Wrapping Up Your Class in a Master Classroom

Once your class is over, it is time to log off the computer, turn off the equipment, and replace and close up things for the next person. Use the steps below as a checklist to ensure that everything is all set before you head out.

Step 1: Signing Off

When your class is over, close all applications on the computer and “double click” on the “Sign Off” icon. 

Make sure you are signed out of the computer before you leave the classroom as others may be using the room and computer shortly after you leave.

Step 2: Turning Off Equipment

The next step is to turn off all of the classroom equipment that you used. To do this you need to once again, press “Power Controls” on the touch panel.

Then press on the projector’s current "ON" status.

You may also turn off the podium by pressing its current status button in the lower right corner. 

The status will turn red with the word “off” shown.

Step 3: Turning Off the Mic

If you used the microphone in your class, you will need to turn it off and replace it before leaving. The "Off" switch is located on top of the microphone.

Lavalier microphone turned off with no light eminating from the indicator

After turning the microphone off, place it back in its bag. Make sure you place the bag back in the media cabinet, where you originally found it.

Lavalier microphone in its pouch should be placed back in the media cabinet or lectern. 

Step 4: Locking Up

After all of the equipment is turned off and placed in the media cabinet, lock the media cabinet with your C390A key.

C390A key is used to lock the lectern or media cabinet when class is over.

If you have problems during any of these steps, help is available. Call Campus Media Services at 978-3588 for immediate assistance or submit a ticket and a CMS team member will get back to you shortly. If a service technician is unable to help you resolve the error over the phone, one will arrive quickly on-site. Lastly, please note it is essential that you call for assistance while you are experiencing the problem so that we can best troubleshoot the error as it occurs.