1. Zhu, Q., Zhang, Q., Zhang, N., and Gong, M. "Alternate Injections Coupled with Flow-Gated Capillary Electrophoresis for Rapid and Accurate Quantitative Analysis of Urine Samples", Analytica Chimica Acta 2017, Submitted.
  2. Maddukuri, N., Zhang, Q., Zhang, N., and Gong, M. "Rapid labeling of amino acid neurotransmitters with a fluorescent thiol in the presence of o-phthalaldehyde", Electrophoresis 2017, 38, 507-512.
  3. Zhang, Q. and Gong, M. "On-line preconcentration of fluorescent derivatives of catecholamines in cerebrospinal fluid using flow-gated capillary electrophoresis", Journal of Chromatography A 2016, 1450, 112-120.
  4. Zhang, Q., Maddukuri, N., & Gong, M. "A direct and rapid method to determine cyanide in urine by capillaryelectrophoresis", Journal of Chromatography A 2015, 1414, 158-162.
  5. Zhang, Q. & Gong, M. "Prototyping of Poly(dimethylsiloxane) Interfaces for Flow Gating, Reagent Mixing, and Tubing Connection in Capillary Electrophoresis", Journal of Chromatography A 2014, 1324, 231-237.
  6. Piruska, A., Gong, M., Sweedler, J.V. & Bohn, P.W. "Nanofluidics in chemical analysis", Chemical Society Reviews 2010, 39, 1060-1072.
  7. Kim, B.Y., Yang, J., Gong, M., Flachsbart, B.R., Shannon, M.A., Bohn, P.W. & Sweedler, J.V. "Multidimensional Separation of Chiral Amino Acid Mixtures in a Multilayered Three-Dimensional Hybrid Microfluidic/Nanofluidic Device", Analytical Chemistry 2009, 81, 2715-2722.
  8. Gong, M.J., Wehmeyer, K.R., Halsall, H.B. & Heineman, W.R. "Detection of VEGF(165) Using an Aptamer Affinity Probe in Microchip Capillary Electrophoresis", Current Pharmaceutical Analysis 2009, 5, 156-163.
  9. Gong, M., Bohn, P.W. & Sweedler, J.V. "Centrifugal Sedimentation for Selectively Packing Channels with Silica Microbeads in Three-Dimensional Micro/Nanofluidic Devices", Analytical Chemistry 2009, 81, 2022-2026.
  10. Maojun, G., Bo Young, K., Flachsbart, B.R., Shannon, M.A., Bohn, P.W. & Sweedler, J.V. "An On-Chip Fluorogenic Enzyme Assay Using a Multilayer Microchip Interconnected With a Nanocapillary Array Membrane", Sensors Journal, IEEE 2008, 8, 601-607.
  11. Gong, M., Nikcevic, I., Wehmeyer, K.R., Limbach, P.A. & Heineman, W.R. "Protein-aptamer binding studies using microchip affinity capillary electrophoresis", ELECTROPHORESIS 2008, 29, 1415-1422.
  12. Gong, M., Flachsbart, B.R., Shannon, M.A., Bohn, P.W. & Sweedler, J.V. "Fluidic communication between multiple vertically segregated microfluidic channels connected by nanocapillary array membranes", ELECTROPHORESIS 2008, 29, 1237-1244.
  13. Dalavoy, T.S., Wernette, D.P., Gong, M., Sweedler, J.V., Lu, Y., Flachsbart, B.R., Shannon, M.A., Bohn, P.W. & Cropek, D.M. "Immobilization of DNAzyme catalytic beacons on PMMA for Pb2+ detection", Lab on a Chip 2008, 8, 786-793.
  14. Gong, M.J., Wehmeyer, K.R., Limbach, P.A. & Heineman, W.R. "Flow manipulation for sweeping with a cationic surfactant in microchip capillary electrophoresis", Journal of Chromatography A 2007, 1167, 217-224.
  15. Gong, M., Wehmeyer, K.R., Stalcup, A.M., Limbach, P.A. & Heineman, W.R. "Study of injection bias in a simple hydrodynamic injection in microchip CE", ELECTROPHORESIS 2007, 28, 1564-1571.
  16. Gong, M., Wehmeyer, K.R., Limbach, P.A. & Heineman, W.R. "Frontal analysis in microchip CE: A simple and accurate method for determination of protein–DNA dissociation constant", ELECTROPHORESIS 2007, 28, 837-842.
  17. Gong, M.J., Wehmeyer, K.R., Limbach, P.A. & Heineman, W.R. "On-line sample preconcentration by sweeping with dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide in capillary zone electrophoresis", Journal of Chromatography A 2006, 1125, 263-269.
  18. Gong, M., Wehmeyer, K.R., Limbach, P.A. & Heineman, W.R. "Unlimited-Volume Electrokinetic Stacking Injection in Sweeping Capillary Electrophoresis Using a Cationic Surfactant", Analytical Chemistry 2006, 78, 6035-6042.
  19. Gong, M., Wehmeyer, K.R., Limbach, P.A., Arias, F. & Heineman, W.R. "On-Line Sample Preconcentration Using Field-amplified Stacking Injection in Microchip Capillary Electrophoresis", Analytical Chemistry 2006, 78, 3730-3737.
