First adopted by vote of the college on March 18, 2005. Revisions approved by Executive Council on March 13, 2012;
March 8, 2022 upon recommendation of the Student Affairs Committee.
Professional conduct and ethical patient management and behavior are exemplified by a way of life rather than simply by a set of regulations which must be obeyed. Each violation of the standards diminishes the dignity and credibility of the entire profession.
An important responsibility for the protection of the public and the profession rests with the departments in the College of Health Professions. Therefore, the College of Health Professions supports and embraces all relevant Wichita State University policies and procedures:
Relevant Wichita State University Policies and Procedures:
2.17 / Student Academic Integrity (Cheating in any form)
8.05 / Student Code of Conduct (University guidelines relative to student conduct and disciplinary procedures)
8.20/ Court of Student Academic Appeals (Grade Appeals Only)
Procedures of the Court of Student Appeals (Grade Appeals Only)
Download the Academic Appeals Form (Grade Appeals Only)
Failure to maintain a prescribed academic standing and/or failure to uphold professional ethical standards of behavior required in academic programs of study is a justifiable cause for assignment of a failing or below average grade in an individual course, and/or for dismissal from a College of Health Professions program and/or from the college. Absolute discretion is permitted to the faculty to assess student performance, level of scholarship, and ethical/professional behavior as long as the assessment is consistent with professional standards in the discipline.
When a student encounters academic difficulties in the attainment of knowledge, skills or abilities that may lead to dismissal, an opportunity for review is provided. Although this review does not require full adversarial hearings or legal counsel, some procedures are necessary.
These procedures provide an opportunity for review and reconsideration relating to academic dismissal involving three basic components:
A requirement that the department inform the student in writing of inadequacies in performance and the effect of these deficiencies on academic standing;
The student is given the opportunity to explain the reasons for his or her poor performance and provide any information that might lead the faculty or the department to conclude that his or her performance in the future would improve and be considered satisfactory; and
A requirement that the department's decision-making be careful and deliberate. The academic review procedure within the College of Health Professions embodies faculty evaluation of cognitive and non- cognitive performance at the course level for assignment of grades. Non-cognitive performance includes but is not limited to technical and interpersonal skills, attitudes, professional character and conduct, and ethical behavior. Academic departments review academic progress throughout the student's education and determine whether: satisfactory progress is being made; remedial work is needed; counseling regarding patient management or professional and ethical conduct is needed; or the student should be dismissed.
Student Academic Dishonesty
All cases of student academic dishonesty (cheating in any form) in the College of Health Professions are handled in accordance with policy set forth by Wichita State University:
8.05 / Student Code of Conduct (University guidelines relative to student conduct and disciplinary procedures)
It is the policy of the Kansas Board of Regents that student academic dishonesty is not tolerated on the campuses of the Regent's institutions. Students violating academic honesty standards must accept the consequences and appropriately assessed penalties, which may include reprimand, a failing grade, or suspension or dismissal from an academic program or the University. Students accused of abridging a standard of academic honesty will be provided with mechanisms for review and appeal of decisions regarding allegations of their academic misconduct.
All student grade appeals in the College of Health Professions are handled in accordance with policy set forth by Wichita State University:
8.20 /Court of Student Academic Appeals (Grade Appeals Only)
Procedures of the Court of Student Academic Appeals (Grade Appeals Only)
The intent of this University policy is to resolve any grade dispute at the lowest level possible, beginning with the instructor. If the student and the instructor are unable to resolve the dispute, the matter is referred to the academic department chair. If the department chair is unable to resolve the dispute, the matter is referred to the college dean (or the dean's representative). If the matter remains unresolved, it is referred to the Wichita State University Court of Student Academic Appeals in accordance with university policy noted above.
Please refer to the current Wichita State University Undergraduate and Graduate Catalogs, which provide detailed explanations of various exceptions available to students based on university-level policy. These exceptions include: academic forgiveness, change of grades, court of student academic appeals, university exceptions committee, etc.
For the College of Health Professions, the college exceptions committee duties are performed by the college Student Affairs Committee.
Undergraduate Student Dismissal Appeal Policy And Procedures
The following policy relative to dismissal appeals shall be applicable to pre-professional and professional undergraduate students enrolled in the College of Health Professions. Students dismissed from the college for any reason will be informed in writing by the program director,department chair, or dean.
NOTE: The Wichita State University Graduate School receives recommendations for dismissal for all graduate programs. If a graduate student is dismissed by the Graduate School, they may appeal to the Graduate Council. For further information concerning the Graduate School's dismissal process, please see "Academics - Probation, Dismissal and Amnesty." The Graduate Council's role in the appeal process can be found in the Graduate Catalog under "Graduate Council."
Grounds for a Dismissal Appeal
A student may file a dismissal appeal if he/she feel one of the following grounds applies:
The dismissal was not in accordance with published department or College of Health Professions policy;
The dismissal was arbitrary or capricious; or
The dismissal was determined on a basis other than academic performance in class, clinical, or professional performance.
Dismissal Appeal Policy
Departmental procedures for appealing a dismissal must be followed prior to appealing the dismissal atthe College of Health Professions level. If the student has followed the appropriate departmental grievance procedure without satisfaction with the resolution, he/she may file a request for a hearing with the College of Health Professions Student Affairs Committee. The Student Affairs Committee is a standing committee within the College of Health Professions. Its membership is determined by college policy.
The Committee can uphold the dismissal or require the department to reinstate the student in a manner determined by the department. This manner of reinstatement may include but is not limited to repeating prior course work, being placed on academic probation for the remainder of the program, or continuing in an altered curriculum or a remedial program as determined by the department.
Students who appeal their dismissal may remain enrolled in their program and attend didactic classes until they have exhausted all appeals up through the level of the dean. (Please refer to university policies, including 2.17 Student Academic Honesty, and 8.05 Student Code of Conduct) Students in clinical training may continue only at the discretion of the faculty (department committee) and department chair.
After exhausting appeals, students dismissed from programs in the College of Health Professions may be readmitted only by applying for admission to a program and following normal admissions procedures.
Procedures for Filing a Dismissal Appeal
The student must file a written appeal with the College of Health Professions dean's office within 5 weekday school days (when school is in session) after notification of dismissal by the department citing one or more of the grounds listed above.
The appeal must be filed on the Academic Grievance Form (attached at the end of this document). The form should contain pertinent information related to the appeal including:
Dates, times, and places of events in question;
Names of any witnesses;
Facts of the grievance and action requested;
Grounds for the appeal; and
Outline of efforts and actions already taken by the student to resolve the grievance.
The College of Health Professions associate dean will attempt to resolve the grievance prior to determining a need for a formal hearing. If the student still wishes to proceed, the College of Health Professions associate dean will evaluate the submitted request for an appeal to determine if it is complete and meets the requirements of the Academic Grievance Policy. If it is incomplete, the student must submit the required documentation within 5 weekday school days (when school is in session) after consultation with the associate dean. If not submitted within the 5 weekday school days (when school is in session), the request will be deemed withdrawn.
The decision to proceed with an appeal will be made within 5 weekday school days (when school is in session). If the Committee hears the appeal, a decision will be made concerning the grievance.
The College of Health Professions associate dean will provide a copy of the completed Academic Grievance Form to the department chair. The chair will respond in writing within 5 weekday school days (when school is in session). The associate dean will provide a copy to the student within 5 weekday school days (when school is in session) after receiving the materials. At least 5 weekday school days (when school is in session) prior to the hearing, the associate dean will provide copies of all documents received from the student and the chair to the Committee members.
Student Affairs Committee Hearing Procedure Rules
Once an appeal process is initiated, all components of the appeal process, including both written and verbal components, are confidential and not to be discussed with any person who is not a member of the Committee. Minutes of the hearing proceedings are confidential, shall be kept for 3 years and made available to the parties concerned in the event a subsequent appeal is filed.
The Student Affairs Committee will conduct the appeal hearing within 15 weekday school days (when school is in session) after the need for a hearing has been determined. The hearing will be chaired by the associate dean.
In cases in which a Committee member is a party to the grievance, when the Chair of the Student Affairs Committee determines a Committee member will have a conflict of interest, or in cases in which a Committee member is to serve as a witness, that member shall not participate in the hearing of those grievances as a member of the Committee.
Both the student and faculty member appearing before the Committee will be permitted to have present an advisor of their choice who is a member of Wichita State University academic or professional staff. It is recommended that the Student Government Association Student Ombudsman be considered for the student's advisor. The role of the advisor will be to counsel the individual. Advisors may not directly participate in the hearing. Neither the student nor faculty member may select an attorney as his or her advisor.
The student and the Committee shall have access to the student's academic record according to the Wichita State University policy for record review/access. Student records are protected under the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974. Testimony and documentation regarding the circumstances of another student will be considered by the Committee only if it comes from that other student. Requirements of confidentiality of all student records will be strictly followed in all circumstances.
Both parties concerned and the Committee shall be afforded an opportunity to obtain and present testimony and written evidence relevant to the complaint.
Both parties concerned and the Committee shall have the right to examine all written exhibits. A list of intended witnesses and a list of intended written exhibits will be exchanged within 5 weekday school days (when school is in session) in advance of the hearing.
The decision of the Committee shall be based on the evidence introduced at the hearing and other related documentation. The associate dean will shall inform the department chair and the student in writing, within 5 weekday school days (when school is in session) of the conclusion of the hearing, of the decision, the supporting reasons for the decision, and the rights of either party to appeal.
The time frames specified in this document may be modified at the discretion of the associate dean for
good cause shown. All parties are to be notified in writing of the decision.
Appeals to the Decision of the Student Affairs Committee
An appeal of the decision of the Student Affairs Committee may be made by the student, department, or faculty member to the College of Health Professions dean only on the grounds that the procedures provided for in this academic grievance policy were not followed.
This appeal must be filed in the dean's office within 10 weekday school days (when school is in session) after notification of the Committee's decision and must include the procedural grounds on which the appeal is based. The dean will make a decision concerning the appeal and inform the student in writing of that decision within 10 weekday school days (when school is in session).
The decision of the College of Health Professions dean is final.
Academic Grievance Form
This Academic Grievance Form is to be completed by the student when he/she is appealing a dismissal from a department or program within the College of Health Professions.
Name: Major:
Phone: Email:
Please indicate which of the following grounds applies:
The dismissal was not in accordance with published department or college policy;
The dismissal was arbitrary or capricious; or
The dismissal was determined on a basis other than academic class, clinical, or professional performance.
When filing an appeal with the Student Affairs Committee you must provide all of the information to the Committee in writing. You may use this form, or you may address all of the areas identified in a separate document which is to be signed and dated by you and attached to this form. Please indicate clearly:
Dates, times, and places of events in question;
Names of any witnesses;
Facts of the grievance and action requested;
Grounds for the appeal; and
Outline of efforts and actions you have already taken to resolve the grievance.
Signature: Date:
RETURN this completed form with all supporting documentation to the dean's office, College of Health Professions, Room 400 Ahlberg Hall, Wichita State University.