Pictures from Kick-Off Meeting on March 6, 2017
- Group Photo: Project Partners IEEE Wichita Section, IEEE-HKN Epsilon Xi Chapter, WSU
GoBabyGo, and Rainbows United
- Agenda
- Motivation: A Video from GoBabayGo Founder
- Welcome: Satya, one of the initial project member, coordinating the event
- EPICS in IEEE: Anton, one of the initial member, giving an overview of EPICS in IEEE
- IEEE HKN: Nimanthi, IEEE-HKN Epsilon Xi Chapter President, giving an overview of IEEE-HKN
- Needs of Children: Ms. Beth Watkins, WSU GoBabyGo co-Founder, giving an overview of
the needs for ride on cars
- WSU GoBabyGo: Mr. Nathan Smith, WSU GoBabyGo co-Founder, giving an overview of WSU
GoBabayGo program
- EPICS in IEEE at WSU: Thanatheepan, Project Manager EPICS in IEEE at WSU, providing
an outline about the program
- Our Partners: Arun, one of the initial member, introducing our partners
- IEEE Wichita Chapter: Mr. Ken Stuerke, Treasurer IEEE Wichita Section, sharing comments
from IEEE about the program
- Rainbows United: Rainbows United Participants
- Random 1
- Random 2