
Below is a list of equipments available to our lab for research. This is intended as a guide to the kinds of evaluation methodologies we can employ apart from traditional network simulation tools like NS-2 or OPNET, and mathematical analysis and associated numerical evaluations through MATLAB.

1) Measurement and Analysis DPO 4043 Oscilloscope

  • Oscilloscope from Tektronix's (DPO 4034),
  • Digital Multimeters (Agilent 34405A), Digitial Meter
  • Plug/play power meters

Plug/play power metersPlug/play power metersPlug/play power meters

  • Equipped with graphical Programming environment tools like Labview for complicated environmental setup and measurements.

Photo of computer and equipment.

2) Wireless LAN hardware

This includes routers, switches, and various wireless adapters (WNIC) for setting up Wi-Fi networks. We have access to mobile platforms like laptops, PDAs, and of course smart phones that are Wi-Fi enabled. .

3) Wireless Sensor Networks

We have sensor motes and programming boards that work with TinyOs for setting up a wireless sensor network for various applications like home automation and monitoring, fire alarm systems, and Smart Metering infrastructure.


We have access to four discrete RFID readers and tags from Skytek Technologies. Our studies include building models, analysis of protocols, and improving tad identification performance.

Photo of RFID reader.

5) Cognitive Radio

We have USRP devices (from Ettus Research). This allows us to build/duplicate any RF protocol for purpose of analysis and measurements. We typically use this hardware for measuring energy consumption for various wireless protocols.

Photo of USRP device from Ettus Research.