Intercollegiate bowling is considered an independent varsity sport by the Office of the Registrar at Wichita State University. As such, students who initially try-out for the Shocker bowling program in the Fall Semester are entitled to enroll in Human Performance Studies (H.P.S.) 110D - Shocker Bowling (please check with the coaching staff for the appropriate section number). Shocker bowlers taking H.P.S. 110D are given one college credit-hour for successful completion of all basic requirements expected of anyone who wishes to be a member of the Shocker Bowling Program. The time and effort each Shocker bowler commits to the program is rewarded by enrolling in H.P.S. 110D and receiving one hour of course credit toward completion of his/her degree. There are only a small number of colleges and universities in the United States giving college credit for participation in Intercollegiate Bowling. Shocker bowlers at WSU are indeed fortunate to have this benefit.



Each member of the bowling program is allowed to take H.P.S. 110D in the fall semester; however, there will be certain expectations of anyone who wishes to receive one hour of credit.

A. Attendance and completion of all scheduled try-outs.

B. Mandatory attendance for Fall Semester Educational Bowling Classes (only one fall semester class absence, for any reason, is allowed).

C. Completion of any other assigned duties; i.e. class homework, tests, quizzes, etc.


This credit hour also has special requirements as listed:

A. Prerequisite to receiving course credit for the spring semester is the accomplishment of “A" from the above fall semester requirements.

B. Same as “B” in above Fall Semester requirements.

C. Same as “C” in above Fall Semester requirements.


HPS 110D is an added benefit of being a bowling program participant. For all of the time and effort put into a student-athlete’s bowling training, a program participant can earn one (1) hour of academic credit each semester. HOWEVER, whether enrolled in HPS 110D or not, it is an expectation of the coaching staff that all program participants attend every scheduled bowling Educational Session. As such, written notification of anticipated class absences is required by each student-athlete, ahead of time, preferably two (2) weeks in advance.