What makes people special

Life presents us with an endless array of opportunities for joy and fulfillment. Many of us, however, resign ourselves to an unsatisfying, even mundane existence as if it were preordained. It is not. Being special is not the providence of the gifted, the privileged or the wealthy. To the contrary, it is within all of us, regardless of who we are, what we have accumulated and what we look like. Through my many years as an adjunct professor in Entrepreneurship, an attorney who helped create and develop countless businesses, a Kansas District Court Judge in the family law and criminal departments, and an NCAA Division I radio basketball commentator, I have witnessed and been able to identify over 20 behavioral characteristics that differentiate people and help make them more special. The beauty of these attributes is that we can all awaken them within ourselves and employ them regularly in one fashion or another. But first we need to identify them. We will discuss a handful of those qualities through anecdotes and several exercises which will reveal how all of us can lead a more special, meaningful and profound life.

Speaker Profile - Dave Dahl

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