The Habit of Making Value

We all have habits, don't we? They might be glaring or perhaps only noticed by a few people, or even hidden. They can be humorous, annoying, or even empowering. And some habits are more mental than behavioral. In this story-driven talk, you’ll hear the tale of an electrical engineering student named Ben. Through his story, we will consider a collection of mental habits that are indicative of a mindset. A mindset is the way we look at the world and our daily situations. It largely determines how we navigate the day. The good news is that there is mounting evidence that our habits and our mindset are more malleable than we might first assume. If they are malleable, what mental habits lead to those things that we mutually embrace: individual fulfillment, societal progress, and human flourishing? There is a growing network of engineering educators that share a mission, called the Kern Entrepreneurial Engineering Network or KEEN. They believe creating value for others is a mental habit that should be cultivated alongside an empowering technical skillset. Together, these educators are unleashing engineering.

Speaker Profile - Doug Melton

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