Student Town Hall Meeting
Question 2: As a student, what concerns you most about Wichita State University? What
do you think needs improvement?
- The alumni association.
- Name recognition.
- Not catering to younger alumni.
- School spirit.
- Parking.
- Issues with campus identity.
- Our student body is more diverse. We have a lot of non-traditional students, older
students. School spirit is not priority for older students.
- Where is the space and funding coming from?
- Minority education.
- What is the percentage of students that graduate?
- College of Engineering.
- Instability of faculty and moving student groups to different departments.
- Out-of-state students.
- We need to recruit more students from out-of-state.
- Suggest increased involvement of Wichita State University out-of-state alumni.
- Ask students to get involved in the recruitment problems.
- Aerospace.
- International students. Wichita State University does a great job of recruiting challenging
students. We should do a better job of promoting our aerospace program to international
- Parking.
- Shocker dollars cannot be used at a lot of places like the library, laundry facilities,
- Across from Brennan – lots of people crossing but no safety measures.
- Need more cadets because they are helpful.
- Campus needs more of an active role in making sure the campus is safe.
- Maybe establish a LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questionable) department.
- Some students would like to take classes that aren't marketed very well. Newer programs
should be broadly marketed to students.
- I would recommend, depending on the program, that the classes offered only once a
year be offered more frequently.
- Need a better relationship between student organizations and programs as that doesn't
happen between all of them.
- Managing OrgSync (a software program for student organizations to communicate with
each other, schedule events and activities, etc.) is a chore and hard to get around
in the program. It is not easy, effective, or convenient. Facebook is easier.
- From August to December not a lot happens on campus. Student Activities Council tries,
but it doesn't always work.
- Last semester there was a lot more to do but there is not much this semester.
I would like to see more things to just stop and take a break – like puzzles at different
- The golf course should be moved.
- Students hang out on campus where there are more outside places to hang out.
- A coffee shop near campus would be nice. Maybe a Starbucks on campus?
- Food court closes way too early – extend the food court hours.
- Have a big screen in the Rhatigan Student Center for watching basketball games.
- If we had things to keep people on campus later, those things would help with student
- Cafeteria food choices are not healthy, but not just salads every day either.
- Cost of gas is off-setting cost of food, discouraging healthy eating because junk
food is cheaper.
- Healthy food choices during finals – we don't need cocoa and cupcakes/donuts.
- Make Wichita State University better by offering more PhD programs for each program.
- Let undergraduates know about research they can do. I was at Wichita State University
for ten years and never knew about these opportunities until this past year. Instead,
I was heavily involved in other campus programs for most of that time.
- Not enough interaction between students, clubs, instructors, and staff.
- With Wichita State University's diverse population, not enough is mentioned to the
community about how diverse it is, and not enough is done to combine our diverse communities
into one.
- Financial support.
- Transportation to major events (shuttle bus) and smaller events, prior to the start
of a game to encourage sportsmanship and unity.
- Would like to see more unity among departments (within each department as well as
outside individual departments).
- Parking. As an accelerated student it would be nice to not have to drive all the way
to Derby for classes (I live at Rock and Central).
- Establish “traditions”.
- Bring back football.
- I am an adult learner and frankly, not on campus much or enrolled in student organizations.
I am also in the accelerated nursing program and there is not much time for extra-curricular
activities for me.
- I would pass out these questions to students at the basketball games to get more feedback.
- The distance between buildings is much, to the point that it is time consuming to
get anywhere.
- Spread “hangout” spots around campus to get students moving and talking.
Improve the technology and color (green) on campus as well as improve all organizations.
- Green projects, be self-sustaining.
- Improve the total ranking of the school.
- Help international students with jobs and scholarship opportunities.
- International students have less priority for jobs because of social security issues,
but opportunities should be presented equally to all students.
- I live with relatives. I cannot afford the University of Kansas. Wichita State University
offers entry-level computer and math classes not offered at the University of Kansas.
- The quality of education. Some professors are the best I have had. Others should not
be teaching because they are not qualified.
- Up the standards.
- Some classes I learned a great deal, others I learned nothing. That's no exaggeration.
- More Greek life would help.
- The women' studies department has created organizations and secured good professors
to lead them.
- Get more healthy eating restaurants in the food court.
- No football – it is a waste of money. But it is too bad it went away in the first
- Wichita State University is improving its recruitment of more traditional students.
Please continue doing this. Wichita State University has a reputation of being second
class compared with the University of Kansas and Kansas State University. This needs
to change. Wichita State University does fit well within the Kansas Regents System
of higher education. It fits well with the students in Sedgwick County.
- The library is improving a lot.
- One highlight is the international student population. That's great and should continue.
There are activities on campus. The problem is that people don't show up.
- More Greek life would help.
- The plus/minus system of grading is very concerning. For the dorms, I think visitors
should be allowed without signing in.
- The state of buildings, such as Wilner Auditorium and Neff Hall, is very important
to me, both as a student and a theatre major and an honor's student. Neff could use
a climate-controlled museum.
- School spirit, more on-campus activities.
- Although the campus is diverse, there is still a problem with using the term diverse.
Healthier food places on campus, parking, not too many complaints.
- Parking, new places to eat.
- Parking, healthier food at dorms, school spirit, getting more students to get involved.
- If I didn't attend school here I wouldn't know about the multicultural options. Maybe
there should be a better effort to advertise these options for students.
- The lack of communication between the student body and the faculty and staff.
- Campus relationship with Greek life.
- Concerned about degree competitiveness, student life involvement, and scholarships.
Need to improve Greek life and do more traditional recruiting.
- The campus neglects Greek life.
- The stagnation of SAC (Student Activities Council) and the disconnect between the
campus and Greek life. Campus seems to operate without any consideration for how it
affects students.
- Parking concerns me. The Rhatigan Student Center – just concerned about the longevity
of the project. I'm sure it will look nice when finished. I think we need to improve
the overall culture around Wichita State University – we are supposed to be an urban
- Concerned about how the infrastructure costs (parking garage, residence hall, Rhatigan
Student Center) will affect tuition.
- Parking, without a doubt, needs improvement.
- Parking and security.
- Academics need some improvement. Parking needs improvement.
Parking. OrgSync.
- Limited parking on campus and around dorms. OrgSync – no one uses it or keeps information
- Parking, housing, OrgSync, and security concern me.
- Students are losing autonomy as groups. Faculty work and student work aren't publicized,
which could build the stature of the university.
- Dangerous surrounding neighborhoods. Rising tuition costs. 6% - 9% increases per year
are ridiculous.
- Parking. Whether it is at the dorms or on campus. I don't like that if I drive to
make a late-night McDonald's run that I can't park in the parking lot at the dorms
when I get back. As a small stature girl I do not feel safe walking that far by myself,
so in that way security could be improved.
- Could create a checklist for SGA (Student Government Association) funding.
- How do we get students to buy into the honor's program?
- There is lack of understanding of the basic requirements to be a part of the Honor's
- There is no point to being in the Honor's College.
- I wish we had longer library hours. Possibly staying open until midnight every night.
- Rules in housing are too strict and should be revised, i.e. alcohol and candles.
- Campus needs to have more student-friendly events at night.
- I would like to see more student involvement in undergraduate research.
- I think the Student Activities Council should do more to engage students.
- Bring in more concerts.
- Less frequent and larger events on campus. For example, bring in one big comedian
instead of four we haven't heard of.
- Have events early in the evening to keep students on campus after classes.
- Parking.
- Is it possible to build a bridge over parking?
- Student Government Association funding needs to improve. Fix MyWSU.
- If there is going to be a +/- grading system, then there should be an A+.
- The only part of this campus that is diverse is the fact that there are many different
cultures and races on campus. As far as the way people interact and communicate, I
wouldn't consider it diverse.
- More healthy food.
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