Lines from positions.
Open Lines is where vacant positions are taken over, reducing the budget. Federal
stimulus dollars went to deferred maintenance plans and tuition reduction for State
resident students.
Tanya Wickersham: What projects were approved for the stimulus maintenance project?
President Beggs: 32 projects were approved. Durkeson renovation, heating and ventilation
for Engineering, and Grace Wilkie. We have to spend the stimulus dollars by November
Elaine Harvey: Are they trying to micro-manage our budget and give us less money?
President Beggs: I am trying to fight that very thing. I believe if we can manage
our own budget we can make more informed decisions.
Elaine Harvey: Are any legislators saying nice things about the 20/20 plan?
President Beggs: The 20/20 plan reflects what legislators want but it is not specific
enough. We are happy with our Admission numbers.
Shanda Burch: Any plans to retire soon?
President Beggs: I have been here longer than I expected. I don't plan to go now.
You never know what will happen as far as health or economy. I have been retired before.
If everything goes well and I feel I can still serve the institution, I have no plans
to leave.
Inclement Weather: President Beggs explains he is responsible for making the decision
for closing the campus for inclement weather. He consults the local weather, security,
and maintenance before he makes the decision.
President Beggs: Thank you and please understand, I try to give all of my information
to Linda. She is usually ahead of me because she has your information as well. Thank
you for staying involved in this process.
Next, Day on the Hill—January 25th, 2011: Linda, Enid, and Matt attended. It was very interesting and the timing could not have been better. We had probably 30 appointments with different legislators. There were 20 to 25 members from various classified senates statewide. This is the same morning the wage reduction came from the sub-committee. We were getting conflicting stories at the time. Some of the group met with the Chief of Staff while others in the group met with a member of the sub-committee. If any of you have an opportunity to go next year, you should take it.
Next order of business, President Elect and Nominations for Officers: A ballot will be sent out by job category. You need to choose according to the instructions. That will be used for the creation of the ballot. Linda will look into the emails of people possibly interested in serving on the Senate.
Committee News:
Shocker Pride Committee-Elaine Harvey cannot stay on the committee. Matt and Shanda,
as prior year recipients will serve. Tanya and Chilla have also agreed to serve the
Angela Linder-we need two more Senators to help review scholarship apps in June.
Linda Claypool and Melissa Conely have agreed to help.
Mike Hinkle-Board of Directors from the RSC met yesterday. They now have the footprint of construction decided. Some pretty exciting plans are in the works.
Darryl Carrington-Maybe the Community Service committee can assist Shelly Rich in bringing the WSU community together for fitness. Once we are finished with the second part of the Scholarship rollout, I would like to see us start this function.
New Business:
KPERS: Robin Traore would like some information on if KPERS is in trouble.
Linda Claypool heard on while on the Hill that one of the things with KPERS is for
the last 25 years, the State of KS has chosen to not put the money into KPERS that
they are required to put in. Linda will try to have guests attend our future meetings
to better explain.
Adjournment: Matt Albers motioned to adjourn; Melissa Conely seconded. Vote: I’s have it.
March 2011 (minutes not available at this time)
Present: Matthew Albers, Shanda Burch, Darryl Carrington, Linda Claypool, Melissa Conley, Tonya Cruz, Elaine Harvey, Michael Hinkle, Angela Linder, Hercilia Thompson, Robin Traore, Tanya Wickersham
Excused: Shelia Bates, Sonya Cotton, Lou Dixson, Jim Herron, Enid Howe, Brenda Khan
Unexcused: Heather Ballard, Bec Espinosa, Rochelle Flowers, Susan Fordyce, Kyle Garwood, Dennis Moore, Garret Moyer, Richelle Stoner, Melinda Ware, Margene Webster
Linda Claypool opens meeting and welcomes attendees—.
First call of business—Mike Lamb Vice President for Planned and Annual Giving, WSU
Foundation. Will provide slides if you would like via email. WSU alumni, Masters at
Senators introduce themselves.
Discussion of excellent customer service. All of the donors to the foundation were impacted by a staff member at WSU. We at the foundation thank you for going the extra mile to make a difference in the lives of our donors.
Mission Statement: Working to assure a university of excellence by…Core Values: Integrity,
relationships, teamwork, service.
Who gives to the foundation? Alumni, Org foundations corp, and non-alumni Total 29,799,088.
Total paid out 10,044,102. Difference is the endowed funds.
Endowed funds are invested. The investment performance is close to the balanced index.
The asset allocation is shown as well. Majority is Global Equity 57.8%, Global fixed
income 21.4, diversifying strategies 8.2, real assets 6.1, cash 6.5. Total assets
are primarily the pooled endowment. The other assets are primarily the art it the
Comparison to other Regent University. KU KState are larger but Emporia, Pitts and
Ft. Hays are lower.
Fundraising-majority to student scholarships with the largest going to general or
CLUR scholarships.
AEGD facility completion summer 2011 move in fall 2011, dedication October 24, 2011-provides
graduate program for licensed dentists. The clinic portion will provide dental care
for underserved population in and around Wichita on a sliding scale.
AEGD Walk Way Program-engraved name on the walk way to contribute.
Promise of the Future Campaign
Planned giving (aka legacy or future giving)-providing funds for WSU in wills or
estates. The goal is to receive 100 by the Dec 31, 2011. So far 33 have been received.
Miro Mosaic Restoration Project
To restore the mosaic on the face of the Ulrich Museum. Conservation will take 5
years to complete. $3 million to complete the project.
Rhatigan Renewal
Deferred Maintenace tax credit-50% can be deducted from state tax (max 5000)
Foundation manages 1100 endowed funds and 600 current funds for students and faculty.
Over 480 planned gifts.
Question and Answer
Darryl Carrington: What is with the Fox and Hound WSU parties?
Lamb: The Foundation and the Alumni Association are both separate entities from the
University. The Fox and Hound have hosted parties with the Alumni Association for
Shocker Basketball games.
Carrington: Is it true that Delta Dental is one of the major contributors to the
Lamb: Yes they are a major contributor to the AEGD program.
Carrington: Will the State provide less if the Foundation raises more?
Lamb: No but we have to remember the State of KS has reduced the amount that they
provide to the University than it once did. We have to convey to donors the cost of
tuition v. the state paying less proportionally.
Linda Claypool: What steps do we take to do more to contribute to the Foundation?
Lamb: The information is certainly on the foundation website. Also, on the main WSU
website is the link called “Give to WSU” that will take you the foundation site. Another
way is the Annual Fund, 100% goes to the designated program you select. About 10%
of the donors are current and retired WSU Faculty and Staff. The legacy gift can be
designated in life insurance policies, retirement, wills, etc. It is revocable if
you were to change your mind.
Claypool: If you make the University the beneficiary are they subject to the tax….
Lamb: The tax benefit is the same as the replacement of the policy.
Next, Next meeting is back on the second Wednesday of the month, May 11, 2011 RSC
room 305.
Next order of business, please be sure to RSVP and attend the Shocker Pride Celebration.
The RSVP deadline is April 26, 2011.
Next order of business, scholarship is moving forward. It takes at least 15,000 to be endowed. We hope to have more information in May on the amount we have raised.
Future Shock Program: There was a program on Monday night for Future Shock Program. For students who are dependents of current employees. 17 were potential students. Linda gave them the scholarship application, requirements, and business cards for Classified Senate. Thank you to Shanda for giving Linda the heads up on the event. The focus of the discussion was debt free education.
Next order of business, the three Senate Presidents, Faculty, Unclassified, and Classified moving forward with President Beggs for focus group for tuition assistance for staff or dependents tuition.
Committee News:
Election Committee-Tonya, Matt, and Shelly have met regarding the elections. The
new Senators will be invited to the May meeting.
Shanda-do we know who the Officers are for next year?
Linda-President Elect is Matt Albers. We have not voted on the others. We will try
to vote at the May meeting.
Elaine-according to the constitution the election is to be held in May.
Constitution Committee-We need to review the Executive Counsel portion of the constitution.
We need to By-Laws and a Town Hall meeting open to all classified staff.
Linda Claypool-some items to think about next year is making the provision for the
senators that have served 4 years being able to serve again. Also, try to choose a
president that is able to serve a full Senate term.
Angela Linder-we need two more Senators to help review scholarship apps in June. Linda
Claypool and Melissa Conely have agreed to help.
Mike Hinkle-Board of Directors from the RSC met yesterday. They now have the footprint
of construction decided. Some pretty excited plans are in the works.
Darryl Carrington-Maybe the Community Service committee can assist Shelly Rich in
bringing the WSU community together for fitness. Once we are finished with the second
part of the Scholarship rollout, I would like to see us start this function.
New Business:
Adjournment: Matt Albers motioned to adjourn; Garrett Moyer seconded. Vote: I’s have it.
Present: Matthew Albers, Shanda Burch, Darryl Carrington, Melissa Conley, Sonya Cotton, Tonya Cruz, Renea Goforth, Elaine Harvey, Cecilia Hudson, Rodney Hyche, Brenda Khan, Shelly Kellogg, Angela Linder, John McGinnis, Robbie Norton, Brian Smith, Richelle Stoner, Robin Traore, Theresa Turenne, Tanya Wickersham
Excused: Shelia Bates, Lou Dixson, Jim Herron, Hercilia Thompson, Margene Webster
Unexcused: Heather Ballard, Bec Espinosa, Rochelle Flowers, Susan Fordyce, Kyle Garwood, Michael Hinkle, Enid Howe, Dennis Moore, Garret Moyer, Melinda Ware,
Visitors: Amy McClintock, Connie Wells, Carrie Wyatt, and Jessi Raburn all of College of Health Professions.
Matt Albers opens meeting and welcomes attendees— Introductions.
First call of business—Incoming President Matt Albers reads a note from outgoing President Linda Claypool.
Next-Discussion of next meeting. Motion to move next meeting to August 10, 2011 by Shelly Kellogg, second by Robbie Norton. Vote-I’s have it.
Next-Scholarship Information- Eight applications have been received. Deadline for applications is June. 1. Awards will be given in August. Shelly Kellogg suggests that possibly this be a part of the campaign with the Foundation.
Next-Focus group for tuition assistance for staff dependents, and spouses-the focus group was commissioned by President Beggs to review the plan from K State. A meeting has been held recently with more meetings scheduled over the next few months. The goal of the group is to recommend if a modified plan is an option. Renea Goforth would like to be notified of any updates from the legislature over the summer.
Next-Constituent Lists-there have been complaints of constituents that are not getting
information from his/her Senator. Matt Albers is planning a system to distribute constituent
lists to new and current Senators. Lists will be distributed by the August meeting.
Physical Plant constituents may need information posted on the bulletin board. Senators
who have persons who may not have emails will need to contact constituents and find
the best means of distributing information.
Previous years’ mixers have been poorly attended.
A mass email is not an option.
Next-Committee sign-up sheets are being passed around. Please sign up for a committee.
Next-Copies of the Constitution are disseminated to every Senator. Elaine Harvey
discusses the changes to the by-laws.
Article IX-adding a by-law regarding a Town Hall style meeting once a year. Matt
Albers suggests this meeting be the Open Enrollment meeting.
Article XI- adding by-law regarding 30-day notification to Classified employees of
any proposed amendments. Tanya Wickersham moves second by Brenda Khan. Vote: I’s have
Next-KPERS Bill passes legislature and on to Governor. If the Bill HB 2194 is signed
an email will be distributed to Senators to disseminate to constituents. Matt Albers
will forward the article to Senators or you can access it on
New Business: Vice-President-Angela Linder and Renea Goforth nominated 12 votes for Renea; 4 votes for Angie; 1 Abstained. Secretary-Shanda Burch 16 vote yes.
Next-Darryl Carrington would like to ask David Cassidy in Catering if water could be provided for our monthly meetings.
Adjournment: Shelly motioned to adjourn; Tonya seconded. Vote: I’s have it.