wichita.edu/calendar categories 

Use the codes below with the Calendar Component in the CMS toolbar to post a calendar feed to your pages.

0 = Events in all Categories
66 = Academic Calendar
44 = ADCI
32 = Arts and Entertainment
24 = Athletics
53 = Barton School of Business
40 = Campus Recreation
65 = Career Development Center
90 = Center for Entrepreneurship
94 = Center for Management Development
63 = Choral Ensemble
54 = College of Applied Studies
52 = College of Engineering
51 = College of Fine Arts
84 = College of Health Professions
45 = Colleges and Schools
36 = Community Education
92 = Community Engagement Institute
35 = Community Programs
71 = Connoisseur
47 = Dance
58 = Departments
69 = Discover WSU
37 = Diversity and Inclusion (ODI)
73 = Faculty Recital
55 = Fairmount College
56 = Graduate School
38 = Greek Life
75 = Guest Recital
82 = Honors College
96 = Hugo Wall School of Public Affairs
57 = Inst. for Interdisciplinary Innovation
50 = Instrumental Ensemble
39 = International
48 = KSBDC
46 = Music Theatre / Theatre
98 = National Institute for Aviation Research
49 = Opera
77 = Organ
86 = Professional Development
62 = Rhatigan Student Center
100 = Senior Citizens
33 = Student Activities Council
61 = Student Government Association
81 = Student Health Services
34 = Student Involvement
59 = Student Life
79 = Student Recital
67 = Ulrich Museum of Art
60 = Undergrad Admissions
64 = University Libraries
88 = WPCE Badge Courses
102 = Youth Programs and Camps