Department Contacts
All area codes are 316-
Career Development Center 978-3688 careerdevelopment@Wichita.edu
- Cooperative Education/Internships 978-3688 careerdevelopment@Wichita.edu
- Counseling and Testing Center 978-3440
- Disability Services 978-3309
- Diversity and Inclusion Office 978-3034
- Financial Aid office 978-3430
- Graduate School 978-3095 wsugradschool@Wichita.edu
- Help Desk (login/password issues) 978-HELP (4357)
- Heskett Center / Campus Recreation 978-3082
- Library, Ablah 978-3481
- LGBTQ Resources 978-3456 spectrum@wichita.edu
- Midwest Student Exchange 978-3073
- Music Library 978-3029
- National Student Exchange 978-3149
- ONE STOP 978-3909
- Police Department 978-3450
- Registrar’s Office (transcripts, enrollment) 978-3055 978-3090
- Rhatigan Student Center 978-4636
- Student Government Association 978-3480 sga@Wichita.edu
- Student Involvement 978-3022 getinvolved@Wichita.edu
- Sunflower Student Newspaper 978-3640 www.thesunflower.com
- University Bookstore 978-3490
- University Information Center 978-4636
WSU South Campus/Shocker Studios
3805 E. Harry St. 978-8000
- WSU West Campus, 29th & Maize Rd. 978-6770