Ad hoc General Education Committee 2010-11
- CommitteeMembership download
- Agendas for the Committee:
August 27, 2010 -- October 22, 2010
- Resources:
1. Student Engagement at WSU: what can we learn from five years of NSSE
information (powerpoint presentation)
2. CLA Scores for Seniors, 2007 - 2010 (powerpoint presentation)
3. KBOR Transfer and Articulation Policy
4. Transfer Guide AA degree-- General Education--WSU
5. WSU General Education Course Data 2007 - 2010
6. Report of the Faculty Senate Ad hoc General Education Committee -
May 2002
7. WSU General Education program from the Perspective of Engineering curricula
8. Higher Learning Commission Self Study
9. Data prepared for meeting 9-10-10