Following these guidelines will help you use your time wisely when seeking help and enable an interaction that focuses on you mastering the concepts and skills needed to excel in the course.
Dos and Don'ts
- Seek help early in the semester and at the first signs that a class or concept may be difficult
- Come to any tutoring session prepared
- Attend all classes and keep up to date on assignments
- Read assigned texts
- Attempt assigned problems and assignments before any tutoring session
- Use other resources such as the instructor's office hours and TA office hours
- Bring all course materials to any tutoring session
- Textbook(s), syllabus, notes, handouts, previous tests and/or test results, and a calculator, if needed
- Work toward mastering concepts and skills rather than focusing on obtaining the answers to specific questions.
- Maintain a good attitude about the subject and the potential to succeed.
- A positive attitude, combined with willingness to seek appropriate help and exercising solid work habits, will do much to determine success in a course.
- Wait until the day before an assignment is due or when you're already severely struggling in the course to seek help
- Don't get frustrated! Virtually every student will be challenged at some point with course work.
When meeting with a tutor please keep in mind:
Tutors can
- Review notes
- Clarify concepts
- Answer questions
- Explain / demonstrate problems
- Interpret tests
- Provide study skills help
- Give suggestions for test and note taking
Tutors cannot
- Do students’ homework
- Introduce new concepts
- Help students’ with take home tests