Dr. Maojun Gong, PhD

Assistant Professor, 2012-Present

BS and BA, University of Science and Technology of China

PhD, University of Cincinnati, with Dr. William Heineman

Postdoc, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, with Dr. Jonathan Sweedler

Postdoc, University of Michigan Ann Arbor, with Dr. Robert Kennedy

Dr. Qingfu Zhu, PhD

Postdoc, April 2016-present.

PhD, University of Jena, Germany, 2015

Master, Wuhan University, China, 2011

BS, Huazhong Agricultural University, China, 2008

BS, Wuhan University, China, 2008

Mr. Naveen Maddukuri, PhD Candidate, August 2013-present. Email: nxmaddukuri@wichita.eduPhoto of Naveen Maddukuri, PhD Candidate, August 2013.

Research Description:

My research project is focused on the separation and detection of amino acids and catecholamines using CE-LIF (capillary electrophoresis coupled with laser-induced fluorescence detection). The goal is to develop microfluidic systems and technologies to perform sensitive and selective detection of amino acids and their metabolites in biological fluids including urine, blood plasma and cerebrospinal fluid. The basic strategy is based on the pre- or post-column fluorogenic derivatization of these analytes by using various derivatization reagents. We expect to build integrated microfluidic systems and technologies targeting cancer screening and diagnosis as well as in vivo neurotransmitter measurements in rat brain.

Mr. Ning Zhang, 2015-present.

Ms. Shan Shi, 2016-present

Undergradute students

Tiffany Nguyen

Photo of Tiffany Nguyen.

Branden Tang

Photo of Branden Tang..


  • Dr. Qiyang Zhang, PhD, 2012-2016. Dissertation: Flow-Gated Capillary Electrophoresis for Rapid Analysis of Biological Samples.Photo of Dr. Qiyang Zhang.


Michael Stoller (Spring 2013 - Summer 2013)
Stephen Betts (Summer 2013 - Fall 2013)

Kirk Hemphill (Fall 2013)
Koichiro Saeki (Fall 2013)
