Organizational Development IconmyTraining

myTraining is the integrated training management system for employees at Wichita State University. Through myTraining, WSU faculty, staff, and student employees have access to free training sessions for both personal and professional development.

Learn more and explore today at

Accessing myTraining

Wichita State Faculty/Staff/Student Employees can myTraining through myWSU.

Faculty/Staff Instructions

  1. Log into myWSU
  2. Faculty/Staff tab
  3. Employee Training, Resources & Professional Development channel
  4. Click on the myTraining link


myWSU: Faculty/Staff Tab image

myWSU: Employee Training, Resources & Professional Development Channel image

myTraining image


Student Employee Instructions

  1. Log into myWSU
  2. myFinances tab
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to find the Student Employee Training channel
  4. Click on the myTraining link


myFinances Tab

Student Employee Training channel

myTraining image


HR Organizational Development icon

Created: 2/18/2021 SRAP