Special Election Results Appealed


Special Election Results Appealed

WICHITA - The SGA Office has received a formal appeal of the Special Election authorized under SB-66-190, submitted on Thursday, January 25, 2024. The Appeal was forwarded to the Supreme Court. Justices of the Supreme Court, with a vote of 4-0, accepted the case and filed Order 66-009; placing an injunction on the formal certification of the results with the Central Office.

In her signed order, Chief Justice Maureen Wetta orginally was set to hold the Hearing on Thursday, February 1st but has since announced that the Court will convene for the first time in a Formal Session on Tuesday, January 30th at 7pm in RSC 233. Due to the emergency nature of this hearing, the Court will be unable to livestream this Hearing. 

Members of the Association are invited to attend and view the proceedings. Members of the Association may file testimony with the Court regarding this case by emailing sga.judicialclerk@wichita.edu no later than Monday, January 29th at 5:00 p.m.        


 Contact: Amy Nguyen, sga.pubrelations@wichita.edu