Senate Meeting Minutes

August 10, 2011

Present: Matthew Albers, Tamara Atwater, Patty Bosley, Shanda Burch, Melissa Conley, Renea Goforth, Elaine Harvey, Cecilia Hudson, Shelly Kellogg, Brenda Kahn, Angela Linder, Blaine Linehan, John McGinnis, Robb ie Norton, Cecilia Rogers, Richelle Stoner, Hercilia Thompson, Theresa Turenne.

Excused: Enid Howe

Unexcused: Darryl Carrington, Rochelle Flowers, Jim Herron, Rodney Hyche, Nikki McDermed, Garret Moyer, Kari Ossman, Fred Plummer, Brian Smith, Robin Traore.

Visitors: Sharon Robertson

Matt Albers opens meeting and welcomes attendees— Introductions.

First call of business—President Matt Albers calls the meeting to order, welcomes everyone and announces topics. There are a few openings in the Senate. If anyone has names of people who would like to serve, please send them to Matt.

Next- The Committee sign-up sheet is being passed around. Please sign-up where there are empty spaces. Those who aren't in attendance will be placed in open committees. Part of being a Senator is to serve on campus as a team with other senates. Other Classified Staff can serve on these committees too.

  • A question of more information on committees is requested. Discussion. Information can be found on the Classified Senate website as well.
  • The Scholarship Committee selected two recipients for the Fall semester and awarded $500 to each winner. There were 18 applicants and the committee had to review at least two applications. Each application had to have 3 reviews. Applicants will have to reapply each semester.
  • The Constitution Committee presents proposition of new By-Laws for Article IX, XI and XII. The changes are open for discussion by President Albers. Senators agree that the new By-Laws will be emailed to each Senator and voted at the next meeting.

Next-Voluntary Retirement Incentive Program (VRIP) The program was offered by the State to make it more appealing for classified staff members close to retirement. Basically, the State is offering to pay the employer contribution for a limited time to employees and/or dependents. The Human Resources office is having information meetings twice a day for the rest of this week. More information can be found on the HR website as well. If anyone approaches a Senator with questions about VRIP please first refer them to HR. Then the State of Kansas has issued information regarding the questions that should not be answered. That document is passed around. It can also be found on the State of Kansas Website under Facts for Agencies, FAQ.

Next-Names of those interested in Classified Senate (EEO 70) Police, Physical Plant, Environmental Health and Safety. We are 3 Senators short. We would like to fill the seats from this category but if we are unable to fill from 70 we would be forced to fill from other areas.

Next-Constituent Lists-the lists were distributed to each Senator via email. The constituents were designed to be near your department. If you find that your list does not work for you, please let Matt know.

Next-Excused Absences-if you are unable to attend the monthly Senate meetings you must notify Matt or Shanda to receive an excused absence. According to the constitution, two unexcused absences will result in a replacement. Shanda will invite everyone on the Senate to the monthly meetings via Outlook.

Next-Are there any suggestions for guest speakers? United Way is a suggested topic. Disability Awareness is another suggested topic. Working with Heskett Center on Blood Drives is another suggestion.

Our speakers booked are as follows:

  • February Dr. King
  • October Open Enrollment

Next-Elections-we would like to migrate over to an electronic form of elections. Matt has spoken with the Unclassified Senate regarding their migration to electronic elections. The platform exists for Classified Senate if we so desire. Open for discussion. Matt will get more information, bring in a module or a test, and let us decide at a later date.

Adjournment: Elaine Harvey moves to adjourn; Robbie Norton seconded. Vote: I’s have it.

September 14, 2011

Matthew Albers, Patty Bosley, Shanda Burch, Darryl Carrington, Melissa Conley, Elaine Harvey, Enid Howe, Cecilia Hudson, Shelly Kellogg, Brenda Khan, Angela Linder, Blaine Linehan, John McGinnis, Robbie Norton, Cecilia Rogers, Brian Smith, Richelle Stoner, Theresa Turenne.

Tamara Atwater, Rochelle Flowers, Renea Goforth, Rodney Hyche, Nikki McDermed, Garret Moyer, Robin Traore.

Jim Herron, Kari Ossman, Fred Plummer, Hercilia Thompson.


Matt Albers opens meeting and welcomes attendees— Introductions.

First call of business—President Matt Albers calls the meeting to order, welcomes everyone and introduces Delinda Royse. Delinda is leading the University in the United Way campaign. Delinda reminds us that we can use United Way as well as supporting the program. The pledge cards will be mailed out soon. United Way’s message is if you can give five minutes of your pay, you can change a life.

Next - The Position Paper committee met last week to discuss the items that should be on the Position Paper. Many of the items have been pulled from the previous year’s paper. Everyone confirms reading the position paper. The five items on the Position Paper are as follows:

  1. Reinstate and fund the market-based increases recommended by the Division of Personnel Services as proposed by the Hay Group Study and approved by the Kansas Legislature HB2916 – 2007 for all employees considered under-market by job description. (See reverse side for the history of HB2916.)
  2. Fund a 3.5% Cost of Living Adjustment for all university classified and support staff.
  3. Reinstate step-increase raise based on performance based annual employee reviews.
  4. Continue to support and fund longevity for all eligible employees.
  5. Maintain and fully fund the existing KPERs retirement system for new and current employees.

A correction in the second “Whereas” paragraph would be to change the words “last year” to 2007.
Robbie Norton motions to approve and Elaine Harvey seconds. A vote is held and the I’s have it.

Next - A copy of the By-Laws has been distributed. There are no questions or concerns. Elaine Harvey motions to approve and Robbie Norton seconds. A vote is held and the I’s have it. A copy will be emailed to Shelly Kellogg to place on the website.

Next - Meeting minutes from February. Melissa Conley moves to approve, Brenda Khan seconds. A vote is held. I’s have it.

Next - April Shanda motions, Melissa seconds.

Next - May meeting Theresa motions, Darryl seconds.

Next - August meeting minutes have been reviewed. No corrections or concerns. Robbie motions, Theresa seconds.

Next - Our next speaker is Betty Smith-Campbell with Community Health Charities. In your mailbox today you will find the 2011 Kansas Pledge Card. These charities are not the United Way. The advantage is you can select which charity you would like to support. All of the organizations on the back are the Kansas chapters not National. Elaine Harvey asks about viewing the financial reports. Ms. Smith Campbell says you should be able to find the information from

Next - Brian Smith has been designated as the CS representative for the Campus Wellness. The “Walk With Wade” program needs walkers on Tuesday mornings at 7am. Next year the discount for health care will be a point based program. More information will be sent out. Also, the Heskett is asking each department designate a Wellness Champion. Finally, Weight Watchers has come to campus as well. It is an outside vendor so there will be a cost. They will have another class open in 17 weeks. Please visit the Heskett website for more information on all of the Wellness programs.

Next - Our next meeting, October 12, is the Open Enrollment meeting. It is imperative that we spread the word with our constituents. We will try to change the venue to hold our guests. There is also an Open Enrollment meeting on September 27 at 9am to 10:50 am in the RSC Ballroom. Angie Linder has offered to walk with Wade and ask for donations of water and snacks for the October meeting.

Next - Darryl Carrington has approached Sodexho regarding water and snacks for meetings. They will not donate 100% but they will offer a discount.

Next - We are still looking for new Senators. Please submit any recommendations to Matt Albers.

Next - We will have news about the electronic voting in October.

Next - Elaine Harvey asks about the Executive Council. From each category there is one individual that receives the most votes. This ensures a fair representation of each category. That individual is the person who serves on the Executive Council. The Council has the responsibility of choosing Senators in the case of vacant seats and elections.

Next- Committees will need to meet before the next meeting to choose a chair. If they are unable to meet there may be time after the Open Enrollment to have a meeting.

Adjournment: Shelly Kellogg moves to adjourn; Robbie Norton seconded. Vote: I’s have it.

October 12, 2011

Matthew Albers, Tamara Atwater, Shanda Burch, Darryl Carrington, Melissa Conley, Renea Goforth, Elaine Harvey, Enid Howe, Cecilia Hudson, Rodney Hyche, Shelly Kellogg, Brenda Khan, Angela Linder, John McGinnis, Robbie Norton, Cecilia Rogers, Brian Smith, Hercilia Thompson, Robin Traore, Jen Williams.

Garret Moyer.

Patty Bosley, Rochelle Flowers, Jim Herron, Blaine Linehan, Kari Ossman, Fred Plummer, Richelle Stoner, Theresa Turenne.

Cathy Doughty, Ebony Freeman, Courtney Lockhart, Derek Blair, Ellen Abby.

First call of business—President Matt Albers calls the meeting to order, welcomes everyone and introduces Krista Voth. Ms. Voth speaks of “WSU Count!” the Annual Fund Faculty and Staff Giving Campaign. One of the programs to support is the Shocker and Dependent Scholarship fund that the Classified Senate initiated. The brochures were in the campus mail or you can go to to sign up as well.

Next - Tanya Wickersham with the Office of Human Resources presents the Open Enrollment Benefits information. You may not realize that if you are a single benefit person, the University pays 95% of your benefits. For those with dependents, the University pays 95% for you and 55% for your dependents. There were no plan changes for Plan A or Plan B. The premiums may have changed. Plan C had the most changes.

For those employees that work or have dependents who live in the SE area of Kansas, currently, the State has a contract with LabQuest that will pay 100% for services. In NE Kansas the contractor is Stormont-Vail. State employees can visit any Doctor they choose. If you visit a Doctor within the network you will have better coverage. The cost difference is huge. To find in network Doctors you can look in the front of your Benefits book to find the website for KDHE or go to your insurance company website to find Doctors in that network.

Preventative care is covered 100% with in network Doctors. Doctors may charge an “administration fee.” There is also a flu shot clinic in room 203 of the RSC, on October 28, 2011, pre-register and bring your insurance card. Other changes are …UMR and Coventry… Differences between plans A, B, C are the co-insurance and deductibles. Plan A and B have the lab benefit, Plan C does not. Plan C is connected to a health savings account.

Prescription drug coverage has not changed with plan A. You can go to Caremark’s website to see which drugs are generic as well as name brands that will go to generic within the next 18 months. Plan C prescription drug coverage is similar but has the higher deductible up front. If you choose a name brand drug and there is a generic available there will be a penalty with Plan C. If you plan to retire or receive Medicaid, Plan C is not the option. Plan C also has coverage for chronic conditions like asthma or diabetes.

Next - Flexible Spending Accounts are a nice pre-tax savings plan. The key is to estimate conservatively. If you don't use the amount, you will lose it. You can enroll for a debit card for an additional $12. There is also a Limited Purpose Flexible Spending Account for those on Plan C.

Next - There are no changes to the dental plan. If you get at least 1 cleaning or check up any basic restorative out of pocket will be reduced by either 40% or 20%. You can go to Delta Dental website to see if your Dentist is in or out of network.

Next - Vision plan did not change.

Next - Every employee must log-in to the Open Enrollment System! You can add or drop dependents while on the system. You must declare your tobacco use status. If you don't declare you will default to the higher status. You must re-enroll for FSA and Healthy Kids program every year. If you are adding a dependent or spouse you must have documentation to HR by Oct. 31. If you are on Preferred or UMR you will default to Coventry and United Health Care. All health insurance cards will be renewed. Vision and dental cards will not be renewed. You can email HR with any questions. You can also email

Point System for reduced dental starts next year.
Only dependents born after the 31st can be added after the 31st.
Hospital coverage varies on the insurance company. Check with the individual insurance companies.

Next - Committee Chairs
Community Service-please meet before the next Senate meeting to designate a chair
Constitution-Elaine Harvey, Chair
Elections-Shelley Kellogg, Chair
Food Advisory-Enid Howe, Chair
Heskett-Renea Goforth, Chair
Holiday Tree Lighting-please meet before next meeting to designate the chair
Library Appeals-
Newsletter-Melissa Conley, Chair
Position Paper-Matt Albers, Chair
Shocker Pride-Theresa Turrene, Chair
Traffic Appeals-Rodney Hyche, Chair
Tuition Assistance-Renea Goforth, Chair
Welcoming Committee-Angela Linder, Chair

New Business - The CSSC met last Friday to compile a unified position paper to be represented to the legislature. The four items in the draft version are distributed.

  1. Reinstate and fund the market-based increases recommended by the Division of Personnel Services as proposed by the Hay Group Study and approved by the Kansas Legislature HB2916 – 2007 for all employees considered under-market by job description. (See reverse side for the history of HB2916.)
  2. Fund a 3.5% Cost of Living Adjustment for all university classified and support staff.
  3. Reinstate step-increase raise based on performance based annual employee reviews.
  4. Continue to support and fund longevity for all eligible employees.
  5. Maintain and fully fund the existing KPERs retirement system for new and current employees.

Next - COLA raises for Unclassified Staff and Faculty have been approved. Our COLA is regulated by the Legislature and not approved for Classified staff. There are options aside from Civil Service such as what KU Support Staff has chosen. The item will be tabled for the next meeting.

Next - Thank you to Angie Linder for helping with the refreshments for this meeting.

Adjournment: Shelly Kellogg moves to adjourn; Robbie Norton seconded. Vote: I’s have it.

November 9, 2011

Matthew Albers, Patty Bosley, Shanda Burch, Melissa Conley, Renea Goforth, Elaine Harvey, Cecilia Hudson, Brenda Khan, Angela Linder, Patty McLinden, Robbie Norton, Brian Smith, Richelle Stoner, Hercilia Thompson, Theresa Turenne.

Tamara Atwater, Darryl Carrington, Enid Howe, Rodney Hyche, Shelly Kellogg, Blaine Linehan, Garret Moyer, Cecilia Rogers, Jen Williams.

Rochelle Flowers, Jim Herron, John McGinnis, Kari Ossman, Fred Plummer, Robin Traore.


First call of business — President Matt Albers calls the meeting to order, welcomes our newest Senator, Patty McLinden. Senators make introductions.

Next - Holiday Tree Lighting has been scheduled for November 30, reception at 3:30 pm and lighting at 4:00 pm. Carmen has tentatively scheduled the tree decorating for November 16 or 21 depending on the weather and Physical Plant workers. Since this is the last year for the Beggs’ to celebrate with us, Matt is putting a call for Senators to assist with the decorating. Please let Cecilia Rogers know if you plan to help decorating. We may request to borrow some from the decorations at the RSC. Matt will inquire. Also, we may also look into allocating funds to purchase decorations.

Next - Newsletter Committee is requesting that we gather stories from Classified Staff about the Beggs’ and submit them to Melissa Conley.

New Business - Theresa Turenne would like to invite all Classified Staff to the International Week next week. The activity list recently went out in campus mail. Please plan to attend.

Next - KBOR Luncheon was held on October 24, 2011. Senators Matt Albers, Renea Goforth, Anglea Linder, and Shanda Burch sat with Ed McKechnie, Andy Tompkins, and Robba Moran of the Kansas Board of Regents. The luncheon went well and the KBOR understood our concerns. The KBOR oversees the Universities and not State matters such as our concerns with Civil Service.

Next - The topic of reviewing Classified Staff leaving the Civil Service and considering other avenues will be tabled for future talks after our new President has been placed.

Next - The minutes for September have been distributed. Please review and we will vote at the next meeting

Next - We need to discuss ideas for a parting gift to present the Beggs. Please submit ideas to Matt Albers.

Next - Matt is planning to meet with Kevin Crabtree to present the voting process at the next meeting.

Adjournment: Robbie Norton motions we adjourn, Renea Goforth seconds. Vote: I’s have it.

December 14, 2011

Matthew Albers, Tamara Atwater, Shanda Burch, Darryl Carrington, Melissa Conley, Renea Goforth, Elaine Harvey, Enid Howe, Shelly Kellogg, Angela Linder, Blaine Linehan, Brian Smith, Richelle Stoner, Robin Traore, Jen Williams.

Cecilia Hudson, Brenda Khan, Robbie Norton, Cecilia Rogers, Hercilia Thompson, Theresa Turenne.

Patty Bosley, Rochelle Flowers, Jim Herron, Rodney Hyche, John McGinnis, Patty McLinden, Garret Moyer, Kari Ossman, Fred Plummer.

Kevin Crabtree.

First call of business — President Matt Albers calls the meeting to order, welcomes Kevin Crabtree of University Computing. Kevin presents the proposed new nomination and voting process for Classified Senate. Classified Employees will log in to the MyWSU Portal to find the link for the Nomination page. Classified Employees will be able to pick 7 nominations and hit submit. A list of nominees will generate so the nominator can double check. They can submit or go back and make corrections. It will not allow a nominator to nominate more than 7. A nominator can remove and add a nominee after initially submitting as long as changes are made before the deadline. After the deadline, a committee member will be able to generate a list of nominees and send an email instructing nominees to go back into MyWSU to accept or decline the nomination. Once nominees are set the Classified Employee can log back in to vote on the ballot. The ballot will be set based on the number of seats open. The Election Committee will be in charge of handling Classified Employees with questions or concerns. Classified Employees without computer access can find assistance in HR. This process eliminates human error and adds accountability and accessibility. The tentative plan for starting the nomination process will be late February early March 2012.

Next - Holiday Tree Lighting un-decorating time and day will be scheduled.

Next - Newsletter is on the Classified Senate website and Melissa Conley will email a link to all Senators to send to all constituents

Next - The Position Paper has been completed and is ready to be distributed on the Day on the Hill, January 24th. Matt Albers will send each Senator a copy as well as post it on the website.

Next - Elaine Harvey mentions that the Traffic Appeals committee needs members. Matt Albers will check to be sure the Classified Senators designated to that committee are attending.

New Business - Day on the Hill is January 24, 2012. Matt is in communication with Andy Schlapp to find Legislators who are sympathetic to our cause. Matt will be soliciting Senators to make calls to those Legislators and also attend Day on the Hill. Those who are interested in attending need to notify Matt by the next meeting, January 11, 2012.

Next - 18th Annual Shocker Pride Celebration will be held April 25, 2012. We will need to set our nomination for President’s Distinguished Service Award deadline as February 24th, 2012. The three recommendations will need to be submitted to President Beggs by March 9, 2012.

Next - Steven Skinner sent an email to Matt regarding student retention and success. Matt will send it out to Senators to send out to constituents.

Next - The minutes for September, October, and November have been distributed. Please review and we will have an electronic vote via email before the next meeting.

Next - Tuition Assistance will no longer have a committee. There were 60 applicants for the new Spouse and Dependent Assistance and 90 for the Employee Tuition Assistance.

Adjournment: Shelly Kellogg motions we adjourn, Renea Goforth seconds. Vote: I’s have it.

February 8, 2012

Matthew Albers, Tamara Atwater, Patty Bosley, Shanda Burch, Melissa Conley, Renea Goforth, Elaine Harvey, Enid Howe, Shelly Kellogg, Angela Linder, Patty McLinden, Robbie Norton, Richelle Stoner, Hercilia Thompson, Theresa Turenne, Jennifer Williams

Cecilia Hudson, Brian Smith

Darryl Carrington, Rochelle Flowers, Jim Herron, Rodney Hyche, Blaine Linehan, John McGinnis, Garret Moyer, Kari Ossman, Fred Plummer, Cecilia Rogers, Robin Traore

Welcome and President Matt Albers calls the meeting order

Nominations for Senators: There were no nominations for category 70.

Shelly Kellogg was informed that over 1600 WSU employees have not signed into the Health Quest system to receive the discount for next year. We must encourage the Classified employees who are receiving health insurance through the university to obtain the information and enter it on the website.

18th Annual Shocker Pride Celebration—April 25th, 2012
Shocker Pride Celebration Committee met last week and decided on the three recipients. Theresa is working on door prizes and has received several items from various offices on campus.

The Scholarship Committee will be meeting soon. The deadline for submission for next Fall semester is June 1st, 2012. The language has been corrected to inform applicants they must reapply every semester. We should encourage staff to contribute to the scholarship fund as a part of the WuCount initiative.

We should remind individuals of the Dependent/Spouse Tuition Assistance.

Darryl Carrington is forming a group to run with Ted Ayers. Please watch for information in the WSU Today and try to participate.

News from CSSE
Email from Lesa Reves states the House Appropriations Committee rejected the Market Adjustments. If you would like to let your representative know how you feel for sub-standard pay for State service, please do so on a non-state computer.

President Elect-
Nomination-we do not have enough Senators in attendance for a vote.

Old Business
Employee Tuition Assistance is due by 20th of April.

New Business
Meeting Minutes-Changes to October attendance, November text, and December header.

Adjournment-Elaine Harvey moves to adjourn and Robbie Norton seconds. Vote, I’s have it.

March 14, 2012

Matthew Albers, Sherry Alexander, Patty Bosley, Shanda Burch, Darryl Carrington, Renea Goforth, Elaine Harvey, Cecilia Hudson, Shelly Kellogg, Angela Linder, Richelle Stoner, Hercilia Thompson, Theresa Turenne,

Tamara Atwater, Melissa Conley, Robbie Norton, Brian Smith, Jennifer Williams

Rochelle Flowers, Jim Herron, Enid Howe, Rodney Hyche, Blaine Linehan, Patty McLinden, John McGinnis, Garret Moyer, Kari Ossman, Fred Plummer, Cecilia Rogers

Welcome and President Matt Albers calls the meeting order

Adjournment-Shelly Kellogg moves to adjourn and Darryl Carrington seconds. Vote, I’s have it.

April 11, 2012

Matthew Albers, Sherry Alexander, Patty Bosley, Shanda Burch, Darryl Carrington, Melissa Conley, Renea Goforth, Elaine Harvey, Shelly Kellogg, Angela Linder, Robbie Norton, Richelle Stoner, Hercilia Thompson, Theresa Turenne,

Tamara Atwater, Enid Howe, Cecilia Hudson, Rodney Hyche, Blaine Linehan, Patty McLinden, Jennifer Williams

Rochelle Flowers, Jim Herron, John McGinnis, Garret Moyer, Kari Ossman, Fred Plummer, Cecilia Rogers, Brian Smith

Welcome and President Matt Albers calls the meeting order. We are going to take full advantage of today’s meeting coinciding with the Open Forum. Matt has met with each candidate but today we will all go to the Open Forum to hear from Lisa Rossbacher.

Nominations for Senators
Shelly Kellogg reports: Category 50 was the only category that received votes. There are 9 open seats and we will notify those who have been selected very soon. Rochelle Stoner is elected in category 70. Shanda Burch and Hercilia Thompson have been elected as well.

Shelly reports the electronic style of voting was just as successful as the previous paper method.
Matt questions has anyone considered Presidency? We can table for now and explore at the next meeting. Matt will send out an email describing all that he has done in his tenure as President.

Bobbie moves to adjourn Theresa seconds.

May 9, 2012

Matthew Albers, Sherry Alexander, Patty Bosley, Shanda Burch, Darryl Carrington, Melissa Conley, Renea Goforth, Elaine Harvey, Shelly Kellogg, Angela Linder, Robbie Norton, Richelle Stoner, Hercilia Thompson, Theresa Turenne,

Tamara Atwater, Enid Howe, Cecilia Hudson, Rodney Hyche, Blaine Linehan, Patty McLinden, Jennifer Williams

Rochelle Flowers, Jim Herron, John McGinnis, Garret Moyer, Kari Ossman, Fred Plummer, Cecilia Rogers, Brian Smith

Welcome and President Matt Albers calls the meeting order

Each Senator introduces his/herself and his/her position on Classified Senate whether incoming, continuing or outgoing.

President, Vice President, Secretary Positions
We have previously discussed this but we must solidify the position of President Elect. This position is typically elected in January, but we can elect someone now to learn the Presidential role. This person will assume the position in August of 2013. Is anyone interested in becoming the President Elect?

Shelly Kellogg moves that we elect Renea Goforth as the Vice President/President Elect for 2012/2013. Robbie Norton and Jen Williams seconds. Vote, I’s have it.

Shanda and Matt explain the Secretary position. Melissa Conley volunteers to serve as Secretary. Shelly Kellogg moves Sonya Cotton seconds. Vote, I’s have it.

Matt suggests that the meeting minutes directly go online after the meeting. Elaine Harvey would like to suggest we have a reader go over them before they are posted. Matt assigns the duty to the VP/PE. Shelly moves, Sonya Cotton seconds. Vote, I’s have it.

Matt is passing around the committee sheet. Please sign up for committees. We would like each committee to be assigned. If you were on a one person committee, please consider

It has come to the attention of the Director of Human Resources that individuals in the Power Plant are unhappy with their pay and want to move away from civil service and into the Support Staff of the University. Matt would like a new committee to be formed to discuss this issue. Robbie Norton, Sherry Alexander, Amy McClintock and Shanda Burch would like to serve on this committee. Discussion of what changes may take place if we move to Support Staff such as KPERS, longevity, the years of service plus age retirement.

The Market Adjustment is still on the table in the Legislature.

Old Business
We moved to an electronic nomination and election process this year. The system worked as well as the paper system and hopefully next year will be even better.
Shelly asks that Senators in categories 60 and 70 ask if anyone would like to serve as Senators. Jen mentions that a lot of her constituents do not have access to computers. If we are unable to find anyone in those categories we could try to ask members from other categories to serve those constituents.
Sherry Alexander mentions that she didn't realize she had constituents. Matt will email each Senator a list of constituents.

Shocker Pride was a wonderful event. Theresa Turrenne did a fabulous job with the door prizes.

The Classified Senate scholarship was paid out twice this past year. It will be reviewed award for next academic year. We may create a scholarship application review committee.

Darryl Carrington reports that Jim Herron sends his regards that he is unable to attend today’s meeting.

New Business
Dependent or Spouse Tuition Assistance for fall is due by July 1, 2012, no late applications will be accepted.

Wellness Committee will be postponed until the new President is on board.

Please be sure to create an account in the Health Quest and earn the points if you want the discount.

Sherry Alexander moves to adjourn Robbie Norton seconds. Vote, I’s have it.