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Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Conference

Hosted by the Kansas Department of Commerce, the Kansas Board of Regents and the Kansas Department for Children and Families

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Conference will feature a series of presentations and workshops aimed at enhancing and improving workforce solutions in the State of Kansas.

Please watch this page for information on the 2019 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Conference


2018 Conference Schedule at a Glance:

Sunday, October 7
4:00 - 7:00pm Registration
Monday, October 8
7:30am Check-In and Registration for Pre-Conference & Conference
8:15 - 11:00am

Office of Civil Rights Compliance Training:
Ensuring Administrative and Physical Accessibility at your Institution

8:15 - 9:00am
(choose one session)
Breakout Session 1: GED Update
Breakout Session 2: KBOR Funding 101
9:15 - 10:00am
(choose one session)

Breakout Session 3: Adult Education Update
Breakout Session 4: Carl Perkins Grant Managers Update
WIOA Board Orientation: What Every Board Member Should Know

10:15 - 11:00am
(choose one session)
General Session: WIOA Funding 101
WIOA Board Orientation: What Every Board Member Should Know
11:00 - 11:30am
(choose one session)
Breakout Session 5: Kansas Council for Workforce Education Association Update
Breakout Session 6: Kansas Adult Education Association Update
Main Conference  
11:00 - 11:30am Visit Exhibitors
11:30 am - 1:15pm Lunch Keynote: Dr. Michael Eric Wooten
1:30 - 2:30pm Panel Presentation: Governor's Education Council
2:45 - 3:45pm

Concurrent Breakout Sessions

Breakout 1: How Texas is Strengthening Student Persistence Through Guided Pathways

Breakout 2: Using Innovation to Employ Persons With Disabilities

Breakout 3: Key Strategies for Utilizing Impactful Digital Credentials

Breakout 4: It Takes a Village (of Collaborators!) to Support Your Talent Development Pipeline

Breakout 5: Making OJTs Work for You

Breakout 6: Promising Practices in Business Engagement

Breakout 7: Strategic Approach to Industry Attraction and Job Growth

Breakout 8: Preparing Your Students for Today's Workforce

4:00 - 5:00pm

Concurrent Breakout Sessions

Breakout 9: Compulsory Attendance - Learn All About It

Breakout 10: Digital Badges and Enhancing Employment Potential

Breakout 11: The New K-12 Commitment to Workforce

Breakout 12: Underutilized Funding
TAA   KHPOP   WOTC   Federal Bonding Program

Breakout 13: Youth Employment Program: Collaborative Approach

Breakout 14: Put Your Employers to Work! Proven Strategies for Business Engagement in Talent Development

Breakout 15: Panel: Four-Year Degree Programs for Workforce Development

Breakout 16: One Good Reason

5:00 - 6:30pm Exhibitor Reception
Tuesday, October 9
7:30am Check-In and Registration
8:15am Welcome & Panel Introductions
8:30 - 9:30am Panel Presentation: Linking the Talent Pipeline
9:45 - 10:45am

Concurrent Breakout Sessions

Breakout 17: Digital Literacy to Supply a Regional Workforce

Breakout 18: The Kansas Vision: Building Our Future Workforce

Breakout 19: Growing Your Own Workforce

Breakout 20: New Campus Development Through Local Partnerships

Breakout 21: How to Enhance Knowledge of WIOA Partner Programs

Breakout 22: Registered Apprenticeship

Breakout 23: Hire By Trial

Breakout 24: Kansas CTE: How It Works for Kansas

11:00 - 11:30am Visit Exhibitors
11:30 am - 1:00pm

Remarks: Governor Jeff Colyer

Lunch Keynote: Jeffrey A. Finkle

1:15 - 2:15pm Panel Presentation
2:30 - 3:30pm

Concurrent Breakout Sessions

Breakout 25: Federal Grant Management 101

Breakout 26: Employee Engagement and Retention: Hitting the Moving Target

Breakout 27: Collaboration Stimulates the Pipeline

Breakout 28: Discover the Wichita Promise Move

Breakout 29: How to Advocate Workforce Issues as a Board Member

Breakout 30: GED Website: A Plethora of Resources For All

Breakout 31: Getting Career Pathways to Work

Breakout 32: Workforce Innovation Center - Envision Employment and Rehabilitation

3:45 - 5:00pm

General Session & Closing

The Elite Leader: Jared Johnson Leadership


Conference Contact
Paula Downs, Professional Development Manager
Wichita State University Public Policy and Management Center
(316) 978-6678


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