The goal of this NSF Advance Catalyst award is a five-year strategic plan to remove the systemic barriers that cause a shortage of female and minority STEM faculty at all academic ranks and their promotion into leadership positions. 


Research Questions


  • What is the distribution of STEM faculty by gender and minority status according to tenure track status (tenure-track faculty vs non-tenure track teaching faculty), rank, and department?
  • What is the gender and URM distribution of STEM faculty in leadership positions?
  •  Have institutional recruitment and hiring processes led to the underrepresentation of women and URM STEM faculty? If so, which ones?
  • What is the allocation of resources to STEM faculty and is it equitable?
  • What barriers exist to the advancement of female and URM faculty?
  • To what extent are existing structures (policies and procedures) successful at addressing these barriers, and what additional measures should be taken to do so?
Engineering teaching student


  • Perform a Foundational Assessment
  • Create a 5 Year Strategic Plan based on the data from the Foundational Assessment
  • Create a Plan for Sustainability