First-Year Experience and the Shocker Career Accelerator


Get started with the Shocker Career Accelerator first! Craft your college resume, get started with on-campus employment, and prep for your career. Learn how to build marketable skills and gain professional work experience before graduation through targeted internships, applied learning opportunities, one-on-one career counseling, workshops, career fairs, and more!

Student in an advising session.

Check out these tools and more! My Next Move an interactive tool for learning more about your career options, ONet Interest Profiler, a targeted approach in your career pathway, and What can I do with this major? Learn typical career areas and types of employers that hire in these fields.

Student operating the Boston Dynamics dog at the IT Career Fair.

Attend our career fairs and other events throughout the year to find out what skills employers are looking for. This can give you a leg-up when the time comes to look for internships, applied-learning or co-op opportunities, and your first job once you graduate! 

Career Counselor giving a Resume Clinic presentation.

We offer career appointments for job searches, resume reviews, mock interviews, career closet, professional photos, and more!

Female student on her laptop smiling.

Don't forget to set up your Handshake profile so you can sign up for events and career-counseling sessions and look for jobs and internships. We'd love to talk to you about your resume and how to make yours the best it can be. 

By the end of your first year at WSU, it would be beneficial to:

To-Do How-To
Refine your major and career exploration
Apply what you're learning outside of the classroom
Invest in your professional development