Chapter 19 / Curriculum, Course Rotation and Scholarships

  1. Curriculum

    Always consult current University Catalog for exact requirements.

    All Wichita State University degrees require a minimum of 45 credit hours (cr.hrs.) of Upper Division coursework (300 level or above) earned from a 4-year institution.

    The Degrees

    The School of Performing Arts Musical Theatre Program offers the following degrees:

    Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA)
    Bachelor of Arts (BA)

    The Musical Theatre Program consists of the following credit hour requirement areas.

    Credit hour requirements for MT. Minimum overall GPA required: 2.0
    TOTAL 124 120  
     *courses require advisor approval BFA BA Minor
    Gen Ed 42 42 n/a
    Theatre 29 23 n/a
    Dance 26 15 n/a
    Music/Voice 27 15 n/a
    Electives* n/a 10 n/a
    Outside SPA courses* n/a 15 n/a

    See the SPA Academic Information chapter for Gen Ed & SPA Core Curriculum requirements. 

    See the Appendix for Musical Theatre Check Sheets and Plans of Study.

  2. Course Rotation

    Theatre Requirements
     TOTAL   29  
    THEA Course Name Credit Hours (29) Semester  Offered
    180E* Performing Arts Seminar 1 every Fall
    243 Acting I 3 every semester
    254 Stage Makeup 2 every semester
    260 Music Theatre History 3 every Fall
    330* Musical Theatre Lab 2 every Spring
    342 Advanced Acting  3 every Spring
    530 Musical Theatre Scene Study 2 every Spring 
    610 Directing for the Musical 3 Fall / odd years 
    630* Musical Theatre & Opera audition  every Fall
    643 Styles of Acting  every Fall
    555* Senior Project 1 every semester
      Choose one of the following: 3  
    244 Stagecraft   every semester 
    253 Costuming for Stage & Film   every semester
    345 Stage Lighting I   every semester 

    Dance Requirements
    TOTAL   27  
    DANC Course Name Credit Hours Semester Offered
    201 Modern I 3 every semester 
    210 Ballet I 3 every semester
    235 Jazz I 3 every semester 
    240 Tap I 3 every Fall
    310 Ballet II 3 every semester 
    332 Musical Theatre Dance I 3 every Fall
    335 Jazz II 3 every semester
    340 Tap II 3 every Spring
    432 Musical Theatre Dance II 3 every Spring

    Music Requirements
    TOTAL   26  
      Course Name Credit Hours Semester Offered
    MUSA 232Y Voice 8 (2 CH for four semesters) every semester
    MUSA 432Y Voice 4 (2 CH for two semesters) every semester
    MUSC 127 Theory I 2 every Fall
    MUSC 128 Theory II 2  every Spring
    MUSC 129 Aural Skills I 2 every Fall
    MUSC 130 Aural Skills 2 2 every Spring
    MUSA 113P  Piano 1 every Fall
    MUSA 114P Piano 1 every Spring
    MUSP 212F Choir 2 (1 CH for two semesters) every semester
    MUSP 340 Vocal Coaching 2 (1 CH for two semesters) every semester
  3. Scholarships

    Scholarships are available for MT students. Specific scholarship criteria can be obtained from the Program Director of MT and the SPA office. Contact the Financial Aid office for additional scholarships available through the University.


    • Student must be a declared MT major
    • Students must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 in the major and 2.75 overall.
    • The student must enroll in and maintain a minimum 12 cr.hrs. throughout each semester of scholarship award, 6 of which must be in Music, Theatre, and/or Dance.


    • Recipients must audition for all music theatre productions
    • Recipients must be actively involved in the activities of the program
    • Recipients must actively participate in all MT production workdays and strikes

    Students should write yearly thank you notes to any living donor