CMH-17 Reorganization

CMH-17 Organization

  • Handbook content is developed by a volunteer organization of members from industry government and academia, called the Coordination Group
  • Working Groups (WG) and Task Groups (TG) consist of coordination group members who write, edit, and maintain sections of the handbook
    • The WG and TG Chairpersons make up the Executive Committee
  • Handbook Chairpersons are from the FAA
  • Industry Leaders are selected for each material system to supplement FAA leadership
  • The Secretariat is contracted to provide meeting services, maintain material databases, provide technical review and statistically analyze data, maintain historical archives, maintain the website, and coordinate publication with SAE.
  • An Independent Advisory Committee (IAC) is made up of senior representatives from aerospace industry to influence organization priorities

The Organization is currently going through some significant changes as we seek efficiency. Actively merging from four coordination groups for each material system (PMC – including sandwich, CMC, MMC, and AM) into one combined coordination group.

CMH-17 Organizational Chart: Leaders Group, Independent Advisory Committee, Executive Committee, Combined Coordination Group (All Members)