Am I eligible for Veterans Upward Bound?
To benefit from our FREE educational services you must meet a few simple eligibility requirements:
• All participants must have at least 180 days of active duty service, or if less than 180 days, must be released for medical reasons. All discharges qualify except dishonorable.
• All participants must be either low-income (based on your taxable income and number of dependents in your household) or first-generation college students (neither parent earned a 4-year degree).
• All participants must demonstrate academic potential as well as have academic need. Not all students have the same needs. Some students require developmental coursework, while others need more assistance in cutting through the red tape associated with college enrollment.
• All participants must have the desire and willingness to learn.
If you are not sure if you qualify give us a call at (316) 978-6742, we would be glad to explain the eligibility requirements in further detail.
When should I apply?
Apply as soon as possible!!! The goal of our program is to prepare Veterans for beginning, or returning to, post-secondary education. The ideal time to begin the program is at least one semester before you want to start college.