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2018 Shocker MINDSTORMS Challenge

Maze Runner


Apprentice Mission (Beginner and Beginner II Teams)


Travel through the maze. Scoring is based on robot passing Checkpoints*. Any sensor can be used on your robot. There is a 3-minute time limit to run the course.

NOTE: The Maze Runner was designed to provide (almost) endless configurations for your team to practice navigating their robot through a maze. The build instructions include exact locations for attaching Velcro to the base of the course. You may then attach the walls in any way you wish to create a maze.

NOTE: There is a new configuration for Maze Runner for 2018.

Bill of Materials:

Description Quantity Availability Price/Unit Cost
¾ “ black double sided Velcro
(96215 Hook and Loop Cable Strap)
3 Harbor Freight $6.99 $20.97
5.0mm 4x8 utility PR1S (sometimes 5.2mm)
quarter inch plywood
1 Lowe's $13.97 $13.97
Rustoleum Sunburst Yellow Gloss
(98715 12-oz)
4 Lowe's $3.76 $15.04
Rustoleum Sunburst Flat Black
(99045 12-oz)
3 Lowe's $3.76 $11.28
5/16” staples   On-hand    
Gorrilla Wood Glue 4 oz (94731) 1 Harbor Freight $7.99 $7.99
1 x 6 x 8' White Pine
(951 1x6x8 Top Choice #2 WHTWD)
5 Lowe's $3.13 $15.65
1 1/8” x ¼” x 8' screen strips
(5996 Pne Latt 268 1 1/8 x ¼)
4 Lowe's $3.46 $13.84



Task Points
To start: a part of the robot must be touching the back wall of the starting box area  
Robot crosses Checkpoint 1* 100
Robot crosses Checkpoint 2* 100
Robot crosses Checkpoint 3* 100
Robot crosses Checkpoint 4* 100
Robot crosses Checkpoint 5* 100
Robot crosses Checkpoint 6* 100
Robot crosses Checkpoint 7* 100
Robot crosses Checkpoint 8* 100
Robot crosses Checkpoint 9A (Run ends when these points are scored.) 200
Robot crosses Checkpoint 9B (Run ends when these points are scored.) 100
Total Possible 1000

*Checkpoints can be passed in any order or sequence. They may be skipped if teams choose to do so. In order to achieve points for any checkpoint, all wheels, tracks, or parts of the robot in contact with the base must completely pass the checkpoint. Run is over when the robot crosses either checkpoint 9A or 9B. The run is also declared to be over if the robot becomes stuck and unable to move for 5 seconds.

Build Instructions:

(Note: By building the course following these instructions, there are at least 100 different ways to configure the walls if the Velcro strips are placed as shown on the course drawings.)

  1. Cut the plywood paneling to 72.00” length.
  2. Cut the 1 1/8” lattice strips to length as noted in the drawing:
    • 72.00” = 2 pcs
    • 45.00” = 2 pcs
    • 12.00” = 7 pcs
    • 13.25” = 1 pc
  3. Cut the 1 x 6 pine into lengths as noted in the drawing:
    • 72.00” = 2 pcs
    • 46.50” = 2 pcs
    • 35.25” = 1 pc
    • 23.25” = 5 pcs
    • 12.00 = 2 pcs
  4. Attach the 1 1/8” strips to the bottom of the course as shown in the drawing using wood glue. Clamp or weight the pieces as would be appropriate to maintain proper alignment and minimal gap. Clean up excess. Allow sufficient dry time before further working.
  5. Paint the base with black paint. Apply two coats with sufficient drying time between applications.
  6. Paint the walls with yellow paint. Apply two coats with sufficient drying time between applications.
  7. Cut Velcro into pieces for the bottom of the walls.
    • 72.00” = 2 pcs
    • 46.50” = 2 pcs
    • 35.25” = 1 pc
    • 23.25” = 5 pcs
    • 12.00 = 2 pcs
  8. Cut Velcro into pieces for the top of the walls:
    • 2.00” = 47 pcs
  9. Cut Velcro into pieces for the base of the course:
    • 2.00” = 84 pcs
  10. Cut Velcro into pieces for the wall attachment points:
    • 2.00” = 12 pcs (cut extras as may be needed)
  11. Staple Velcro to bottom of walls. Plastic hooks against the board (hooks up in the final configuration). Staple approximately every 2.00” or less.
  12. Staple Velcro to top of walls in locations approximately as shown. Soft material loops against the board (hooks up in the final configuration). Use 3 staples for each 2.00” piece of Velcro.
  13. Staple Velcro to the base in the locations as shown. Soft material loops against the board (hooks up in the final configuration). Gap between Velcro strips to be approximately 2.00”. Use 3 staples for each 2.00” piece of Velcro.

Maze Runner Configuration for 2018

Maze Runner Points for 2018

Maze Runner Photos:
Photo 1
Photo 2