Steps to Generate Course Reports within Project Results

This is the source to create the individual course results.

  1. Click on the link in the the Results email or log in to Blackboard.
    1. The link will take you directly to the CES Dashboard.
    2. In Blackboard, click on Tools on the Main Page not on your Course Page.
      1. Click on Watermark - CES Course Evaluations Box.  The screen shown below will appear.
  2. The boxes shown on the dashboard are called widgets and there is one for each part of the CES Process.
  3. Under the Project Results widget, click on the semester project link that you want to view. 
    1. The project names will include the semester and year followed by Main Course Evaluation.
    2. Please note that in the following examples the project names do not match.Screenshot showing link to the course for review
  4. Please read the special Note message.  This pertains to those courses that may not appear under Project Results.  
    1. If for some reason a semester’s evaluation project does not appear in the widget box, then please see instructions on No Project Results.  
  5. The course(s) that received enough data for results will be listed.
  6. A result report can be generated for each course.  Select the course you want, then click on the download icon under Report.
  7. Screenshot showing Project Results page, with link to download report.  Note reads: "Courses with response rates lower than the threshold set up by your administrator may not be displayed below. Select your report option.
  8. Screenshot: Project results page with arrow pointing to report options, including Detailed report, Detailed report + comments, Short Report, Short Report + comments, and FeedbackA PDF report of your results will be generated for that semester’s course evaluation.
    1. It will show the semester’s project title.
    2. It will list the course, instructor, and the overall response rate.
    3. Depending on the report selection, it will list the results. Below is an example of a Detailed Report.
    4. The bottom of the report will list the Means of Means Calculations.
    5. If you would like to have more information regarding each report, see Types of Results Reporting.
  9. Watermark’s Course Evaluations & Surveys platform will store all course evaluation results. You will be able to view them at any time. 

Screenshot of PDF report

Screenshot of means ratings for the course and the instructor